Change In Name-Contact Information (Attorney Admissions)
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Change In Name-Contact Information (Attorney Admissions) Form. This is a Official Federal Forms form and can be use in 4th Circuit Court Of Appeals Circuit Court Of Appeals.
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Tags: Change In Name-Contact Information (Attorney Admissions), Official Federal Forms Circuit Court Of Appeals, 4th Circuit Court Of Appeals
8/23/18 SCC UNITED STATES COURT OF APPEALS FOR THE FOURTH CIRCUIT CHANGE IN NAME/CONTACT INFORMATION Name, address, e-mail address, fax number, and phone number changes must be immediately page. If you are not currently an ECF Filer with this Court, you may email this change of name/contact information form to This form also may be mailed to United States Court of Appeals, This form is used to update counsel222s information in the Fourth Circuit222s CM/ECF database. It does not update counsel222s information in the district court222s database, the judicial conference database, or CJA eVoucher. Counsel must log into eVoucher to update their information. This form also does not affect counsel222s involvement in a case. A motion to withdraw or notice of withdrawal must be filed in any case in which counsel wishes to terminate participation. DATE EFFECTIVE: CHANGE APPLIES TO: (attorney/party only) (entire firm) PREVIOUS INFORMATION NEW INFORMATION Name: Name: Firm Name: Firm Name: Address: Address: Phone #: Phone #: Fax #: Fax #: E - mail: E - mail: Date Signature American LegalNet, Inc.