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Certification For Law Student Representation Form. This is a Official Federal Forms form and can be use in 9th Circuit Court Of Appeals Circuit Court Of Appeals.
Tags: Certification For Law Student Representation, Official Federal Forms Circuit Court Of Appeals, 9th Circuit Court Of Appeals
UNITED STATES COURT OF APPEALS FOR THE NINTH CIRCUIT Student/Supervisor/Dean Certification for Law Student Representation I. Student Certification (for up to 4 students) Docket No. Case Title My signature below certifies that: a. I am enrolled and in good standing at (law school) b. I have completed at least two-thirds of the legal studies required for graduation.* c. I am familiar with and will comply with the Federal Rules of Cvil, Criminal, and Appellate Procedure and Evidence; the Code of Professional Responsibility; and the rules of this Court. d. I am not receiving compensation directly from the party on whose behalf I am rendering services. Student #1 Signature Date Name Address City Phone Number (for ex., 4153558000) State Zip Code * Or am a recent graduate awaiting a bar examination or the results of the state bar examination. American LegalNet, Inc. Student #2 Signature Date Name Address City Phone Number (for ex., 4153558000) State Zip Code Student #3 Signature Date Name Address City Phone Number (for ex., 4153558000) State Zip Code Student #4 Signature Date Name Address City Phone Number (for ex., 4153558000) State Zip Code American LegalNet, Inc. II. Supervising Attorney Certification Docket No. Case Title Party Represented I certify that I am admitted to practice before the highest court of the State of (state) for at least three years, have been admitted to practice before this Court, and have participated in at least three appellate arguments before a federal or state appellate court. I will carefully supervise the work of the following stuident(s) on behalf of the party above: Student #1: Student #2: Student #3: Student #4: I will supervise no more than four students at any one time. I authorize the above listed student(s) to appear in court or at other proceedings, and to prepare documents. I will accompany the student(s), assume personal responsibility for their work, and be prepared to supplement, if necessary, any statement made by the student(s) to the court or to opposing counsel. Supervising Attorney Signature Date Name Address City Phone Number (for ex., 4153558000) State Zip Code American LegalNet, Inc. III. Dean Certification Docket No. Case Title I certify that the student(s) listed below are enrolled and in good standing at (law school) and have completed at least two-thirds of the legal studies required for graduation;* and are adequately trained to fulfill all responsibilities required by Ninth Circuit Rule 46-4. Student #1: Student #2: Student #3: Student #4: Dean Signature Date Name Address City Phone Number (for ex., 4153558000) State Zip Code * Or are recent graduates awaiting a bar examination or the results of the state bar examination. American LegalNet, Inc.