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Motion For Leave To File A Second Or Successive Motion-Prisoner In Federal Custody Form. This is a Official Federal Forms form and can be use in 10th Circuit Court Of Appeals Circuit Court Of Appeals.
Tags: Motion For Leave To File A Second Or Successive Motion-Prisoner In Federal Custody, Official Federal Forms Circuit Court Of Appeals, 10th Circuit Court Of Appeals
Motion for Authorization to File a Second or
Successive Motion to Vacate, Set Aside
or Correct Sentence under
28 U.S.C. § 2255
by a Prisoner in Federal Custody
Case Number________________________________________________________
Prisoner No.____________
Place of Confinement_________________________________________________
Read Carefully
In accordance with the Antiterrorism and Effective Death Penalty Act of 1996,
as codified at 28 U.S.C. § 2255, effective April 24, 1996, before authorization
to file a second or successive motion can be granted by the United States
Court of Appeals, it is the movant’s burden to make a prima facie showing
that he or she satisfies either of the two following conditions found in
28 U.S.C. § 2255:
Newly discovered evidence that, if proven and viewed in light of the
evidence as a whole, would be sufficient to establish by clear and
convincing evidence that no reasonable factfinder would have found the
movant guilty of the offense; or
A new rule of constitutional law, made retroactive to cases on collateral
review by the Supreme Court [of the United States], that was previously
Use the attached form to file a motion for authorization under 28 U.S.C.
§ 2244 for an order authorizing the district court to consider a second or
successive motion under 28 U.S.C. § 2255.
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The motion for authorization must be legibly handwritten or typewritten and
signed by the movant under penalty of perjury. Any false statement of a
material fact may serve as the basis for prosecution and conviction for perjury.
All questions must be answered completely and concisely in the proper space
on the form. Attach additional pages if necessary to list all the grounds for
relief and facts upon which you rely to support those grounds. Your failure
to provide complete answers may result in the court of appeals denying
your motion for authorization.
You must sign the motion in three places at the end of pages 11 and 12. Your
failure to sign the motion for authorization or to complete the “proof of
service” may result in the court of appeals denying your motion.
Attach to your motion for authorization copies of the following documents:
All § 2255 motions you previously filed in any federal court
challenging the judgment of conviction or sentence you now want to
All court opinions and orders, final and interlocutory, disposing of the
claims in your previous § 2255 motions that challenged the judgment
of conviction or sentence you now want to challenge.
The § 2255 motion you want to file in the district court if the court of
appeals grants your motion for authorization, unless this matter was
transferred to the Tenth Circuit from the district court. If the case was
transferred from the district court, we will consider the transferred
filings from the district court to be your proposed § 2255 petition.
All magistrate judges’ reports and recommendations issued in all
previous § 2255 motions that challenged the judgment of conviction or
sentence you now want to challenge.
The Judicial Conference of the United States has adopted the 8½ x 11 inch
paper size for use throughout the federal judiciary and directed the elimination
of the use of legal size paper. All pleadings must be on 8½ x 11 inch paper.
Otherwise we cannot accept them.
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There is no fee for filing a motion for authorization under 28 U.S.C. § 2244
for an order authorizing the district court to consider a second or successive
motion under 28 U.S.C. § 2255.
If your motion for authorization seeks relief under 28 U.S.C. § 2255, you must
serve a copy of the motion for authorization and all documents attached to it
on the United States Attorney for the federal judicial district in which you
were convicted. Your failure to serve the United States Attorney may
result in the court of appeals denying your motion.
When this motion for authorization is fully completed, mail the original to
the below address. Your failure to provide an original may result in the
court of appeals denying your motion for authorization.
United States Court of Appeals for the Tenth Circuit
Office of the Clerk
Byron White United States Courthouse
1823 Stout Street
Denver, Colorado 80257
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Motion for Authorization to File a Second or Successive
Motion to Vacate, Set Aside or Correct Sentence under
28 U.S.C. § 2255
by a Prisoner in Federal Custody
Location of the United States District Court which entered the
judgment of conviction under attack:
Case number: _____________________________________________
Date of judgment of conviction: ___________________________________
Guilty plea: _________________
Jury verdict:____________________
Length of sentence: ___________
Sentencing Judge: _______________
Nature of offense for which you were convicted:
Did you appeal the conviction and sentence?
YES ( )
NO ( )
If you appealed, name of court, result, date of result:
Have you ever filed a motion to vacate in any federal court which is related
to this conviction and sentence?
