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Order On Violation Of Probation Or On Motion To Modify (After Dec. 1, 2011) Form. This is a North Carolina form and can be use in Criminal Statewide.
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Tags: Order On Violation Of Probation Or On Motion To Modify (After Dec. 1, 2011), CR-609, North Carolina Statewide, Criminal
en-USFile No.en-USCo. Of Hearing en-USNOTE: en-USen-USen-US en-USSTATE OF NORTH CAROLINAen-US en-USCounty en-US en-US en-US Seat Of Courten-USIn The General Court Of Justice en-US District en-US Superior Court Divisionen-USORDER ON VIOLATION OF PROBATIONen-US en-USOR ON MOTION TO MODIFYen-USen-USG.S. 15A-1344, -1345en-USName Of Defendant en-USRaceen-USen-USDate Of Birthen-US en-USSTATE VERSUS en-US en-USen-US en-US en-USDef. Found en-US þ þ þ en-USen-USen-US þ þ Retained en-USThe defendant was placed on probation pursuant to the following Judgment Suspending Sentence: en-US þ 1. þ review under G.S. 15A-1342(b) or (d). After reasonable notice to the defendant, the Court en-US en-US en-US en-USen-USprobation is warranted by the defendant222s conduct and the ends of justice. þ 2. þ motion to modify the defendant222s probation without charge of violation. Upon en-US en-USnotice and hearing en-US consent of the State and the defendant en-USen-US, the Court en-US en-US en-US en-USen-USoriginal Judgment Suspending Sentence. þ 3. þ allegation of violation of the conditions of the defendant222s probation. en-USen-US. After considering the record in the above-en-USen-USen-US þ en-US1. þ en-USthe defendant violated the condition(s) of probation set forth in en-US en-USa. Paragraph(s) en-US en-US in the Violation Report or Notice of Hearing en-US en-USdated en-US en-US. en-US en-USb. Paragraph(s) en-US en-US in the Violation Report or Notice of Hearing dated en-US en-US. en-US c. the attached en-USen-USprobation. þ en-US2. þ en-USthe defendant violated the condition(s) of probation set forth in en-US en-USa. Paragraph(s) en-US en-US in the Violation Report or Notice of Hearing en-US en-USdated en-US en-US, en-US en-USb. Paragraph(s) en-US en-US in the Violation Report or Notice of Hearing dated en-US en-US, en-US c. the attached en-USsheet, but said violation(s) en-US en-USwas not willful. en-US en-US þ en-US3. þ en-US þ en-US4. þ en-USthe defendant is guilty of contempt beyond a reasonable doubt.en-USMaterial opposite unmarked squares is to be disregarded as surplusage.en-US(Over) en-USIt is ORDERED that: þ þ þ þ þ 3. þ the defendant222s limited driving privilege is REVOKED; the defendant shall surrender all copies of that privilege to the Clerk of Superior Court for en-US þ en-US4. þ en-USthe defendant222s probation is terminated. en-USNOTE: en-USen-USen-US þ þ þ 6. þ the disposition of this matter is continued until þ en-US. þ 7. þ the defendant for willful contempt: þ en-US en-USa. be imprisoned foren-US en-US days in the custody of the sheriff. en-US en-USas provided in AOC-CR-609, Page Two, attached. þ en-US en-USen-US en-US. en-US c. Other: þ en-US. þ 8. þ en-USen-US the defendant222s drivers license is revoked, whether the defendant is present or not. G.S. 143B-708 en-US(en-USNOTE:en-US en-USen-USen-US.) en-USORDER en-US en-USen-USen-USen-USen-USen-USen-USen-US en-USen-USen-US en-US en-US en-US set out by the court as follows: þ þ en-US. þ *Equals 223Total Amount Due224 as shown on original Judgment, en-USless all paymentsen-US made to date. en-US þû en-US en-USAOC-CR-618. en-US en-USOther: þ en-US.en-USen-USen-USen-USen-USen-USen-US en-USMODIFIED MONETARY CONDITIONS American LegalNet, Inc. en-USMaterial opposite unmarked squares is to be disregarded as surplusage.en-USI certify that this Order with the attachment(s) marked below is a true and complete copy of the original which is on file in this case. þ Order On Violation Of Probation Or On Motion To Modify (AOC-CR-609, en-USPage Two) þ en-USRestitution Update Worksheet, Notice And Findings (Revocation Or en-USTermination Of Probation) (AOC-CR-612) þ en-US(AOC-CR-615, Side Two) þ Other: þ en-US.en-USNOTE TO CLERK: en-USen-US(en-USNOTE: en-USen-USen-US)en-USI have received a copy of this Order en-USen-US en-US en-USbefore its entry, en-US en-USafter a hearing, and