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Informal Brief Form. This is a Official Federal Forms form and can be use in 3rd Circuit Court Of Appeals Circuit Court Of Appeals.
Tags: Informal Brief, Official Federal Forms Circuit Court Of Appeals, 3rd Circuit Court Of Appeals
UNITED STATES COURT OF APPEALSFOR THE THIRD CIRCUITCase Number: Case Name: INFORMAL BRIEF DIRECTIONS: Answer the following questions about your appeal or petition for review to the best of yourability. Use additional sheets of paper if necessary. You need not limit your brief solely to this form, but youshould be certain that any brief you file contains answers to the questions below. The Court prefers short anddirect statements. 1.Jurisdiction: What order(s) of the district court or agency are you appealing? What is the date of the order(s)? When did you file your notice of appeal or petition for review?2.Statement of the case: Explain the proceedings in the district court or before the agency(i.e. what the district court or the agency did in deciding your case).1 American LegalNet, Inc. 2 American LegalNet, Inc. 3.Statement of facts: Explain the facts and events that led to the complaint in the districtcourt or the action before the agency.3 American LegalNet, Inc. 4. Statement of related cases: Have you filed an appeal or petition for review in this casebefore? If so, give title of case and docket number. Do you have any cases related to this case pending in the district court, in the court of appeals or before the agency? If so give title of case and docket number.5. Did the district court or the agency incorrectly decide the facts of your case? If so,what facts?4 American LegalNet, Inc. 6. Did the district court or the agency apply the wrong law (either cases or statutes)? If so, what law do you want applied?5 American LegalNet, Inc. 7.Are there any other reasons why the district court's judgment or the agency222s decision waswrong? If so, briefly state these reasons. 8.What action do you want the Court of Appeals to take in this case? SignatureThe entire district court record is available for the court's review. You must attachcopies of the district court docket entries, the opinion and order appealed, and thenotice of appeal. You may, but are not required to, attach any documents filed in thedistrict court that you think the court of appeals must see in order to decide yourappeal. Documents not admitted in the district court may not be submitted to the courtof appeals without permission of the court. IMPORTANT: IF YOU ARE PROCEEDING PROCEEDING IN FORMA PAUPERIS, YOUMUST FILE AN ORIGINAL AND THREE (3) COPIES OF THIS BRIEF AND ANYATTACHMENTS WITH THE CLERK. IF YOU HAVE PAID THE DOCKETING FEE, YOUMUST FILE AN ORIGINAL AND () COPIES OF THIS BRIEF AND ANYATTACHMENTS WITH THE CLERK. A COPY OF THIS BRIEF AND ANY ATTACHMENTSMUST ALSO BE SENT TO ALL OPPOSING PARTIES. YOU MUST CERTIFY ON THEATTACHED PROOF OF SERVICE THAT A COPY OF THIS BRIEF AND ANYATTACHMENTS WERE SENT TO ALL OPPOSING PARTIES. 6 American LegalNet, Inc. PROOF OF SERVICEI certify that on (date) I mailed a copy of this brief and allattachments via first class mail to the following parties at the addresses listed below:PROOF OF SERVICE FOR INSTITUTIONALIZED ORINCARCERATED LITIGANTSIn addition to the above proof of service all litigants who are currentlyinstitutionalized or incarcerated should include the following statement on all documents to befiled with this Court:I certify that this document was given to prison officials on (date) forforwarding to the Court of Appeals. I certify under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is trueand correct. 28 U.S.C. 2471746. SignatureDated: Rev. 0/201 7 American LegalNet, Inc.