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NDLSHC Stip DWC Form 9 CS/May 2017 READ BEFORE FILLING OUT THE JUDGMENT (PROPOSED) Divorce can have serious long-term legal and financial consequences. It is strongly recommended that you consult a lawyer and carefully consider all of your options. Only a lawyer who has agreed to represent you can give you legal advice and tell you about your options based on your circumstances. This Judgment form is part of the Divorce With An Agreement 226 With Children forms packet. This form and the forms packet may be used if you answer 223Yes224 to ALL of the following: Both spouses are currently in communication with each other. Both spouses agree on all issues and there are no issues on which they disagree. One of the spouses has lived in North Dakota for the last six months. All of the minor children have lived in North Dakota with a spouse for at least the past 6 months (or since birth); *OR* Within the past 6 months, North Dakota was the home state of all of the minor children and one spouse still lives in North Dakota. This is the only legal action pending between the spouses regarding the marriage or the minor children. Neither spouse is currently in the military; *OR* one or both spouses are currently in the military but not deploying or deployed. There is no domestic violence protection order or disorderly conduct restraining order in effect regarding either spouse. If you answered 223No224 to any of the above, you may not use this form or the forms packet. Read the instructions for the forms packet and this form before filling out the Judgment form. If you are unsure how to proceed, you should consult a lawyer. The form must be filled out completely. If the form is not filled out completely, the form may not be accepted by the clerk of court for filing. If the form is accepted for filing, but the judge or judicial referee assigned to the action determines the form is incomplete, your case may be dismissed without granting a divorce. Do not include this cover sheet when you serve or file the completed form. American LegalNet, Inc. NDLSHC Stip DWC Form 9 Inst/Rev Jun 2018 DIVORCE WITH AN AGREEMENT 226 WITH CHILDREN INSTRUCTIONS FOR FORM 9: JUDGMENT (Form 9: Judgment is part of the Divorce With an Agreement 226 With Children packet of forms. Review the instructions for the packet of forms before completing the Judgment.) ND Legal Self Help Center Staff and Court employees cannot help you fill out forms. If you are unsure how to proceed, you should consult a lawyer. There is no guarantee that all judges and courts will accept forms available through the ND Legal Self Help Center. Use at your own risk. Do not include this instruction sheet when you serve or file the completed form. To complete this form you will need the original or a copy of your completed Form 3: Settlement Agreement. Top of form (Caption): Fill in the caption exactly as you filled in the caption on Form 1: Summons. Introductory Paragraph: DO NOT fill in any information. If the Court uses this form, the Clerk of Court will fill in the information in the introductory paragraph. IT IS HEREBY ORDERED AND ADJUDGED AND DECREED AS FOLLOWS: PARAGRAPHS 1 226 38 To complete this section of the form, you will need to refer to the completed 223Stipulated Terms For Judgment224 section of your completed Form 3: Settlement Agreement. Copy the information EXACTLY from each paragraph of the 223Stipulated Terms For Judgment224 section of your completed Form 3: Settlement Agreement into the corresponding paragraphs of Form 9: Judgment. PARAGRAPH 38 Fill in the last four digits of the Plaintiff222s Social Security Number and the last four digits of the Defendant222s Social Security Number. FINAL PARAGRAPH Leave this section blank. If the Court uses this form, the Clerk of Court will fill in the information. Do not include this instruction sheet when you serve or file the completed form. American LegalNet, Inc. NDLSHC Page 1 of 20 Stip DWC Form 9/Rev Jun 2018 STATE OF NORTH DAKOTA IN DISTRICT COURT COUNTY OF JUDICIAL DISTRICT ) ) (Plaintiff) ) Case No. PLAINTIFF, ) ) Vs ) JUDGMENT ) (Defendant) ) DEFENDANT. ) The above-entitled proceeding came before the above-named Court on the day of , 20, and was heard by the Honorable District Judge, in the District Court, County, North Dakota. Plaintiff did did not appear personally. Defendant did did not appear personally. The Court having reviewed the Settlement Agreement and Exhibit A: Confidential Division of Property and Debts and Values signed by both parties, and being fully advised in the premises, and having made its Findings of Fact, Conclusions of Law and Order for Judgment herein: IT IS HEREBY ORDERED AND ADJUDGED AND DECREED AS FOLLOWS: 1. JURISDICTION. The District Court, County, North Dakota, has jurisdiction over the parties and subject matter of the present action and that the proper venue of this action is in the District Court, County, North Dakota. 2. DIVORCE AND COURT APPROVAL. The Plaintiff is awarded an absolute Decree of Divorce on the grounds of irreconcilable differences, all in accordance with the provisions of the North Dakota Century Code. 3. PARENTAL RIGHTS AND RESPONSIBILITIES: The parties shall have the parental rights and responsibilities as set forth in North Dakota Century Code Section 14-09-32, which are as follows: American LegalNet, Inc. NDLSHC Page 2 of 20 Stip DWC Form 9/Rev Jun 2018 a. The right to access and obtain copies of the child's educational, medical, dental, religious, insurance, and other records or information. b. The right to attend educational conferences concerning the child. This right does not require any school to hold a separate conference with each parent. c. The right to reasonable access to the child by written, telephonic, and electronic means. d. The duty to inform the other parent as soon as reasonably possible of a serious accident or serious illness for which the child receives health care treatment. The parent shall provide to the other parent a description of the serious accident or serious illness, the time of the serious accident or serious illness, and the name and location of the treating health care provider. e. The duty to immediately inform the other parent of residential telephone numbers and address, and any changes to the same. f. The duty to keep the other parent informed of the name and address of the school the child attends. 4. PARENTING PLAN: Pursuant to N.D.C.C. 247 14-09-30, Paragraphs 4 through 18 constitute the Parenting Plan. 5. RESIDENTIAL RESPONSIBILITY AND PARENTING TIME: a. It is in the best interests of the minor child(ren) that residential responsibility shall be: (choose one) Shared equally between the Plaintiff and the Defendant. Primary residential responsibility shall be with the Plaintiff. The Defendant shall have parenting time as agreed in the Parenting Time Schedule below. Primary residential responsibility shall be with the Defendant. The Plaintiff shall have parenting time as agreed in the Parenting Time Schedule below. b. The legal residence of the minor child(ren) for school attendance shall be: (choose one) The Plaintiff222s place of residence. The Defendant222s place of residence. . American LegalNet, Inc. NDLSHC Page 3 of 20 Stip DWC Form 9/Rev Jun 2018 c. Parenting Time Schedule: The following schedule to be the ongoing consistent parenting time schedule for the child(ren). Plaintiff and Defendant recognize that there will be times when the schedule requires adaptation for the best interest of the child(ren). Plaintiff and Defendant intend the following schedule to be an attempt at consistency and stability for the child(ren): (P = Plaintiff, D = Defendant) Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday P: D: P: D: P: D: P: D: P: D: P: D: P: D: Additional detail for Parenting Time Schedule: . d. Alternate Schedules: The above Parenting Time schedule will be the default 223normal224 schedule except as outlined below, or as modified by mutual agreement. The alternate schedules will be as follows: (choose all that apply) Summer Time: Summer Time is defi