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Judgment Suspending Sentence Misdemeanors Form. This is a North Carolina form and can be use in Criminal Statewide.
Tags: Judgment Suspending Sentence Misdemeanors, CR-604, North Carolina Statewide, Criminal
File No.
Seat Of Court
In The General Court Of Justice
Superior Court Division
NOTE: [This form is to be used for misdemeanor offense(s). Use AOC-CR-342 or
AOC-CR-310 for DWI offense(s).]
Name Of Defendant
G.S. 15A-1341, -1342, -1343, -1343.2, -1346
Attorney For State
Def. Found
Not Indigent
The defendant
pled guilty to
File No.(s)
Def. Waived
Attorney For Defendant
was found guilty/responsible by the Court of
was found guilty by a jury of
Offense Description
Offense Date
Crt Rptr Initials
pled no contest to
G.S. No.
*Pun. Cl.
*NOTE: Enter punishment class if different from underlying offense class (punishment class represents a status or enhancement).
III (5+)
I (0)
II (1-4)
The Court has determined, pursuant to G.S. 15A-1340.20, the number of prior convictions to be
. Level:
1. The Court imposes the punishment term pursuant to a plea arrangement as to sentence under Article 58 of G.S. Chapter 15A.
2. The Court finds:
(a) enhancement for
G.S. 90-95(e)(4) (drugs).
G.S. 14-3(c) (hate crime).
G.S. 14-50.22 (gang).
(b) enhancement from required suspended sentence to Class 2 misdemeanor. G.S. 90-95(e)(7).
If in District Court, the Court found this issue beyond a reasonable doubt or the defendant pled guilty or no contest to this issue. If in Superior Court,
this finding is based on the jury's determination of this issue beyond a reasonable doubt or the defendant's plea of guilty or no contest to this issue.
3. The Court imposes mandatory punishment pursuant to G.S. 14-33(d) (assault in the presence of a minor).
4. The Court finds the above designated offense(s) is a reportable conviction under G.S. 14-208.6 and therefore
a. imposes the special conditions of probation set forth on the attached AOC-CR-603, Page Two, Side Two, and
b. makes the additional findings and orders on the attached AOC-CR-615, Side Two.
5. The Court finds the above-captioned offense(s) involved the (check all that apply)
physical or mental
sexual abuse of a minor
(If No. 4 not found) and therefore imposes the special conditions of probation set forth on the attached AOC-CR-603, Page Two, Side Two.
6. The Court finds this is an offense involving assault or communicating a threat, and the defendant had a personal relationship as defined by G.S.
50B-1(b) with the victim.
7. The Court finds that the above designated offense(s) involved criminal street gang activity. G.S. 14-50.25.
The Court, having considered evidence, arguments of counsel and statement of defendant, Orders that the above offenses, if more than one, be
consolidated for judgment and the defendant be imprisoned
Sheriff of
for a term of
days in the custody of the:
This sentence shall run at the expiration of sentence imposed in file number
The defendant shall be given credit for
toward the
sentence imposed above.
days spent in confinement prior to the date of this Judgment as a result of this charge(s), to be applied
imprisonment required for special probation below.
Subject to the conditions set out below, the execution of this sentence is suspended and the defendant is placed on
unsupervised probation for
1. The Court finds that a
shorter period of probation is necessary than that which is specified in G.S. 15A-1343.2(d).
2. The Court finds that it is NOT appropriate to delegate to the Division of Community Corrections in the Department of Correction the authority to
impose any of the requirements in G.S. 15A-1343.2(e) if the offender is sentenced to a community punishment, or G.S. 15A-1343.2(f) if the offender
is sentenced to an intermediate punishment.
3. The above period of probation shall begin when the defendant is released from incarceration in the case referred to below.