YES ( )
NO ( )
If “yes,” how many times? ___________________
(If more than one, complete 8 and 9 below as necessary.)
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As to the first federal motion, give the following information. (You must
attach a copy of the motion and any dispositional orders to this motion for
(a) Name of court: ______________________________________________
(b) Case number: _______________________________________________
(c) Nature of proceeding:_________________________________________
(d) Grounds raised (list all grounds, using extra pages if necessary):
(e) Did you receive an evidentiary hearing on your motion?
YES ( )
NO ( )
(f) Result: _____________________________________________________
(g) Date of result:_______________________________________________
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As to any second federal motion, give the following information. (You
must attach a copy of the motion and any dispositional orders to this motion for
(a) Name of court: ______________________________________________
(b) Case number: _______________________________________________
(c) Nature of proceeding: ________________________________________
(d) Grounds raised (list all grounds, using extra pages if necessary):
(e) Did you receive an evidentiary hearing on your motion?
YES ( )
NO ( )
(f) Result: _____________________________________________________
(g) Date of result:_______________________________________________
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As to any third federal motion, give the following information. (You must
attach a copy of the motion and any dispositional orders to this motion for
(a) Name of court: ______________________________________________
(b) Case number: _______________________________________________
(c) Nature of proceeding: ________________________________________
(d) Grounds raised (list all grounds, using extra pages if necessary):
(e) Did you receive an evidentiary hearing on your motion?
YES ( )
NO ( )
(f) Result: _____________________________________________________
(g) Date of result:_______________________________________________
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Did you appeal the result of any action taken on your federal motion? (Use
extra pages to reflect additional petitions if necessary.)
(1) First Motion:
NO ( ) YES ( )
(2) Second Motion: NO ( )
(3) Third Motion:
Appeal No.________________
YES ( )
Appeal No.________________
NO ( ) YES ( )
Appeal No.________________
11. If you did not appeal from the adverse action on any motion, explain
briefly why you did not.
12. State concisely every ground on which you now claim that you are being
held unlawfully. Summarize briefly the facts supporting each ground.
Ground One: __________________________________________________
Supporting FACTS (tell your story briefly without citing cases or law):
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Was this claim raised in a prior motion?
YES ( )
NO ( )
Does this claim rely on a “new rule of law?” YES ( ) NO ( )
If “yes,” state the new rule of law (give case name and citation):
Does this claim rely on “newly discovered evidence?”
YES ( )
NO ( )
If “yes,” briefly state the newly discovered evidence and why it was not
previously available to you:____________________________________________
Ground Two: __________________________________________________
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Supporting FACTS (tell your story briefly without citing cases or law):
Was this claim raised in a prior motion?
YES ( )
NO ( )
Does this claim rely on a “new rule of law?” YES ( ) NO ( )
If “yes,” state the new rule of law (give case name and citation):
Does this claim rely on “newly discovered evidence?”
YES ( )
NO ( )
If “yes,” briefly state the newly discovered evidence and why it was not
previously available to you:____________________________________________
Additional grounds may be asserted on additional pages if necessary.
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13. Do you have any motion or appeal now pending in any court as to the
judgment now under attack?
YES ( )
NO ( )
If “yes,” name of court: __________________________________________
Case number: __________________________________________________
Nature of proceeding: ___________________________________________
Grounds raised: ________________________________________________
Wherefore, movant prays that the United States Court of Appeals for the
Tenth Circuit enter an order authorizing the district court to consider movant’s
second or successive motion to vacate under 28 U.S.C. § 2255.
Movant’s Signature
I declare under Penalty of Perjury that my answers to all the questions in
this motion for authorization are true and correct.
Executed on _________________
Movant’s Signature
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The movant must send a copy of this motion for authorization and all
attachments to the United States Attorney’s office in the district in which he or
she was convicted.
I certify that on ____________________, I mailed a copy of this Motion * for
Authorization and all attachments to: ____________________________________
at the following address: ______________________________________________
Movant’s Signature
* Pursuant to Fed. R. App. P. 25(a)(2)(c), “A paper filed by an inmate confined in
an institution is timely filed if deposited in the institution’s internal mail system
on or before the last day for filing. Timely filing of a paper by an inmate
confined in an institution may be shown by a notarized statement or declaration
(in compliance with 28 U.S.C. § 1746) setting forth the date of deposit and stating
that first-class postage has been prepaid.”
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