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UNITED STATES COURT OF APPEALS FOR THE ELEVENTH CIRCUIT Application for Extension of Time to File Transcript and for Waiver of Fee Reduction (Please type or print. Application must be completed in full.) Short style: Date extension requested to: Date transcript order received: Date satisfactory arrangements for paying cost of transcript made: If CJA, date CJA-24 signed by District Judge (or state "pending"): Pages in this appeal: 1) Already transcribed For all other transcripts due, list: Docket No. Date Ordered Date Due No. Pages Completed No. Pages to be Completed 2) Yet to be transcribed State the reasons that make an extension of time appropriate: Estimated percentage of time in court during past 30 days: Circle number of extensions requested in past 12 months: Circle method of transcript production: Notereading 1 Dictation Next 30 days: 2 CAT 3 4 5+ Self-Typing If this extension is granted, do you agree to employ a substitute reporter to assist you in completing this transcript by the new due date? If not, please explain why: I certify by my signature that I have sent a copy of this request to the district judge who tried this case; to the Chief District Judge of this district; to the district court clerk; and to all counsel (or pro se parties) of record (11th Cir. R. 11-1). Date: Court Reporter Signature: Area Code/Phone No. Court Reporter's Name and Address (Please print or type) Fee Reduction: WAIVED NOT WAIVED Extension: GRANTED DENIED Transcript Due Date: 10% Discount Provision in effect on: 20% Discount Provision in effect on: Date (Rev.: 5/00) Thomas K. Kahn, Clerk American LegalNet, Inc.