Application For Search Of Bankruptcy Records
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Application For Search Of Bankruptcy Records Form. This is a Official Federal Forms form and can be use in Procedural Forms Bankruptcy.
Tags: Application For Search Of Bankruptcy Records, B1320, Official Federal Forms Bankruptcy, Procedural Forms
B1320 (Form 1320) (12/16) UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT _______________ District Of _______________ APPLICATION FOR SEARCH OF BANKRUPTCY RECORDS * Name of individual or business that is the subject of the search: Social-Security No. or Individual Taxpayer-Identification No. (ITIN) of Subject: Employer Tax-Identification No. (EIN) (if any) of Subject: Please search your records for the following information regarding the individual or business named above: pending or closed bankruptcy cases in this district; pending or closed adversary proceedings; judgments/evidence of satisfaction of judgments; and other [describe briefly] Please search for the period from _____________________________to ________________________________. A fee of $31.00 is charged for each name or item searched. Payment by check or money order must be enclosed. Please do not send cash through the mail. Name, address, and phone number of the person requesting the search: CERTIFICATE OF SEARCH The undersigned clerk hereby certifies the following results of a diligent search of the records of the court: [Check only the items for which a search was requested and a fee paid.] A. Bankruptcy Cases: None found. Case filed on (date). Voluntary Involuntary Pending Closed on Discharge granted on B. Adversary Proceedings: None found. Subject is a party to the following proceeding: (Plaintiff) v. Adversary Proceeding No. , filed on Pending Closed on Disposition: Dismissed on Final Judgment entered on Case Number of Related Bankruptcy Case ______________________ (Defendant) (date). (date). (date). (date). (date). (date). Clerk of the Bankruptcy Court Date: By: Deputy Clerk * This form may contain complete social-security numbers. It should not be filed electronically. American LegalNet, Inc.