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Foreign Limited Liability Partnership Registration Form. This is a North Dakota form and can be use in Business Secretary Of State.
Tags: Foreign Limited Liability Partnership Registration, SFN 50339, North Dakota Secretary Of State, Business
FOREIGN LIMITED LIABILITY PARTNERSHIP REGISTRATION SECRETARY OF STATE SFN 50339 (01-2016) For Office Use Only ID Number: WO Number: Filed: By: 1. FILING FEES: � New registration: � Amended registration: $60.00 $25.00 2. Attach a certificate of good standing or a certificate of existence authenticated by the registering officer of the state or country of origin. TYPE OR PRINT LEGIBLY SEE INSTRUCTIONS FOR FEE, FILING, AND MAILING INFORMATION. 3. Registration is a(n): New registration Amended registration 5. Federal ID Number 7. State or country of origin For reference, see North Dakota Century Code, Chapter 45-22. 4. Name of limited liability partnership exactly as it appears on certificate of good standing from state of origin 6. Name to be used in North Dakota, if different from that in number 4 (SEE INSTRUCTIONS) 8. Complete address of principal executive office (street/RR, PO box, city, state, ZIP+4) Street address MUST be provided; may not be only a post office box. 9. Expiration date in state or country of origin (month, day, year) 12A. Name of commercial registered agent in North Dakota 10. Telephone Number 11. Toll-Free Telephone Number OR 12B. Name of noncommercial registered agent in North Dakota 12C. Address of noncommercial registered agent in North Dakota (Street/RR, PO Box, City, State, ZIP+4) Street address MUST be provided; may not be only a post office box. 13. Nature of business to be transacted in North Dakota 14. Answer the questions below: (If "yes" to either question, provide the names and addresses of all partners in number 15.) YES NO Will the limited liability partnership be engaged in farming or ranching in North Dakota? Will the limited liability partnership own or lease land in North Dakota that is used for farming or ranching? 15. Names, social security/federal ID numbers, and residential addresses of the managing partners (If number 14 indicates "yes" for either question, provide information for all partners. If engaged in farming or ranching, or if owning or leasing land used for farming or ranching in North Dakota, all partners must be individuals, corporations, limited liability companies, or other partnerships in compliance with N.D.C.C., Chapter 10-06.1.) Federal ID/Social Security COMPLETE ADDRESS Name Number Street/Rural Route Post Office Box City State ZIP+4 16. "The above named partners acknowledge that the status of limited liability partnership will automatically expire unless a limited liability partnership status is continuously maintained in the state or country of origin. The undersigned managing partners have read the foregoing registration, know the contents thereof, and believe the statements made thereon to be true. The undersigned further authorizes the Secretary of State to correct numbers 4, 7, 12A, 12B, and 12C if not correctly reflected." Signature Signature Signature Date Date Date Signature Signature Signature Date Date Date Daytime Telephone Number American LegalNet, Inc. 17. Name of person to contact about this document Email Address SFN 50339 (01-2016) Page 2 of 4 ASSISTANCE: If assistance is required to complete the form, contact the Secretary of State. FAX FILING: A document and Credit Card Payment Authorization may be faxed to (701) 328-2992. A faxed filing does not expedite the process of the document in the office of the Secretary of State. EMAIL: Email is not a secure utility for the transmission of private information or credit card authorizations. DO NOT EMAIL YOUR DOCUMENT TO THE SECRETARY OF STATE. MAILING INSTRUCTIONS: Send the form and filing fee to: Secretary of State State of North Dakota 600 E Boulevard Ave Dept 108 Bismarck ND 58505-0500 Telephone: (701) 328-2904 Toll-Free: (800) 352-0867 (option 3) Fax: (701) 328-2992 American LegalNet, Inc. Website: SFN 50339 (01-2016) Page 3 of 4 INSTRUCTIONS FOR FOREIGN LIMITED LIABILITY PARTNERSHIP REGISTRATION A foreign LLP must file a Foreign Limited Liability Partnership Registration with the Secretary of State before transacting any business in North Dakota or before obtaining any license or permit required by North Dakota laws. Anyone acting as a LLP without a registration in effect is jointly and severally liable for all debts and liabilities incurred or arising as a result. The following numbers correspond to the numbered sections on page 1 of this form: 1. FILING FEES: � New registration $60 � Amended registration $25 Checks must be payable to "Secretary of State" and must be for U.S. negotiable funds. The Secretary of State accepts credit card payments using Visa, MasterCard, Discover, or American Express. 2. Attach a current Certificate of Good Standing or Certificate of Existence verifying identity, existence, and status as a LLP. The certificate must be certified by the proper officer of the state or country under the laws of which it is organized. The certificate must have been certified within 90 days of the date of registration with the North Dakota Secretary of State. 3. Indicate whether the application is being submitted for a new registration or an amended registration. 4. Provide the name of the LLP exactly as it appears on the certificate of good standing. All punctuation and abbreviations must be consistent with those in the name on the Certificate of Good Standing or Certificate of Existence from the organizing officer of the state or country where organized. If the name in number 4 is not the same as reflected on the Certificate of Good Standing or Certificate of Existence, the name will be corrected by the Secretary of State when the document is received. 5. A LLP's Federal ID number is helpful to maintain accurate records. Please provide if you have one. Privacy: In compliance with North Dakota Law, Federal ID numbers and social security numbers are not disclosed to the public. They are used by the Secretary of State to maintain accurate limited liability partnership files. Therefore, while voluntary disclosure is requested, failure to do so will not result in rejection of the registration. 6. Provide the name the foreign LLP elects to use in North Dakota. An alternate name must be elected as follows: a. If the name of the foreign LLP does not include the words "limited liability partnership", or the abbreviations "L.L.P.", or "LLP" as is required by law. b. If the name of the foreign LLP is the same as, or deceptively similar to, any corporate name, limited liability company name, trade