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Amended Certificate Of Authority Foreign Limited Liability Company Application Form. This is a North Dakota form and can be use in Business Secretary Of State.
Tags: Amended Certificate Of Authority Foreign Limited Liability Company Application, SFN 51734, North Dakota Secretary Of State, Business
AMENDED CERTIFICATE OF AUTHORITY APPLICATION FOREIGN LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY SECRETARY OF STATE SFN 51734 (09-2015) For Office Use Only ID Number: WO Number: Filed: By: SEE INSTRUCTIONS FOR FEE, FILING AND MAILING INFORMATION 1A. The application MUST be accompanied by ALL of the following: Filing fee of $50 If amending the name, a current Certificate of Fact verifying the name change certified by the government officer of the state or country where articles of organization are filed TYPE OR PRINT LEGIBLY Foreign Business Foreign Professional 1B. The following MAY be required: Signed Consent to Use Business Name and fee of $10 Trade Name Registration and fee of $25 For reference, see North Dakota Century Code, Section 10-32.1-77 2. Type of limited liability company applying for amended certificate of authority (check one) 3. Reason for amended certificate of authority Name Changed Correction 4. Name of limited liability company EXACTLY as currently authorized by the North Dakota Secretary of State 5. Federal ID Number 6. Name of limited liability company as amended (EXACTLY as it appears on Certificate of Fact from the state or country of origin) 7. If applicable, provide the trade name and complete the Trade Name Registration form if selected trade name is not already registered in North Dakota. Only provide the trade name in this line if: a) The "new" limited liability company name is not in the form as required of limited liability companies in North Dakota. b) The Secretary of State has notified the limited liability company that its "new" name is the same or deceptively similar to a name already registered, and the limited liability company is unable to obtain Consent to Use Business Name from the previous filer or a certified copy of a final decree of a court of competent jurisdiction establishing prior right of this limited liability company to use of the name in North Dakota. c) The limited liability company does not wish to use or protect its "new" name in North Dakota and chooses to use a name other than its limited liability company name. 8. Complete address of principal executive office (Street/RR, PO Box, City, State, ZIP+4) Street address MUST be provided; may not be only a post office box. 10 Limited liability company will expire in state or country of origin (check one) 11. Telephone Number 9. State or Country Where Organized 12. Toll Free Telephone Number Perpetual Expires - Specify date: 13A. Name of commercial registered agent in North Dakota OR 13B. Name of noncommercial registered agent in North Dakota 13C. Address of noncommercial registered agent in North Dakota (Street/RR, PO Box, City, State, ZIP+4) Street address MUST be provided; may not be only a post office box. 14. Nature of business or activities the limited liability company conducts or intends to conduct in North Dakota 15. Managers and governors of the limited liability company (attach additional sheet, if necessary) Manager also serves as Governor Street/Rural Route COMPLETE MAILING ADDRESS Post Office Box City MANAGERS State ZIP+4 Managing Member Managing Member 16. "The undersigned has read the foregoing application, knows the contents, and believes the statements to be true. I further authorize the Secretary of State to correct numbers 4, 6, 9, 13A, 13B, and 13C if not correctly reflected. I understand that if I make a false statement in this document, I may be subject to criminal penalties." Signature Name of Person to Contact About This Document Email Address Date Daytime Telephone Number American LegalNet, Inc. SFN 51734 (09-2015) Page 2 of 3 AMENDED CERTIFICATE OF AUTHORITY APPLICATION FOREIGN LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY A foreign limited liability company holding a Certificate of Authority in the State of North Dakota must promptly apply for an Amended Certificate of Authority: a) When the limited liability company changes its name, or b) When statements on the application for Certificate of Authority or its last Amended Certificate of Authority are no longer correct, or were not correct at the time of filing. An Amended Certificate of Authority is not required if only the following changes occurred: The commercial or noncommercial registered agent, or the address thereof, has changed. This change may be effected by filing the Commercial or Noncommercial Registered Agent Statement of Change. The address of the principal executive office has changed. This address can be changed by notifying the Secretary of State by phone or in writing, or on the next Annual Report required to be filed by the limited liability company. The names and addresses of the managers or governors of a limited liability company have changed. Changes to the names and addresses of the managers or governors may be recorded on the next Annual Report required to be filed by the limited liability company. Instructions: The following numbered instructions correspond to the numbers on the form. 1A. The application for Amended Certificate of Authority MUST be accompanied by the following: Filing fee of $50. (Checks must be payable to "Secretary of State" and must be for U.S. negotiable funds. Payment may also be made by credit card using VISA, MasterCard, or Discover.) If amending the name, a current Certificate of Fact verifying the name change certified by the government officer of the state or country where Articles of Organization are filed. A copy or certified copy of Articles of Amendment is not acceptable. The certificate must have been certified within 90 days of the date of application. 1B. The application for Amended Certificate of Authority may be required to be accompanied by the following: Signed Consent to Use Business Name and fee of $10 when the limited liability company is aware of a conflict with its name as amended. Trade Name Registration and fee of $25 when the limited liability company assumes a name, other than its name as amended, for use in North Dakota. 2. Indicate whether the application is being submitted for an Amended Certificate of Authority for a foreign business limited liability company or a foreign professional limited liability company. 3. Indicate whether the Amended Certificate of Authority is required as a result of an amendment to the name or correction of other information disclosed on the application for Certificate of Authority or the last application for Amended Certificate of Authority. 4. Provide the limited liability company name EXACTLY as provided on t