I agree to the modification(s) of my probation set out in it. en-USI understand that no person who supervises me or for whom I work while performing community service is liable to me for any loss or damage which I may en-USen-USto G.S. 15A-1344(d), 15A-1342(a), or 15A-1343.2(d). en-USen-USen-USDate þ þ þ en-US þ en-USen-USSEAL en-USCERTIFICATION þ en-USIt is ORDERED that the Clerk deliver en-USen-US certified copies of this Order and Commitment to the sheriff or other qualified officer and that the officer en-UScause the defendant to be delivered with these copies to the custody of the agency named on the reverse to serve the sentence imposed or until the en-USdefendant shall have complied with the conditions of release pending appeal. þ en-USThe defendant gives notice of appeal from the Judgment of the District Court to the Superior Court. þ en-USNOTE: þ en-USen-US þ en-USThe current pretrial release order is modified as follows: þ en-US. þ en-USThe defendant gives notice of appeal from the Judgment of the Superior Court to the Appellate Division. Appeal entries and any conditions of en-US en-USpost-conviction release are set forth on form AOC-CR-350. en-USSIGNATURE OF JUDGE en-USDateen-USen-US þ þ en-US en-US þ þ a. þ for good cause shown, pursuant to G.S. 15A-1344(d). ( en-USNOTE: en-USen-USen-US) þ þ b. þ with the defendant222s consent, pursuant to G.S. 15A-1342(a) or G.S. 15A-1343.2(d). ( en-USNOTE: en-USen-USen-USen-US) þ 2. þ The defendant222s assignment to intensive supervision is terminated and the defendant is continued on supervised probation. þ 3. þ The defendant is transferred to en-US en-USunsupervised en-US en-USsupervised probation. þ 4. þ The defendant is allowed until en-US en-US to comply with the following condition(s): þ þ en-US. þ 5. þ The special conditions of probation identified below, as numbered and set out in the Judgment Suspending Sentence, are modified as follows: en-USen-US þ en-US6. þ þ The defendant shall also comply with the following additional special conditions of probation which the Court finds are related to the defendant222s en-USrehabilitation: þ þ en-UScomplete en-US en-US hours of community service during the first en-US en-US days after entry of this Order, as directed by the judicial services en-UScoordinator. The fee prescribed by G.S. 143B-708 is þ þ en-USen-US not assessed because it was assessed in the original Judgment or in a case adjudicated en-USduring the same term of court. þ þ en-USto be paid en-US pursuant to the schedule set out under Modified Monetary Conditions on Side One en-US en-USwithin en-US en-US days of this Order en-USand before beginning service. þ þ en-USen-US Abstain from alcohol consumption and submit to continuous alcohol monitoring for a period en-US en-USof en-US en-US en-US en-USdays, en-US en-USmonths, the Court having found that a substance abuse assessment has identified defendant222s alcohol en-USdependency or chronic abuse. þ þ en-USOther: en-US þ 7. þ en-USen-US The Court previously þ þ a. þ withheld delegated authority under G.S. 15A-1343.2(e) or (f) but grants it by this Order. þ þ b. þ did not withhold delegated authority under G.S. 15A-1343.2(e) or (f) but now finds that it is NOT appropriate to delegate such authority to the en-USSection of Community Corrections. þ 8. þ The sentence of intermediate punishment is modified, (or) pursuant to G.S.15A-1344(a), the previous sentence of community punishment is en-USmodified, as follows: comply with the conditions of intermediate punishment set forth on the attached AOC-CR-609, Page Two, Side One. þ 9. þ en-USen-USThe sentence is modified as follows: comply with the additional community and intermediate probation conditions en-USset forth on the attached AOC-CR-609, Page Two, Side Two. þ 10. þ As a result of the willful violation of probation, the defendant shall be incarcerated for the period of confinement in response to violation imposed on en-USthe attached AOC-CR-609, Page Two, Side Two. G.S. 15A-1344(d2). (en-USNOTE:en-US en-USen-US onlyen-US.en-US) þ þ en-US en-USG.S. 15A-1344(e2). (en-USNOTE: en-USen-US)en-USORDER OF COMMITMENT/APPEAL ENTRIES en-USen-USen-USen-USDate en-USOTHER MODIFICATIONS OF PROBATION American LegalNet, Inc. en-USMaterial opposite