4. The above period of probation shall begin at the expiration of the sentence in the case referred to below.
File Number
5. The defendant shall comply with the conditions set forth in file number
6. The defendant shall provide a DNA sample pursuant to G.S. 15A-266.4. (AOC-CR-319 required)
The defendant shall pay to the Clerk of Superior Court the "Total Amount Due" shown below, plus the probation supervision fee, pursuant to a schedule
determined by the probation officer.
set out by the court as follows:
Court Costs
Attorney's Fee
Comm. Service Fee
Total Amount Due
*See attached "Restitution Worksheet, Notice And Order (Initial Sentencing)," AOC-CR-611, which is incorporated by reference.
Upon payment of the "Total Amount Due," the probation officer may transfer the defendant to unsupervised probation.
AOC-CR-604, Rev. 4/11
© 2011 Administrative Office of the Courts
Material opposite unmarked squares is to be disregarded as surplusage.
American LegalNet, Inc.
NOTE: Any probationary judgment may be extended pursuant to G.S. 15A-1342. The defendant shall: (1) Commit no criminal offense in any jurisdiction.
(2) Possess no firearm, explosive device or other deadly weapon listed in G.S. 14-269. (3) Remain gainfully and suitably employed or faithfully pursue a
course of study or vocational training, that will equip the defendant for suitable employment, and abide by all rules of the institution. (4) Satisfy child support
and family obligations, as required by the Court.
If the defendant is on supervised probation, the defendant shall also: (5) Remain within the jurisdiction of the Court unless granted written permission to
leave by the Court or the probation officer. (6) Report as directed by the Court or the probation officer to the officer at reasonable times and places and in a
reasonable manner, permit the officer to visit at reasonable times, answer all reasonable inquiries by the officer and obtain prior approval from the officer
for, and notify the officer of, any change in address or employment. (7) Notify the probation officer if the defendant fails to obtain or retain satisfactory
employment. (8) At a time to be designated by the probation officer, visit with the probation officer a facility maintained by the Division of Prisons.
(9) Submit at reasonable times to warrantless searches by a probation officer of the defendant's person and of the defendant's vehicle and premises while
the defendant is present, for purposes directly related to the probation supervision, but the defendant may not be required to submit to any other search
that would otherwise be unlawful. Whenever the warrantless search consists of testing for the presence of illegal drugs, the defendant may be required to
reimburse the Department of Correction for the actual cost of drug screening and drug testing, if the results are positive. (10) Submit to warrantless
searches by a law enforcement officer of the defendant's person and of the defendant's vehicle, upon a reasonable suspicion that the defendant is engaged
in criminal activity or is in possession of a firearm, explosive device, or other deadly weapon listed in G.S. 14-269 without written permission of the court.
(11) Not use, possess, or control any illegal drug or controlled substance unless it has been prescribed for the defendant by a licensed physician and is in
the original container with the prescription number affixed on it; not knowingly associate with any known or previously convicted users, possessors, or
sellers of any such illegal drugs or controlled substances; and not knowingly be present at or frequent any place where such illegal drugs or controlled
substances are sold, kept, or used.
there is an abuser treatment program, approved by the
12. The Court finds that the defendant is responsible for acts of domestic violence and
Domestic Violence Commission, reasonably available to the defendant, and the defendant shall attend and complete that program.
there is not
an approved abuser treatment program reasonably available.
it would not be in the best interests of justice to order the defendant to complete
an abuser treatment program because
NOTE: See AOC-CR-603, Page Two, Side Two, for Additional Conditions For Persons Convicted Of Domestic Violence.
SPECIAL CONDITIONS OF PROBATION - G.S. 15A-1343(b1), 143B-262(c)
The defendant shall also comply with the following special conditions which the Court finds are reasonably related to the defendant's rehabilitation:
13. Surrender the defendant's drivers license to the Clerk of Superior Court for transmittal/notification to the Division of Motor Vehicles and not
operate a motor vehicle for a period of
or until relicensed by the Division of Motor Vehicles, whichever is later.
