Bill Of Costs (Eleventh Circuit COA)
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Bill Of Costs (Eleventh Circuit COA) Form. This is a Official Federal Forms form and can be use in 11th Circuit Court Of Appeals Circuit Court Of Appeals.
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Tags: Bill Of Costs (Eleventh Circuit COA), Official Federal Forms Circuit Court Of Appeals, 11th Circuit Court Of Appeals
UNITED STATES COURT OF APPEALS FOR THE ELEVENTH CIRCUIT Bill of Costs Court of Appeals Docket No. ________________________________________________ vs. _______________________________________________ A Bill of Costs should only be filed when the Clerk's Office has advised a party that the party is entitled to costs. FRAP 39 and 11th Cir. R. 39-1 govern costs taxable in this court and the time for filing the Bill of Costs. A motion for leave to file out of time is required for a Bill of Costs not timely received. INSTRUCTIONS In the grid below, multiply the number of original pages of each document by the total number of documents reproduced to calculate the total number of copies reproduced. Multiply this number by the cost per copy ( $.15 per copy for "In-House", up to $.25 per copy for commercial reproduction, supported by receipts) showing the product as costs requested. Repro. Method (Mark One) In-House Comm* No. of Original Pages Total No. Documents Reproduced Total No. of Copies CT. USE ONLY COSTS ALLOWED DOCUMENT Appellant's Brief Appendix Appellee's Brief Reply Brief COSTS REQUESTED *Note: If reproduction was done commercially, receipt(s) must be attached. TOTAL $ REQUESTED $ ALLOWED I hereby swear or affirm that the costs claimed were actually and necessarily incurred in this appeal and that I have served this Bill of Costs on counsel/parties of record. Signature: Attorney Name: (Type or print your name) E-mail: Street Address/City/State/Zip: Phone: Date Signed: Attorney for: (Type or print name of client) FOR COURT USE ONLY Costs are hereby taxed in the amount of $ and are payable directly to Douglas J. Mincher, Clerk of Court Issued on: By: Deputy Clerk DATE: against BOC Rev.: 3/15 American LegalNet, Inc.