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NDLSHC Stip DNC Form 10/Rev Aug 2017 IN DISTRICT COURT, COUNTY, NORTH DAKOTA , } Plaintiff, } } vs. } NOTICE OF ENTRY OF JUDGMENT } } Civil No. . } Defendant. } TO: DEFENDANT, , PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that on , 20, a Judgment was entered in the office of the Clerk of District Court, County, City of , North Dakota, Docket Number . A copy of the judgment is attached. Dated this day of , 20. Signature of Plaintiff Typed or Printed Name of Plaintiff Address , City State Zip Code () Telephone Number American LegalNet, Inc. NDLSHC Stip DNC Form 10/Rev Aug 2017 DIVORCE WITH AGREEMENT: WITHOUT CHILDREN INSTRUCTIONS FOR NOTICE OF ENTRY OF JUDGMENT FORM (The Notice of Entry of Judgment Form (Form 10) is part of the Divorce with Agreement: Without Children packet of forms. Review the instructions for the packet of forms before completing the Notice of Entry of Judgment.) ND Legal Self Help Center Staff and Court employees cannot help you fill out forms. If you are unsure how to proceed, you should consult a lawyer. There is no guarantee that all judges and courts will accept forms available through the ND Legal Self Help Center. Use at your own risk. Do not include these instruction sheets when you serve or file the completed form. THE PLAINTIFF COMPLETES AND SIGNS THIS FORM. Within 14 days after the divorce judgment is entered, the plaintiff must serve a completed copy of the Notice of Entry of Judgment form (Form 10) on the defendant. A copy of the signed and dated divorce judgment must be served with the Notice of Entry of Judgment. Top of Form (Caption): Fill in the caption exactly as you filled in the caption on the Summons form (Form 1). To: Fill in the full, legal name of the defendant. Paragraph: Fill in the date the Clerk of Court signed the divorce judgment. Fill in the County and City of the North Dakota District Court where the divorce judgment was signed. Fill in the Docket Number of the divorce judgment. To find the Docket Number of the divorce judgment: Go to the online District Court Case/Calendar Search at . Click on the 223District Court Case/Calendar Search224 link located in the right-hand column. Read the information, then click on the 223Click here to Proceed224 link. Select the county where your divorce action was decided, or select State of North Dakota from the drop down menu. Click on the 223Civil, Family & Probate Case Records224 link. Select 223Case224 in the 223Search By:224 field. Enter your case number in the 223Case Number224 field. Click on the 223Search224 box. Click on the link for your case number. Scroll through the list of documents until you find the divorce judgment. (The date on the judgment should match the date of the judgment in the list of documents. American LegalNet, Inc. NDLSHC Stip DNC Form 10/Rev Aug 2017 The Docket Number will be shown as 223Doc ID# 224 Date and Signature: Complete the date and signature block. Fill in the date you sign this document. Sign the signature line. Fill in the address lines. If you have a physical address and a mailing address, type or write both addresses using the lines provided, and the space next to the address lines. Fill in the telephone number line. Make two copies of the completed and signed Notice of Entry of Judgment form (Form 10). Keep one copy for your records. You will serve the other copy on the defendant. The original is filed with the Clerk of Court. Make two copies of the divorce judgment with the signature and date of the Clerk of Court. Keep one copy for your records. You will serve the other copy on the defendant. Serve the following on the defendant: A copy of the completed and signed Notice of Entry of Judgment form (Form 10); and A copy of the divorce judgment signed and dated by the Clerk of Court. File the following with the Clerk of Court: The original, completed and signed Notice of Entry of Judgment form (Form 10); and A completed, signed and notarized affidavit of service that shows the defendant was served a copy of the completed Notice of Entry of Judgment form (Form 10) and a copy of the signed and dated divorce judgment. See service by mail instructions and an affidavit of service by mail form below. Do not include these instruction sheets when you serve or file the completed form. American LegalNet, Inc. NDLSHC Stip DNC Form 10/Rev Aug 2017 IN DISTRICT COURT, COUNTY, NORTH DAKOTA , } Plaintiff, } } vs. } AFFIDAVIT OF SERVICE BY MAIL } } Civil No. . } Defendant. } STATE OF NORTH DAKOTA COUNTY OF I, , swear that I am at least 18 years of age, and on , 20, I served the Notice of Entry of Judgment and a copy of the Judgment, in the above entitled case, on the following party by placing a true and correct copy of each in an envelope to the last known address of: and depositing the envelope, with sufficient postage, in the United States mail at the Post Office located in , . Dated: , 20 (Signature of Person Who Mailed Envelope) Subscribed and sworn to before me this day of , 20 . Clerk or Notary Public County, North Dakota If notary, my commission expires: American LegalNet, Inc. NDLSHC Stip DNC Form 10/Rev Aug 2017 DIVORCE WITH AGREEMENT: WITHOUT CHILDREN INSTRUCTIONS FOR AFFIDAVIT OF SERVICE BY MAIL FORM (The Affidavit of Service by Mail form is part of the Divorce with Agreement: Without Children packet of forms. Review the instructions for the packet of forms before completing the Affidavit of Service by Mail.) ND Legal Self Help Center Staff and Court employees cannot help you fill out forms. If you are unsure how to proceed, you should consult a lawyer. There is no guarantee that all judges and courts will accept forms available through the ND Legal Self Help Center. Use at your own risk. Do not include this instruction sheet when you serve or file the completed form. THE PERSON WHO SERVES A COPY OF THE NOTICE OF ENTRY OF JUDGMENT AND A COPY OF THE SIGNED AND DATED DIVORCE JUDGMENT ON THE DEFENDANT COMPLETES THIS FORM. Within 14 days after divorce judgment is entered, the plaintiff must have a completed copy of the Notice of Entry of Judgment form and a copy of the signed and dated divorce judgment served on the defendant. The plaintiff must file proof of service with the Clerk of Court. A completed, signed and notarized affidavit of service is your proof of service. Top of Form (Caption): Fill in the caption exactly as you filled in the caption on the Summons form (Form 1). County: Fill in the name of the County. Person Serving Documents: Fill in the full, legal name of the person serving the documents. Address Block: Fill in the full, legal name of the defendant. Fill in the defendant222s mailing address. This is the address where the copies of the documents were mailed. Post Office City/State: Fill in the city and state of the U.S. Post Office from which the copies of the documents were mailed. Date, Signature and Notary Public Block: The person serving the documents DOES NOT complete the Date, Signature or Notary Public lines until they are in front of a North Dakota Clerk of District Court or a notary public. The clerk or notary public will witness the signature and fill out and sign the Notary Public lines. You can find more information about service at by clicking on the 223Service224 link. American LegalNet, Inc.