Form 30 Appellate Electronic Filing Exemption Form
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Appellate ECF Exemption Form. This is a Official Federal Forms form and can be use in 9th Circuit Court Of Appeals Circuit Court Of Appeals.
Tags: Appellate ECF Exemption Form, Official Federal Forms Circuit Court Of Appeals, 9th Circuit Court Of Appeals
UNITED STATES COURT OF APPEALS FOR THE NINTH CIRCUITForm 30. Appellate Electronic Filing Exemption Form ATTENTION SELF-REPRESENTED PARTIES: DO NOT USE FORM 30 If you do not have a lawyer, you are automatically exempt from electronic filing. 9th Cir. Case Number(s) Case Name I am a court reporter I am counsel of record for (party/parties that you represent) I hereby request an exemption from the court's requirement that all attorneys and court reporters use Appellate Electronic Filing. I am unable to register for electronic filing because: My name is Mailing address City State Zip Code Country (if not USA) PhoneIf approved, I understand that this exemption will apply to all pending and future cases in this court for one calendar year. If I wish to participate in Appellate Electronic Filing in the future, my Appellate Electronic Filing registration will apply to all pending and future cases. Signature DateMail this form to the court at: Clerk, U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit, P.O. Box 193939, San Francisco, CA 94119-3939Feedback or questions about this form? Email us at Form 30Rev. 12/01/2018 American LegalNet, Inc.