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Affidavit Of Mailing-Personal Service - Plaintiffs Claim Form. This is a North Dakota form and can be use in District Court Statewide.
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Tags: Affidavit Of Mailing-Personal Service - Plaintiffs Claim, 6, North Dakota Statewide, District Court
AFFIDAVIT OF MAILING/PERSONAL SERVICE - PLAINTIFF'S CLAIM (See Instructions on Reverse Side) AFFIDAVIT OF MAILING OF Plaintiff's Claim and Defendant's Forms: Name of Person who Mailed Papers Time Mailed Form 6 A.M. P.M. Date Mailed Defendant(s) To Whom Papers Were Mailed Where addressed (list each Defendant's name and address separately) Restricted Delivery receipt no.: Mailed at United States Post Office in City of In the State of I swear that I am at least 18 years of age, and that at the time and on the date shown above, I deposited a true copy of the PLAINTIFF'S CLAIM and DEFENDANT'S FORMS in this case, securely enclosed in an envelope with Restricted Delivery, Return Receipt postage duly prepaid, for each Defendant listed, at the above named United States Post Office. ________________________________________________ Signature of person who mailed papers ________________________________________________ Clerk or Notary Public ______________________________ County, North Dakota Subscribed and sworn to before me this _______ day of __________________________20_____. If notary, my commission expires: ___________________ *************************************************************************************************************** AFFIDAVIT OF PERSONAL SERVICE OF Plaintiff's Claim and Defendant's Forms: Name of Person who Served Papers Time Served A.M. P.M. Date Served Defendant(s) on Whom Papers Were Served Address where served I swear that I am at least 18 years of age, not a party to or interested in the above action, and that on the time and date shown above, I personally served a true copy of the Plaintiff's Claim and the Defendant's Forms in this case, on the Defendant and at the address shown above. ________________________________________________ Signature of person who served papers ________________________________________________ Clerk or Notary Public ______________________________ County, North Dakota Subscribed and sworn to before me this _______ day of __________________________20_____. If notary, my commission expires: ___________________ *************************************************************************************************************** SMALL CLAIMS COURT ____________________________________ COUNTY, North Dakota. CASE NO.________________ PLAINTIFF _______________________________________ vs. DEFENDANT ________________________________________ Revised 08/2015 American LegalNet, Inc. Form 6 INSTRUCTIONS FOR SERVING PAPERS ON A DEFENDANT Copies of the "Claim Affidavit" and the Defendant's Forms must be served on each defendant if there is more than one defendant. SERVICE MAY BE DONE IN TWO WAYS: BY MAIL A. If you elect to serve papers by mail you must: 1. Send to the Defendant by Restricted Delivery with Return Receipt the following: a. One copy of Form 1 b. One copy of Form 2 c. All the copies of Form 3 d. All the copies of Form 4 e. One copy of Form 5 f. One copy of Form 7 Complete the "Affidavit of Mailing" section on the reverse side of this form and have the person who mailed the forms sign in the appropriate section, in front of a clerk or notary. You MUST FILE the completed "Affidavit of Service" and the signed return receipt with the clerk AS SOON as you receive the receipt from the post office. Assistance in serving papers by mail will be given to you at the post office. OR PERSONAL SERVICE B. You may serve the Defendant personally by: 1. 2. Giving the forms to the sheriff to be served. (The sheriff will charge you a fee, which might be assessed against the Defendant if you win.) You may have another person who is of legal age and who is not a party to or interested in the case give the papers to the Defendant. If this is done, the person giving the papers to the Defendant must fill out the reverse side of this form and sign it before a clerk or have his/her signature notarized. The Defendant must be served with: a. One copy of Form 1 b. One copy of Form 2 c. All the copies of Form 3 d. All the copies of Form 4 e. One copy of Form 5 f. One copy of Form 7 After service is completed, you MUST FILE the completed "Affidavit of Service" with the clerk AS SOON as you receive the affidavit. 2. Revised 08/2015 American LegalNet, Inc.