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Application For Admission To Practice With Instructions Form. This is a Official Federal Forms form and can be use in 3rd Circuit Court Of Appeals Circuit Court Of Appeals.
Tags: Application For Admission To Practice With Instructions, Official Federal Forms Circuit Court Of Appeals, 3rd Circuit Court Of Appeals
PATRICIA S. DODSZUWEIT CLERK OFFICE OF THE CLERK UNITED STATES COURT OF APPEALS 21400 UNITED STATES COURTHOUSE 601 MARKET STREET PHILADELPHIA, PA 19106-1790 INSTRUCTIONS FOR ADMISSION TELEPHONE 215-597-2995 Admission to this Court222s bar may be by mail on written motion or in open court pursuant to the provisions of Third Circuit Local Appellate Rule 46.1(c) and (d). The completed application serves as the motion for admission. An attorney who has been admitted to practice in the Supreme Court of the United States, any United States Court of Appeals, any United States District Court, the District Court of the Virgin Islands, or the highest court of a state, and whose private and professional character is good, may be admitted to practice in this Court upon motion of a member of this Court222s bar. In the event that the applicant does not have a member of this Court222s bar to sponsor the admission, the applicant may check the box requesting that one of the attorneys employed by the Circuit Clerk222s Office act as a sponsor. Such sponsorship is based solely on the certificate of good standing provided by the applicant. Local Appellate Rule 46.1 requires that an applicant be familiar with the contents of the (1) Federal Rules of Civil, Criminal, and Appellate Procedure and (2) the Third Circuit Local Appellate Rules (223LARs224) and Internal Operating Procedures (223IOPs224). The applicant must attest that he or she has read and understands those rules and in particular the provisions of the rules dealing with briefs, motions, and appendices. The LARs and IOPs are available on the Court222s website . Please file the following with the Clerk222s Office: (1) Completed application form with original signatures: (a) For admission in Open Court complete Part I. (b) For admission on Written Motion complete Parts I and II (Part II must be notarized); (2) Check or money order in the amount of $221.00 made payable to Clerk, U.S. Court of Appeals; (3) Certificate of Good Standing (ORIGINAL ONLY) dated within one year, evidencing your admission to one of the courts listed above; and, (4) Completed signed Attorney222s Registration Card. * American LegalNet, Inc. * Disclosure of an Attorney222s Social Security Number is requested solely for purpose of verifying the identity of the attorney as a member of the bar of this Court. It will remain part of your confidential file. Your willingness to furnish this information is entirely voluntary. If your application is being made in connection with a case presently pending in this Court, please provide this office with the Court of Appeals docket number(s). Note Regarding Admission in Open Court: The majority of admission applications are submitted on the written application only. The Court does not have a regularly scheduled date for in court admissions. Open court admissions may occur in conjunction with any regularly scheduled court sitting. If you are requesting admission in open court, your completed application and the necessary documents must be filed in the Clerk222s Office at least two business (2) days prior to the date of the scheduled court session. You are asked to appear in the Clerk222s Office with the attorney who will move for your admission at least one-half hour prior to the time when the Court is scheduled to convene. Because the opening time varies, it is requested that you call the business day prior to the date you intend to seek admission to determine what time you and your sponsor need appear. American LegalNet, Inc. UNITED STATES COURT OF APPEALS FOR THE THIRD CIRCUIT APPLICATION FOR ADMISSION TO PRACTICE PART I227TO BE COMPLETED BY ALL APPLICANTS The undersigned hereby applies for admission to practice and in support of my application states that I have been admitted to practice in the and at present am a member of the bar of that court in good standing. All of the information included in this application is true and correct to the best of my knowledge, information, and belief. Applicant222s Name: Applicant222s Signature: Applicant222s E-Mail: Firm Name: Office Address: Office Phone Number: Requested method for admission: on written application only appearance in open court Certificate of Good Standing issued by List all jurisdictions where admitted and include the date of admission and bar number: Have you ever been disbarred/censured/denied admission? If yes, provide details. Do you have any disciplinary actions pending? If yes, provide details. Have you ever been convicted of a felony? If yes, provide details. Have you ever been admitted to practice under a different name (i.e., maiden name)? If so, please indicate the name below. American LegalNet, Inc. Applicant222s Name: SPONSOR222S MOTION AND CERTIFICATION As a member of the bar of the United States Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit I, , hereby move the admission of the attorney set forth above to practice in the said court and certify that he or she possesses the necessary qualifications and that his or her private and professional character is good. Sponsor222s Signature: NOTE: The name of the person signing above will appear on your formal certificate. Should this individual be a judge, please so indicate on this form. Applicant requests an attorney from the Circuit Clerk222s Office act as a sponsor. APPLICANT222S FAMILIARITY WITH RULES By submitting an application for admission, the applicant represents that he or she is familiar with the contents of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure, Criminal Procedure, and Appellate Procedure, as well as with the Local Appellate Rules and Internal Operating Procedures of this Court, and that the applicant has read and understood the provisions of those documents which deal with briefs, motions and appendices. PART II227TO BE COMPLETED FOR ADMISSION ON WRITTEN MOTION ONLY OATH OF ADMISSION The oath is to be taken before a Notary Public or any other person authorized to administer oaths, and the seal affixed. I, , do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will conduct myself as an attorney and counselor of this Court, uprightly and according to law; and that I will support the Constitution of the United States. Applicant222s Signature SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN TO BEFORE ME ON THIS DAY OF , 20 Signature of Notary or Person Authorized to Administer Oaths American LegalNet, Inc.