14. Successfully pass the General Education Development Test (G.E.D.) during the first
months of the period of probation.
15. Complete
hours of community service during the first
days of the period of probation, as directed by the judicial service
coordinator. The fee prescribed by G.S. 143B-262.4 is
(for offenses committed on or after December 1, 2009) not due because it is assessed in a case adjudicated during the same term of court.
to be paid
pursuant to the schedule set out under Monetary Conditions above
days of this Judgment and before
beginning service.
16. Report for initial evaluation by
participate in all further evaluation, counseling, treatment or education programs recommended as a result of that evaluation, and comply with all
other therapeutic requirements of those programs until discharged.
17. Not assault, threaten, harass, be found in or on the premises or workplace of, or have any contact with
"Contact" includes any defendant-initiated contact, direct or indirect, by any means including but not limited to telephone, personal contact, e-mail,
pager, gift-giving, telefacsimile machine or through any other person, except
18. Other:
19. Comply with the Special Conditions Of Probation which are set forth on AOC-CR-603, Page Two.
A hearing was held in open court in the presence of the defendant at which time a fee, including expenses, was awarded the defendant's appointed
counsel or assigned public defender.
1. It is ORDERED that the Clerk deliver two certified copies of this Judgment and Commitment to the sheriff or other qualified officer
and that the officer cause the defendant to be delivered with these copies to the custody of the agency named on the reverse to
serve the sentence imposed or until the defendant shall have complied with the conditions of release pending appeal.
2. The defendant gives notice of appeal from the judgment of the District Court to the Superior Court.
3. The current pretrial release order is modified as follows:
4. The defendant gives notice of appeal from the judgment of the trial court to the appellate division. Appeal entries and any conditions
of post conviction release are set forth on form AOC-CR-350.
Name Of Presiding Judge (Type Or Print)
Signature Of Presiding Judge
I certify that this Judgment and the attachment(s) marked below is a true and complete copy of the original which is on file in this case.
1. Appellate Entries (AOC-CR-350)
4. Judicial Findings As To Required DNA Sample (AOC-CR-319)
2. Judgment Suspending Sentence, Page Two [Special Conditions Of
5. Judicial Findings And Order For Sex Offenders - Suspended
Probation] (AOC-CR-603, Page Two)
Sentence (AOC-CR-615, Side Two)
6. Convicted Sex Offender Permanent No Contact Order
3. Restitution Worksheet, Notice And Order [Initial Sentencing] (AOC-CR-611)
Date Of Certification
Date Certified Copies Delivered To Sheriff
Deputy CSC
AOC-CR-604, Side Two, Rev. 4/11
© 2011 Administrative Office of the Courts
Assistant CSC
Clerk Of Superior Court
Material opposite unmarked squares is to be disregarded as surplusage.
American LegalNet, Inc.
File No.
Name Of Defendant
NOTE: Use this page in conjunction with AOC-CR-310, "Impaired Driving - Judgment Suspending Sentence;" AOC-CR-603, "Judgment
Suspending Sentence - Felony;" AOC-CR-604, "Judgment Suspending Sentence - Misdemeanor(s);" AOC-CR-609, "Order On Violation
Of Probation Or On Motion To Modify;" AOC-CR-619, "Conditional Discharge Under G.S. 90-96(a);" or AOC-CR-621; "Conditional
Discharge Under G.S. 14-50.29."
In addition to complying with the regular and any special conditions of probation set forth in the "Judgment Suspending Sentence" entered in the above
case(s), the defendant shall also comply with the following special conditions of probation and conditions of special probation, which are defined as
intermediate punishments by G.S. 15A-1340.11(6).
1. Special Probation - G.S. 15A-1351
Contempt - G.S. 15A-1344(e1) and 5A-11(a)
For the defendant's active sentence as a condition of special probation, the defendant shall comply with these additional conditions of probation:
(1) Obey the rules and regulations of the Department of Correction governing the conduct of inmates while imprisoned. (2) Report to a probation
officer in the State of North Carolina within seventy-two (72) hours of the defendant's discharge from the active term of imprisonment.
hours in the custody of
Sheriff of this County.
