Certificate Of Compliance Pursuant To Fed R App 32(a)(7)(C) And Circuit Rule 32-1
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Certificate Of Compliance Pursuant To Fed R App 32(a)(7)(C) And Circuit Rule 32-1 Form. This is a Official Federal Forms form and can be use in 9th Circuit Court Of Appeals Circuit Court Of Appeals.
Tags: Certificate Of Compliance Pursuant To Fed R App 32(a)(7)(C) And Circuit Rule 32-1, 8, Official Federal Forms Circuit Court Of Appeals, 9th Circuit Court Of Appeals
Form 8.
Certificate of Compliance Pursuant to Fed. R. App. P. 32(a)(7)(C) and Circuit
Rule 32-1 for Case Number ___________________________
(see next page) Form Must Be Signed By Attorney or Unrepresented Litigant and attached
to the back of each copy of the brief
I certify that: (check appropriate option(s))
Pursuant to Fed. R. App. P. 32 (a)(7)(C) and Ninth Circuit Rule 32-1, the attached
opening/answering/reply/cross-appeal brief is
Proportionately spaced, has a typeface of 14 points or more and contains _________ words
(opening, answering, and the second and third briefs filed in cross-appeals must not exceed 14,000
words; reply briefs must not exceed 7,000 words),
or is
Monospaced, has 10.5 or fewer characters per inch and
contains _______ words or ________ lines of text (opening,
answering, and the second and third briefs filed in cross-appeals
must not exceed 14,000 words or 1,300 lines of text; reply briefs
must not exceed 7,000 words or 650 lines of text).
The attached brief is not subject to the type-volume limitations of Fed. R. App. P. 32(a)(7)(B)
This brief complies with Fed. R. App. P. 32(a)(1)-(7) and is a principal brief of no more than
30 pages or a reply brief of no more than 15 pages;
This brief complies with a page or size-volume limitation established by separate court order
dated ____________ and is
Proportionately spaced, has a typeface of 14 points or more and contains _______
or is
Monospaced, has 10.5 or fewer characters per inch and
contains ______pages or_______ words or ________ lines of
American LegalNet, Inc.
Briefs in Capital Cases
This brief is being filed in a capital case pursuant to the type-volume limitations set forth at
Circuit Rule 32-4 and is
Proportionately spaced, has a typeface of 14 points or more and contains _________
words (opening, answering, and the second and third briefs filed in cross-appeals must not
exceed 21,000 words; reply briefs must not exceed 9,800 words)
or is
Monospaced, has 10.5 or fewer characters per inch and
contains _______ words or ________ lines of text (opening,
answering, and the second and third briefs filed in crossappeals must not exceed 75 pages or 1,950 lines of text;
reply briefs must not exceed 35 pages or 910 lines of text).
Amicus Briefs
Pursuant to Fed. R. App. P. 29(d) and 9th Cir. R. 32-1, the attached amicus brief is
proportionally spaced, has a typeface of 14 points or more and contains 7000 words or less,
or is
Monospaced, has 10.5 or fewer characters per inch and contains not more than either 7000
words or 650 lines of text,
or is
Not subject to the type-volume limitations because it is an amicus brief of no more than 15
pages and complies with Fed. R. App. P. 32(a)(1)(5).
Signature of Attorney or
Unrepresented Litigant
American LegalNet, Inc.