Form 6 Certificate Of Compliance With Rule 32(a)
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Form 6 Certificate Of Compliance With Rule 32(a) Form. This is a Official Federal Forms form and can be use in 11th Circuit Court Of Appeals Circuit Court Of Appeals.
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Tags: Form 6 Certificate Of Compliance With Rule 32(a), 6, Official Federal Forms Circuit Court Of Appeals, 11th Circuit Court Of Appeals
Form 6. Certificate of Compliance With Type-Volume Limit Certificate of Compliance With Type-Volume Limit, Typeface Requirements, and Type-Style Requirements 1. This document complies with [the type-volume limit of Fed. R. App. P. [insert Rule citation; e.g., 32(a)(7)(B)]] [the word limit of Fed. R. App. P. [insert Rule citation; e.g., 5(c)(1)]] because, excluding the parts of the document exempted by Fed. R. App. P. 32(f) [and [insert applicable Rule citation, if any]]: G G this document contains [state the number of] words, or this brief uses a monospaced typeface and contains [state the number of] lines of text. 2. This document complies with the typeface requirements of Fed. R. App. P. 32(a)(5) and the type-style requirements of Fed. R. App. P. 32(a)(6) because: G this document has been prepared in a proportionally spaced typeface using [state name and version of word-processing program] in [state font size and name of type style], or this document has been prepared in a monospaced typeface using [state name and version of word-processing program] with [state number of characters per inch and name of type style]. G (s)____________________ Attorney for ____________________ Dated: ____________ (As added Apr. 29, 2002, eff. Dec. 1, 2002; amended Apr. 28, 2016, eff. Dec. 1, 2016.) Rev.: 12/16 Form 6 American LegalNet, Inc.