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Nontestimonial Identification Order Form. This is a North Carolina form and can be use in Criminal Statewide.
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Tags: Nontestimonial Identification Order, CR-205, North Carolina Statewide, Criminal
File No. STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA County In The General Court Of Justice District Superior Court Division In Re: The Nontestimonial Identification Of Name And/Or Description NONTESTIMONIAL IDENTIFICATION ORDER Address (ADULT SUSPECT) G.S. Chapter 15A, Art. 14City, State, Zip Offense To The Suspect Named Or Described Above: You are ORDERED to appear at: Date Time Location AM PM The undersigned finds that there is probable cause to believe that the offense named above, which is punishable as a felony or Class A1 or Class 1 misdemeanor, has been committed. There are reasonable grounds to suspect that you committed the offense and that the results of the procedures ordered here will be of material aid in determining whether you committed the offense. The grounds to believe that an offense has been committed, to suspect that you committed it, and to believe that this Order will be of material aid in confirming or negating the suspicion, are stated in the attached application and affidavit. Your presence is required for the purpose of permitting nontestimonial identification procedures in order to aid in the investigation of the offense named above. The methods to be used and the time required to conduct the nontestimonial procedures are as follows: Procedures For Nontestimonial Identification Methods Time Required Hours Minutes During the period of your appearance you will not be subject to interrogation or asked to make any testimonial statement except that required for voice identification. You may request the Court to modify the time and place for the identification procedure ordered including a request to hold the procedure at your residence, unless a line-up is ordered. You are entitled to be represented by an attorney at the procedure, and if you cannot afford to retain an attorney, the state will appoint one if you so desire. IF YOU FAIL TO APPEAR AS THIS ORDER DIRECTS, YOU MAY BE HELD IN CONTEMPT OF COURT. This information was furnished under oath by the person(s) named below. Name Of Prosecutor Date Name Of Other Affiant Signature District Court Judge Superior Court Judge Original-File Copy-Suspect AOC-CR-205, Rev. 6/99 (Over) 1999 Administrative Office of the Courts >>>> 2 INSTRUCTION TO SERVING OFFICER 1. This Order must be served personally at least seventy-two (72) hours before the nontestimonial identification procedure. 2. I find, for the reasons stated by the prosecutor in the application for the nontestimonial identification order, that the order does not have to be served at least seventy-two (72) hours before the nontestimonial procedure. Therefore, the order must be served within the time indicated below. Time In Which Order Must Be Served Prior To Procedure Date Signature District Court Judge Superior Court Judge RETURN OF SERVICE I certify that this Order was received and served as follows: Date Served Time Served Signature Of Suspect AM PM By delivering to the named suspect personally a copy of the order. Suspect WAS NOT served for the following reason: Date Received Date Of Return Name Of Law Enforcement Officer City, County Agency MODIFICATION ORDER The time and place of the suspects appearance is changed as follows: Date Signature District Court Judge Superior Court Judge AOC-CR-205, Side Two, Rev. 6/99 1999 Administrative Office of the Courts