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APPLICATION FOR MEMBERSHIP ON THE CRIMINAL JUSTICE ACT AND/OR CAPITAL APPELLATE PANELS FOR THE UNITED STATES COURT OF APPEALS FOR THE FOURTH CIRCUIT INSTRUCTIONS CJA Appellate Panel: To be considered for membership on the CJA Appellate Panel for the United States Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit, an attorney must be a member of the bar of the Fourth Circuit in good standing and have demonstrated experience in, and knowledge of, federal criminal law and appellate procedure and the Sentencing Guidelines. Attorneys must also maintain a physical office within the circuit since the Plan's appointment provisions generally call for appointment of counsel from the district in which the case arose. CJA Appellate Panel members are appointed in rotating order in direct criminal appeals in which trial counsel has been granted leave to withdraw. Notification of potential case assignments is sent through CJA eVoucher. All appointments are subject to maximum case compensation provisions. CJA Capital Appellate Panel: To be considered for membership as second-chair counsel on the Fourth Circuit's Capital Appellate Panel, an attorney must satisfy the qualifications for CJA Appellate Panel membership and have an interest in capital representation. To be considered for membership as first-chair counsel on the Fourth Circuit's Capital Appellate Panel, an attorney must have an interest in capital representation and must have been admitted to practice in the Fourth Circuit not less than 5 years and have had not less than 3 years experience in the handling of appeals in the Fourth Circuit in felony cases. Membership on the Capital Appellate Panel is open to attorneys from outside the circuit. Capital Appellate Panel members are appointed as needed to provide representation in direct and collateral appeals in capital cases. Two attorneys are appointed in capital cases. If the attorneys, in combination, anticipate spending more than 300 hours at the appeal stage for a collateral capital appeal or more than 100 hours at the certiorari stage for a collateral capital appeal, advance approval of a case budget is required. Application Process: The CJA Panel application period runs from June 1 to September 1 each year. Counsel applying for membership on the CJA Appellate Panel should complete questions 1 through 8. Counsel applying for membership on the Capital Appellate Panel should complete questions 1 through 9. Please submit the following documents in PDF format: � � � via email to: the completed questionnaire your resume an appellate brief you have prepared and a copy of the court opinion (see question 6.B) Email transmissions cannot exceed 4.5 MB. Your application will be acknowledged upon receipt. 05/16/2017 SWV 1 of 5 American LegalNet, Inc. APPLICATION FOR MEMBERSHIP ON (check all that apply) _____ CJA Appellate Panel _____Capital Appellate Panel (Attach additional sheets if needed in answering the following questions) 1. Name Firm Name Office Address City, State, Zip Email Office Phone No. 2. Education � Graduated from: School of Law 3. Year_____________ ________________________________________________________ Fax No. _______________________ Bar Admissions � List each court with date of admission (include Fourth Circuit admission date): __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ 4. Disciplinary Actions � Have you ever been disciplined, or are you the subject of any pending disciplinary proceeding, by the bar of any jurisdiction or by any court? ________. If so, please explain in detail on a separate sheet of paper. Criminal Actions - Have you ever been convicted of any criminal offense (misdemeanor or felony)? ________ . If so, please explain in detail on a separate sheet of paper. Experience A. CJA Experience � Have you ever been, or are you currently, a member of a CJA or comparable state panel in another jurisdiction? ______. If so, please list the court(s) and approximate dates of service: _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ 5. 6. 2 of 5 American LegalNet, Inc. Have you been rejected for membership, or has your membership been terminated, on a CJA or comparable state panel in another jurisdiction? _______. If so, please identify the panel and state the reasons below. _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ B. Appellate Experience � Federal Criminal or Habeas Appeals: How many appellate briefs have you filed in federal court in criminal or habeas cases? _____. How many of these appeals have you argued in federal court?_____. Federal Civil Appeals: How many appellate briefs have you filed in federal court in civil cases? ____ . How many of these appeals have you argued in federal court? _____. State Criminal Appeals: How many appellate briefs have you filed in state court in criminal cases?______. How many of these appeals have you argued in state court? ____. Please list three federal criminal or habeas appeals you have handled. If you have not handled three federal criminal or habeas appeals, list federal civil appeals or state criminal appeals. Provide the case number, case name, and court. _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ Writing Sample � Please provide, as an example of your writing and advocacy skills, a copy of the brief you authored in one of the cases listed. (Please do not submit an Anders brief as a sample of your work.) Has the appeal been decided? ________. If so, please also provide a copy of the opinion. C. Trial Experience � Federal Criminal Trials: How many criminal cases have you tried in federal court? ____. Federal Civil Trials: How many civil cases have you tried in federal court? _______. State Criminal Trials: How many criminal cases have you tried in state court? _______. Please list three federal criminal cases you have tried. If you have not tried three federal criminal cases, list federal civil trials or state cri