Oral Argument Acknowledgement
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Oral Argument Acknowledgement Form. This is a Official Federal Forms form and can be use in 4th Circuit Court Of Appeals Circuit Court Of Appeals.
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Tags: Oral Argument Acknowledgement, Official Federal Forms Circuit Court Of Appeals, 4th Circuit Court Of Appeals
03/27/2018 SCC FOURTH CIRCUIT ORAL ARGUMENT ACKNOWLEDGMENT The following information is provided in response to the Court222s Notification of Oral Argument Case Number: Date of Oral Argument: Caption: Attorney(s) Arguing: Arguing on Behalf of (party name): Select party type: Appellant Appellee Appellant/Cross-Appellee Appellee/Cross-Appellant Amicus Intervenor Attorney Appearing but Argument Time: Please indicate how much argument time you wish to use below; any desired changes may be made at check-in on the morning of argument. If you have not decided upon your argument time, please return this form acknowledging that you will argue the case and provide your argument time when you check in on the morning of argument. Counsel arguing the case must be admitted to the Fourth Circuit, file an appearance of counsel form, and file this acknowledgment form. oral argument time is whether substantial evidence supports agency decision, and in criminal cases in which primary issue is application of sentencing guidelines; 30 minutes are allotted in en banc cases -appellants may reserve up to 1/3 of their time for rebuttal (7 out of 20 minutes) First Attorney Arguing: Phone Number: Argument Time: Rebuttal Argument Time (if any): Any Second Attorney Arguing: Phone Number: Argument Time: Rebuttal Argument Time (if any): Any Third Attorney Arguing: Phone Number: Argument Time: Rebuttal Argument Time (if any): If amicus counsel, please select from the following: Order allowing argument on time ceded Order allowing additional argument time Court-Appointed Amicus I, , hereby certify that on this date, I electronically filed this document using the CM/ECF System, which will send notice of filing to the CM/ECF participants listed below and further certify that on this date I served any non-CM/ECF participants in the manner indicated below:Date Signature American LegalNet, Inc. www.FormsWorkFlow.com