Notice Of Objection To Claim
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Notice Of Objection To Claim Form. This is a Official Federal Forms form and can be use in General Bankruptcy.
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Tags: Notice Of Objection To Claim, B20B, Official Federal Forms Bankruptcy, General
B20B (Official Form 20B) (Notice of Objection to Claim) (12/10)
United States Bankruptcy Court
_______________ District of _______________
In re
[Set forth here all names including married, maiden, and
trade names used by debtor within last 8 years.]
Last four digits of Social Security or Individual Tax-payer Identification
(ITIN) No(s).,(if any): _______________________________________
Employer's Tax Identification (EIN) No(s).(if any): ________________
Case No. ________________
Chapter _________________
____________________ has filed an objection to your claim in this bankruptcy case.
Your claim may be reduced, modified, or eliminated. You should read these papers carefully and
discuss them with your attorney, if you have one.
If you do not want the court to eliminate or change your claim, then on or before (date) , you or your
lawyer must:
{If required by local rule or court order.}
[File with the court a written response to the objection, explaining your position, at:
{address of the bankruptcy clerk’s office}
If you mail your response to the court for filing, you must mail it early enough so that the court will receive
it on or before the date stated above.
You must also mail a copy to:
{objector’s attorney’s name and address}
{names and addresses of others to be served}]
Attend the hearing on the objection, scheduled to be held on (date) , (year) , at ___ a.m./p.m. in
Courtroom____, United States Bankruptcy Court, {address}.
If you or your attorney do not take these steps, the court may decide that you do not oppose the objection to
your claim.
Date: _________________
Signature: _________________________
American LegalNet, Inc.