A. Serve an active term of
B. The defendant shall report in a sober condition to begin serving his/her term on:
and shall remain in
custody until:
C. The defendant shall again report in a sober condition to continue serving this term on the same day of the week for the next
consecutive weeks, and shall remain in custody during the same hours each week until completion of the active sentence ordered.
D. This sentence shall be served at the direction of the probation officer within
months of this judgment.
F. Work release is recommended.
G. Substance abuse treatment is recommended.
E. Pay jail fees.
H. Other:
2. Residential Program - G.S. 15A-1340.11(8); 15A-1343(b1)(2)
Attend or reside in
(name program) residential program for a period of
months, and abide by all rules and after care regulations of that program.
3. House Arrest With Electronic Monitoring - G.S. 15A-1340.11(4a); 15A-1343(b1)(3c)
Be assigned to house arrest and electronic monitoring and remain at the defendant's residence for a period of
abide by all rules, regulations and directions of the probation officer regarding such monitoring, and pay the fee prescribed in G.S. 15A-1343(c2) as
provided under Monetary Conditions. The defendant may leave the residence for the following purpose(s) and as otherwise permitted by the
defendant's probation officer:
a course of study
vocational training.
4. Intensive Supervision - G.S. 15A-1340.11(5); 15A-1343(b1)(3b); 143B-262(c)
Submit to intensive supervision pursuant to G.S. 143B-262(c), for a period of
months (6 to 9 months recommended by the Division of
Community Corrections), and comply with the rules adopted for such supervision by the Division of Community Corrections.
5. Day-Reporting Center - G.S. 15A-1340.11(3); 15A-1343(b1)(10); 15A-1340.11(6)
Report as directed by the probation officer to the Day Reporting Center for a period of
abide by all rules and regulations of that program.
months, and
6. Drug Treatment Court - G.S. 15A-1340.11(3a); 15A-1340.11(6)
Comply with the rules adopted for the program as provided for in Article 62 of Chapter 7A of the General Statutes and report on a regular basis for
a specified time to participate in court supervision, drug screening or testing, and drug or alcohol treatment programs.
If subject to intermediate punishment, the defendant shall, in addition to the terms and conditions imposed above, comply with the following intermediate
conditions of probation. (1) If required by the defendant's probation officer, perform community service under the supervision of the Division of Community
Corrections, and pay the fee required by G.S. 143B-262.4, but no fee shall be due if the Court imposed community service as a special condition of
probation and assessed the fee in this judgment or any judgment for an offense adjudicated in the same term of court. (2) Not use, possess, or control
alcohol. (3) Remain within the defendant's county of residence unless granted written permission to leave by the court or the defendant's probation officer.
(4) Participate in any evaluation, counseling, treatment, or educational program as directed by the probation officer, keeping all appointments and abiding
by the rules, regulations, and direction of each program.
AOC-CR-603, Page Two, Side One, Rev. 4/11
© 2011 Administrative Office of the Courts
Material opposite unmarked squares is to be disregarded as surplusage.
American LegalNet, Inc.
NOTE: The following are not defined as intermediate punishments under G.S. 15A-1340.11(6).
NOTE: Select only one of the three sets of conditions below.
7. Special Conditions For Reportable Convictions - G.S. 15A-1343(b2)
NOTE: Impose only for a reportable conviction under G.S. 14-208.6.
The defendant has been convicted of an offense which is a reportable conviction as defined in G.S. 14-208.6(4) and must
1. Register as a sex offender and enroll in satellite-based monitoring if required on the attached AOC-CR-615, Side Two.
2. Participate in such evaluation and treatment as is necessary to complete a prescribed course of psychiatric, psychological, or other
rehabilitative treatment as ordered by the court.
