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Page 1 of 2 Stip DNC Form 2/Rev May 2018 IN DISTRICT COURT, COUNTY, NORTH DAKOTA , } Plaintiff, } } vs. } COMPLAINT } } Civil No. , } Defendant. } 1. The plaintiff has been a resident of the State of North Dakota for at least the last six months. 2. No separate proceeding for dissolution of marriage or legal separation has been started or is pending in the State of North Dakota or elsewhere. 3. Plaintiff222s identifying information is as follows: Full Name: First Middle Last Address: Street Address Apt. City County State Zip Year of Birth: Last Four Digits of Social Security Number: 4. Defendant222s identifying information is as follows: Full Name: First Middle Last Address: Street Address Apt. City County State Zip Year of Birth: Last Four Digits of Social Security Number: American LegalNet, Inc. Page 2 of 2 Stip DNC Form 2/Rev May 2018 5. The plaintiff and defendant were married on (date) at (city), (state), and ever since have been and now are spouses. 6. That the parties have no minor children nor are expecting any children to be born of the marriage. 7. The parties are owners of property, which should be divided by the Court and an equitable portion thereof, awarded to each party. 8. The parties have accumulated a certain amount of debt throughout the marriage, which should be divided, and an equitable portion thereof assessed to each party. 9. For some time prior to the commencement of this action, irreconcilable differences have arisen between the plaintiff and defendant. That this has destroyed the legitimate objects of the marriage and made it impossible for the plaintiff and defendant to live together as spouses. WHEREFORE, plaintiff prays for Judgment as follows: 10. The bonds of matrimony presently existing between the plaintiff and defendant be wholly dissolved and that the parties be granted an absolute decree of divorce from each other. 11. For an equitable division of the property. 12. For an equitable distribution of the accumulated debts of the parties. 13. For such other and further relief as may be equitable and just. Dated this day of , 20. (Signature of Plaintiff) (Plaintiff222s Printed Name) (Address) (City, State, Zip Code) (Telephone Number) American LegalNet, Inc.