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Labor Arbitration Rules Demand For Arbitration Form. This is a Official Federal Forms form and can be use in Labor American Arbitration Association.
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Tags: Labor Arbitration Rules Demand For Arbitration, Official Federal Forms American Arbitration Association, Labor
en-USDate: en-USName of Filing Party: en-USCheck applicable box: Filing Party is en-US Union or en-US Employeren-USAddress: en-USCity: en-USState: en-USZip Code: en-USTelephone: en-USFax No.: en-USCell Phone: en-USEmail Address: en-USName of Filing Party222s Representative: en-USName of Firm (if applicable): en-USRepresentative222s Address: en-USCity: en-USState: en-USZip Code: en-USTelephone: en-USFax No.: en-USCell Phone: en-USEmail Address: en-USAdditional Email(s) to be Copied on Correspondence: en-USAAA Should Communicate With Me By: en-US Email en-US Fax en-US Mailen-USThe 037ling party, a party to a Collective Bargaining Agreement dated en-US, which provides for en-USarbitration under the Labor Arbitration Rules of the American Arbitration Association, hereby demands arbitration.en-USNature of Grievance:en-US en-US en-USDischargeen-US en-US en-USSuspensionen-US en-US en-USOther Disciplineen-US en-US en-USContract Interpretationen-US en-US en-USOtheren-USDescribe:en-USRequested:en-US en-US en-USFull Administrationen-US en-US en-USList with Appointmenten-US en-US en-USList Onlyen-USRemedy Sought: American LegalNet, Inc. en-USName of Grievant(s) (if applicable): en-USThe 037ling party requests that hearings be held at the following location: en-USYou are hereby noti037ed that copies of our arbitration agreement and this demand are being 037led with the American Arbitration en-USAssociation of037ce located in en-US, with a request that it commence administration of the arbitration. en-US en-USUnder the rules, you may 037le an answering statement within ten (10) days after notice from the AAA.en-USName of Respondent: en-USCheck applicable box: Respondent is en-US Union or en-US Employeren-USContact Person: en-USAddress: en-USCity: en-USState: en-USZip Code: en-USTelephone: en-USFax No.: en-USEmail Address: en-USName of Respondent222s Representative (if known): en-USName of Firm (if applicable): en-USRepresentative222s Address: en-USCity: en-USState: en-USZip Code: en-USTelephone: en-USFax No.: en-USEmail Address: en-USAAA Customer Service can be reached at 800-778-7879.en-USReminders:en-US Send a copy of this form to the other side at the time it is forwarded to the AAA. Please reference appropriate fees en-US en-USpursuant to the fee schedule outlined in the Labor Rules. You can 037le your case online by visiting the AAA222s website at en-USwww.adr.orgen-US. en-US en-USPlease select 223AAA Web037le224 from the list of side menu options. en-USYou may also wish to visit our website for a complete list of our en-US en-USadministrative services and procedures, including our Grievance Mediation Procedures, Expedited Procedures, List Only Service en-US en-USand List with Appointment. Your case manager can also provide additional information. American LegalNet, Inc.