3. Not communicate with, be in the presence of, or found in or on the premises of the victim of the offense.
4. (if the Court finds physical, mental or sexual abuse of a minor) Not reside in a household with
a. (for sexual abuse) any minor child.
b. (for physical or mental abuse) any minor child
other than the child(ren) named below, for whom the court expressly finds that it is
unlikely that the defendant's harmful or abusive conduct will recur and that it would be in the best interest of the child(ren) named below
to reside in the same household with the probationer. (Name minor child(ren) with whom the probationer may reside in the same household):
5. Submit at reasonable times to warrantless searches by a probation officer of the defendant's person, of the defendant's vehicle and
premises, and of the defendant's computer or other electronic mechanism which may contain electronic data, while the defendant is present,
for the following purposes which are reasonably related to the defendant's probation supervision:
child pornography
6. Other:
8. Special Conditions For Offenses Involving The Sexual Abuse Of A Minor - G.S. 15A-1343(b2)
NOTE: Impose if offense involved sexual abuse of a minor but is not a reportable conviction.
The defendant has been convicted of an offense involving the sexual abuse of a minor and must
1. Participate in such evaluation and treatment as is necessary to complete a prescribed course of psychiatric, psychological, or other
rehabilitative treatment as ordered by the court.
2. Not communicate with, be in the presence of, or found in or on the premises of the victim of the offense.
3. Not reside in a household with any minor child. (G.S. 15A-1343(b2)(4))
4. Submit at reasonable times to warrantless searches by a probation officer of the defendant's person, of the defendant's vehicle and
premises, and of the defendant's computer or other electronic mechanism which may contain electronic data, while the defendant is present,
for the following purposes which are reasonably related to the defendant's probation supervision:
child pornography
5. Other:
9. Special Conditions For Offenses Involving The Physical Or Mental Abuse Of A Minor - G.S. 15A-1343(b2)
NOTE: Impose if offense involved physical or mental abuse of a minor but is not a reportable conviction and did not involve sexual abuse.
The defendant has been convicted of an offense involving the physical or mental abuse of a minor and must
1. Participate in such evaluation and treatment as is necessary to complete a prescribed course of psychiatric, psychological, or other
rehabilitative treatment as ordered by the court.
2. Not communicate with, be in the presence of, or found in or on the premises of the victim of the offense.
3. Not reside in a household with
a. any minor child.
b. any minor child other than the child(ren) named below, for whom the court expressly finds that it is unlikely that the defendant's harmful
or abusive conduct will recur and that it would be in the best interest of the child(ren) named below to reside in the same household
with the probationer. (Name minor child(ren) with whom the probationer may reside in the same household):
4. Submit at reasonable times to warrantless searches by a probation officer of the defendant's person, of the defendant's vehicle and
premises, and of the defendant's computer or other electronic mechanism which may contain electronic data, while the defendant is present,
for the following purposes which are reasonably related to the defendant's probation supervision:
child pornography
5. Other:
10. Other Special Conditions:
The defendant shall
feet of
at any time.
A. not come within
B. fully comply with any 50B Domestic Violence Protective Order in effect.
The above conditions are incorporated in the "Judgment Suspending Sentence" in the above case(s) and made a part thereof.
Name Of Presiding Judge (Type Or Print)
AOC-CR-603, Page Two, Side Two, Rev. 4/11
© 2011 Administrative Office of the Courts
Signature Of Presiding Judge
Material opposite unmarked squares is to be disregarded as surplusage.
American LegalNet, Inc.
File No.
Name Of Defendant
File No.(s)
Offense Description
Offense Date
G.S. No.
*NOTE: Enter punishment class if different from underlying offense class (punishment class represents a status or enhancement).
AOC-CR-603, Page Three, Rev. 3/09, © 2009 Administrative Office of the Courts
American LegalNet, Inc.