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NDLSHC [1] Stip DWC Form 7 Inst/Rev Aug 2018 DIVORCE WITH AN AGREEMENT 226 WITH CHILDREN INSTRUCTIONS FOR FORM 7: AFFIDAVIT OF PROOF FOR STIPULATED JUDGMENT (Form 7: Affidavit of Proof for Stipulated Judgment is part of the Divorce With an Agreement 226 With Children packet of forms. Review the instructions for the packet of forms before completing the Affidavit of Proof for Stipulated Judgment.) ND Legal Self Help Center Staff and Court employees cannot help you fill out forms. If you are unsure how to proceed, you should consult a lawyer. There is no guarantee that all judges and courts will accept forms available through the ND Legal Self Help Center. Use at your own risk. Do not include these instruction sheets when you serve or file the completed form. THE PLAINTIFF COMPLETES AND SIGNS THIS FORM. Top of form (Caption): Fill in the caption exactly as you filled in the caption on Form 1: Summons. First Sentence: Fill in your (the Plaintiff222s) full, legal name. Paragraph 1: Read carefully. You, the Plaintiff, do not need to fill out anything for Paragraph 1. Paragraph 2: Read carefully. If the statement is not true, you may not use this form or the Divorce With an Agreement 226 With Children packet of forms. Paragraph 3: Fill in the date you and the Defendant were married. Paragraph 4: Fill in the initials and year of birth each minor child of you and the Defendant. If you have more than three minor children together, type or write the initials and yearof birth of each additional child in the blank space available in Paragraph 4.Paragraph 5: Put a checkmark () next to the option that is true for you, the Plaintiff. Paragraph 6: Put a checkmark () next to the option that is true for the Defendant. Paragraph 7: Put a checkmark () next to the statement that is true for your situation. If neither statement is true, you may not use this form or the Divorce With an Agreement 226 With Children packet of forms. Complete the option you checkmarked.Paragraph 8: Put a checkmark () next to the statement that is true for your situation. If neither statement is true, you may not use this form or the Divorce With an Agreement 226 With Children packet of forms. American LegalNet, Inc. NDLSHC [2] Stip DWC Form 7 Inst/Rev Aug 2018 See the instructions for the packet of forms for the definitions of deployed or deploying spouse. Paragraph 9: Read carefully. You do not need to fill out anything for Paragraph 9. Paragraph 10: Read carefully. You do not need to fill out anything for Paragraph 10. Paragraph 11: Read carefully. If this statement is not true, you may not use this form or the Divorce With an Agreement 226 With Children packet of forms. Put a checkmark () next to the option that is true for you. Paragraph 12: Read carefully. You do not need to fill out anything for Paragraph 12. Do not sign and date until you are in the presence of a Notary Public or a Clerk of Court. The Plaintiff signs and dates the completed form. Fill in your address. The affidavit does not have to be signed in North Dakota or signed by a North Dakota Notary Public or a North Dakota Clerk of Court. If you sign the affidavit in a state other than North Dakota, sign in the presence of a Notary Public or Clerk of Court of that state. Do not include these instruction sheets when you serve or file the completed form. American LegalNet, Inc. NDLSHC Page 1 of 3 Stip DWC Form 7/Rev 2018 STATE OF NORTH DAKOTA IN DISTRICT COURT COUNTY OF JUDICIAL DISTRICT ) ) (Plaintiff) ) Case No. PLAINTIFF, ) Vs ) ) AFFIDAVIT OF PROOF FOR ) STIPULATED JUDGMENT (Defendant) ) DEFENDANT. ) I, , the undersigned, state as follows: 1.I am the Plaintiff in the above entitled action.2.I am presently a resident of the State of North Dakota, and have in good faith been aresident of the State of North Dakota for six (6) months preceding this action. 3.The Defendant and I were married to each other on and have since that date remained spouses. 4.The Defendant and I have minor child(ren) together. The initials and year ofbirth of each minor child is listed below: Initials: Year of Birth: Initials: Year of Birth: Initials: Year of Birth: 5.I am the mother OR father (choose one) of the minor child(ren).6.The Defendant is the mother OR father (choose one) of the minor child(ren). American LegalNet, Inc. NDLSHC Page 2 of 3 Stip DWC Form 7/Rev 2018 7.(Choose one)The minor child(ren) has/have lived in North Dakota with me OR the Defendant (chooseone) for at least six consecutive months, of since birth if less than six months old, immediately before the start of this proceeding. OR North Dakota was the home state of the minor child(ren) within six months of the start of thisproceeding, and I OR the Defendant (choose one) continues to reside in North Dakota. 8.(Choose one)Neither I nor the Defendant is currently in the Armed Services of the United States of Americaor its allies. OR I am / the Defendant is (choose all that apply) currently in the Armed Services of the UnitedStates of America or its allies but not currently deployed or notified of deployment. 9.Irreconcilable differences exist between the Defendant and I, and these differenceshave made it impossible for us to continue our marriage. 10.The Defendant and I have entered into an agreement regarding distribution of property,the allocation of debts, the issues of parenting responsibility, parenting time, and child support, and all other issues of the marriage and divorce. We believe the Settlement Agreement and Exhibit A: Confidential Division of Property and Debts and Values provides for a fair and equitable division of the property and debts incurred during the marriage, the parenting rights and responsibilities determinations are in the best interests of the child(ren), and makes other appropriate determinations. American LegalNet, Inc. NDLSHC Page 3 of 3 Stip DWC Form 7/Rev Aug 2018 11. I have reviewed a signed copy of the Settlement Agreement and Exhibit A: Confidential Division of Property and Debts and Values, know the Defendant222s signature, and agree that it appears on the Settlement Agreement and Exhibit A. My signature also appears on the Settlement Agreement and Exhibit A. 12. I ask that the court adopt the Settlement Agreement and Exhibit A: Confidential Division of Property and Debts and Values as a full, complete, final and conclusive settlement of all issues pertaining to the dissolution of our marriage and that I be awarded a divorce incorporating the terms of the Settlement Agreement into the judgment. 13. I, , Plaintiff, state under penalty of perjury that the information in this Affidavit of Proof for Stipulated Judgment is true and correct. Dated this day of , 20. (Signature of Plaintiff) (Plaintiff222s Printed Name) (Address) (City, State, Zip Code) (Telephone Number) STATE OF ) COUNTY OF )SS Signed and sworn before me on , 20 by . (Notary Public or Clerk of Court) If notary, my commission expires: American LegalNet, Inc.