Application For Renewal Of Membership On CJA Appellate Panel
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Application For Renewal Of Membership On CJA Appellate Panel Form. This is a Official Federal Forms form and can be use in 4th Circuit Court Of Appeals Circuit Court Of Appeals.
Tags: Application For Renewal Of Membership On CJA Appellate Panel, Official Federal Forms Circuit Court Of Appeals, 4th Circuit Court Of Appeals
11/28/2017 SWV 1 UNITED STATES COURT OF APPEALS FOR THE FOURTH CIRCUIT APPLICATION FOR RENEWAL OF MEMBERSHIP ON CJA APPELLATE PANEL Counsel previously admitted to the Fourth Circuit CJA Appellate Panel whose membership terms have expired within the past 12 months may apply for renewal of membership by submitting this should be in PDF format and the transmission cannot exceed 4.5 MB. Your application will be acknowledged upon receipt. Membership renewals are for a 3-year term, and memberships may be renewed multiple times. Attorneys must maintain a physical office within the circuit, since the Plan222s Firm Name Office Address City, State, Zip Email Fax No. Office Phone No. 2. Fourth Circuit Appointments 226 Please provide the appeal number and case name for your most recently filed Fourth Circuit brief in a CJA case. Please attach a brief filed in this court 3. Panel Service 226 Please identify any court appointment panels you have joined or left since your last application for panel membership or renewal. If you have been removed or rejected 4. Access to Legal Resources 226 Please describe the legal resources to which you have access, e.g. WestLaw, LexisNexis, etc. 2 5. Education and Training 226 Please identify any education or training relative to criminal or appellate practice you have received within the last five years. Please include the dates such education or training was completed. Title of Training Number of Hours Date Completed 6. Disciplinary or Criminal Actions 226 Please explain any affirmative answers in detail on a separate sheet of paper. Have you been disciplined by the bar of any jurisdiction or by any court since your last application for panel membership or renewal? Have you been convicted of any criminal offense (misdemeanor or felony) since your last application for panel membership or renewal? Are you currently the subject of attorney discipline or criminal proceedings in any jurisdiction? Date Applicant222s Signature American LegalNet, Inc.