Petition Order Notice Expunction Of Juvenile Records Upon Dismissal
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Petition Order Notice Expunction Of Juvenile Records Upon Dismissal Form. This is a North Carolina form and can be use in Juvenile Statewide.
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Tags: Petition Order Notice Expunction Of Juvenile Records Upon Dismissal, J-909M, North Carolina Statewide, Juvenile
en-USFile No. en-USName And Address Of Juvenile (Petitioner)en-USDate And File No. Of Juvenile Petition To Be Expungeden-USName And Address Of Chief Court Counseloren-USName And Address Of Law Enforcement Agencyen-USPETITION/ORDER/NOTICEen-USEXPUNCTION OF JUVENILE RECORDSen-USUPON DISMISSALen-US(UNDISCIPLINED/DELINQUENT) en-USSTATE OF NORTH CAROLINAen-US en-US Countyen-USIn The General Court Of Justiceen-USDistrict Court Divisionen-USIN THE MATTER OF en-USDate Of Birthen-USG.S. 7B-3200(h) en-USen-USabove, and: þ þ þ þ a hearing was held before the judge named below upon the written objection of the chief court counselor. þ þ 1. þ The Clerk of Superior Court and any law enforcement agency named above shall expunge all their records relating to the Juvenile en-US þ þ en-UScounselor named above, and shall send to the petitioner the notice required by G.S. 7B-3202. þ en-USen-USand in support of this Petition I state: þ 2. þ The Court dismissed the juvenile petition without an adjudication that I was delinquent or undisciplined. en-USI request that an order be entered pursuant to G.S. 7B-3200 to expunge all records of the delinquent or undisciplined acts alleged in that en-USPetition.en-USI certify that a copy of this petition was served by: þ delivering a copy personally to the chief court counselor. þ en-USand custody of the U.S. Postal Service directed to the chief court counselor. þ en-USCERTIFICATE OF SERVICE en-USPETITION en-US en-USJuvenile en-US Parent en-US Attorney en-USDateen-USName (type or print)en-USSignature en-USORDER en-USDateen-USName Of Presiding Judge (type or print)en-USSignature Of Presiding Judge en-US(en-USNOTE:en-US en-USen-US.)en-US(Over)en-USNC-JOIN No. American LegalNet, Inc. en-USNOTICE TO PETITIONER AND CERTIFICATION BY CLERK en-USTo The Petitioner Named Above:en-USen-USbeen expunged. With respect to those acts, you may, from now on, inform any person that you were not arrested and have no record.en-USTo Any Law Enforcement Agency Named On The Reverse And To The Chief Court Counselor Of This District:en-USen-USbeing forwarded to you pursuant to G.S. 7B-3200. NOTE: þ en-USen-USen-USen-USNOTES TO CLERK: þ þ en-USen-USen-US en-US þ þ en-USen-USen-USen-USen-USen-USDateen-USSignature en-US en-USAssistant CSC en-US en-US American LegalNet, Inc.