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UNITED STATES COURT OF APPEALS FOR THE SECOND CIRCUIT ATTORNEY ADMISSIONS THURGOOD MARSHALL UNITED STATES COURTHOUSE 40 FOLEY SQUARE NEW YORK, NY 10007 212-857-8603 DENNIS G. JACOBS CHIEF JUDGE CATHERINE O'HAGAN W OLFE CLERK OF COURT ATTORNEY RENEWAL INSTRUCTIONS 1. Read FRAP 46 and Second Circuit Local Rule 46.1 located on the Court's website at Use only the provided Attorney Renewal Application. Be sure to include your bar number from your primary court of admission as requested on the application. If you are admitted to more than one bar, provide additional bar information on the sheet provided and attach to your application. If the sheet provided does not offer sufficient space to list all bars to which you are admitted, copy the sheet as needed and provide the additional information. Any supplemental information required to be filed in accordance with the application must be typewritten on a separate attachment that identifies the portion of the application to which the supplemental information relates. Remit the required $25.00 fee with your application unless otherwise exempt under 28 U.S.C. � 1913. Make a check for the fee payable to "UNITED STATES COURT OF APPEALS FOR THE SECOND CIRCUIT." If an attorney subsequently separates from service that affords the exemption, the attorney must reapply for renewal to this Court (or admission if an admission fee was never paid because of the exemption) and pay the required renewal (or admission) fee. Completed application materials and the admission fee may be delivered to the Office of the Clerk, located in Room 370 of the Daniel Patrick Moynihan United States Courthouse, 500 Pearl Street, New York, NY, or mailed to the address set forth at the top of this page. Any attorneys admitted since January 1, 1985 can find their admission date by clicking on the Attorney Admissions tab on the court's website. For any questions related to admissions prior to 1985 or any other admissions issues, please call 212857-8603 or e-mail an inquiry, beginning April 15, 2009, to 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. American LegalNet, Inc. UNITED STATES COURT OF APPEALS FOR THE SECOND CIRCUIT ATTORNEY RENEWAL APPLICATION (PLEASE TYPE) SECOND CIRCUIT ADMISSION DATE: ________________________________ (mm/dd/yyyy) NAME: (as recorded in primary state/court of admission) _________________________________________________________________________________________________ Last Name First Name Middle Name or Initial SEX: ___ Male ___ Female DATE OF BIRTH: __________________________ (mm/dd/yyyy) BUSINESS ADDRESS: _________________________________________________________________________________________________ Law Firm, Agency, Company, or Other Business _________________________________________________________________________________________________ Street Address _________________________________________________________________________________________________ City State Zip Code _____________________________ Business Phone (incl. area code) _____________________________ Cell Phone (incl. area code) ________________________ Business E-mail Address ________________________ Other E-mail Address BAR INFORMATION: (if admitted in more than 1 state or other court, provide additional courts and years admitted on attached list and submit with application) __________________________________ Primary Court of Admission PLEASE ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: ___Yes ___No 1. Have you ever been known by any name other than that appearing on this application? (If yes, attach a list of all other names used.) ___Yes ___No 2. Have you been disbarred or suspended from practice, or have you received a reprimand pertaining to your conduct or fitness to practice law from any court, department, bureau or commission of any state or the United States? (If yes, attach a detailed explanation containing dates and circumstances.) ___Yes ___No 3. Are there currently pending against you any proceedings or allegations regarding an action for disbarment, suspension, or reprimand pertaining to your conduct or fitness to practice law from any court, department, bureau or commission of any state or the United States? (If yes, attach a detailed explanation containing dates and circumstances.) ___Yes ___No 4. Are you currently under investigation, or have you been a party to criminal or civil proceedings alleging fraud, misrepresentation, or other dishonesty? (If yes, attach a detailed explanation.) FEE SUBMITTED: ___$25 ___N/A (exempt) SIGNATURE: _______________________________________ _______________ Year Admitted __________________________ Bar Number (required) Hand-deliver completed applications to the Clerk's Office, Room 370, Daniel Patrick Moynihan U.S. Courthouse, 500 Pearl Street, nd New York, NY or mail to U.S. Ct. of Appeals for the 2 Circuit, Attorney Admissions, 40 Foley Square, New York, NY 10007. American LegalNet, Inc. UNITED STATES COURT OF APPEALS FOR THE SECOND CIRCUIT ADDITIONAL BAR INFORMATION COURT OF ADMISSION YEAR ADMITTED If this page cannot accommodate all of the applicant's additional bar information, please copy this page and provide the additional information. All additional bar information should be attached to the submitted application. American LegalNet, Inc.