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STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA County Name And Address Of Petitioner File No. In The General Court Of Justice Superior Court Division Before The Clerk Name Of Respondent(s) VERSUS PETITION FOR AUTHORIZATION TO SELL MOTOR VEHICLE UNDER A LIEN G.S. 20-77(d), 42-25.9(g), 44A-2(e2), 44A-4(b)(1) I, the undersigned petitioner, being duly sworn, petition the Court to issue an order authorizing me to sell the motor vehicle(s) described on the reverse side of this Petition to satisfy my lien(s) against the vehicle(s), and state that the following information is true and accurate: 1. a. b. c. I am a person who repairs, services, tows, or stores motor vehicles in the ordinary course of my business, and I entered into an express or implied contract with the owner(s) or legal possessor(s) of the motor vehicle(s) listed on the reverse side. I am an operator of a place of business for garaging or parking vehicles for the public and the motor vehicle(s) listed on the reverse side has/have remained unclaimed for at least 10 days. I am a landowner on whose property the motor vehicle(s) listed below have been abandoned for at least 30 days. The property was not left by a tenant. [G.S. 42-25.9(g), 44A-2(e2)] 2. The amount of lien claimed and the services performed are as listed on the reverse side. 3. I attempted to assert my lien in each motor vehicle listed on the reverse side and in each case the Division of Motor Vehicles notified me either (a) that it could not determine the name of the owner of the vehicle, which had fair market value of less than $800 as determined by the schedule of values adopted by the Commissioner of Motor Vehicles (You must contact your local North Carolina license plate registration agency to determine the market value.), or (b) that the registered or certified notice has been returned as undeliverable. (A copy of each notice from the Division of Motor Vehicles is attached.) 4. I petition to sell the listed vehicle(s) at a public private sale at the date, time, and location stated below. I understand that I must comply with the provisions of G.S. 44A-4(c) through (f) in holding a public or private sale. Date Of Proposed Public Sale Date After Which Private Sale Proposed Time Of Proposed Public Sale AM PM Location Of Proposed Sale I, the undersigned petitioner, request the Clerk of Superior Court to order a sale of the vehicle(s) listed on the reverse side at the time and location specified above, and, in addition, to allow storage charges from today until the date of sale, at the rate listed on the reverse side, and to recover the costs of the proceeding. SWORN/AFFIRMED AND SUBSCRIBED TO BEFORE ME Date Signature Signature Of Petitioner Address City, State, Zip Deputy CSC Clerk Of Superior Court Date Commission Expires Assistant CSC Notary Telephone No. SEAL should talk with an attorney. NOTE TO PETITIONER: The Clerk cannot help you fill out this form or give you advice about bringing this proceeding. If you need assistance, you (Over) AOC-SP-905M, Rev. 5/14 � 2014 Administrative Office of the Courts American LegalNet, Inc. Make/Year Name Of Registered Owner Last Known Address City, State, Zip Name Of Person With Whom Dealt, If Not Owner Address Of Person With Whom Dealt, If Not Owner City, State, Zip VEHICLE NO. 1 Vehicle ID No. Repairs Towing Storage Cost To Date Total Lien Claimed To Date (Plus Storage at $ $ $ $ $ Per Day Until Sold) Make/Year Name Of Registered Owner Last Known Address City, State, Zip Name Of Person With Whom Dealt, If Not Owner Address Of Person With Whom Dealt, If Not Owner City, State, Zip VEHICLE NO. 2 Vehicle ID No. Repairs Towing Storage Cost To Date Total Lien Claimed To Date (Plus Storage at $ $ $ $ $ Per Day Until Sold) Make/Year Name Of Registered Owner Last Known Address City, State, Zip Name Of Person With Whom Dealt, If Not Owner Address Of Person With Whom Dealt, If Not Owner City, State, Zip VEHICLE NO. 3 Vehicle ID No. Repairs Towing Storage Cost To Date Total Lien Claimed To Date (Plus Storage at $ $ $ $ $ Per Day Until Sold) Make/Year Name Of Registered Owner Last Known Address City, State, Zip Name Of Person With Whom Dealt, If Not Owner Address Of Person With Whom Dealt, If Not Owner City, State, Zip VEHICLE NO. 4 Vehicle ID No. Repairs Towing Storage Cost To Date Total Lien Claimed To Date (Plus Storage at $ $ $ $ $ Per Day Until Sold) AOC-SP-905M, Side Two, Rev. 5/14 � 2014 Administrative Office of the Courts American LegalNet, Inc.