Notification To The Court From Attorney Intending To Present Argument
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Notification To The Court From Attorney Intending To Present Argument Form. This is a Official Federal Forms form and can be use in DC Circuit Court Of Appeals Circuit Court Of Appeals.
Tags: Notification To The Court From Attorney Intending To Present Argument, USCA 72, Official Federal Forms Circuit Court Of Appeals, DC Circuit Court Of Appeals
UNITED STATES COURT OF APPEALS DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA CIRCUIT 333 Constitution Avenue, NW Washington, DC 20001-2866 Phone: 202-216-7000 | Facsimile: 202-219-8530 ******************************************************************************************************************* THIS FORM IS FOR INTERNAL COURT PURPOSES ONLY AND WILL REMAIN CONFIDENTIAL TO PROTECT COUNSEL'S PERSONAL CONTACT INFORMATION ******************************************************************************************************************* NOTIFICATION TO THE COURT FROM COUNSEL INTENDING TO PRESENT ORAL ARGUMENT Case Number: is scheduled for oral argument on: I intend to present oral argument in the above case on behalf of: Petitioner/Appellant Respondent/Appellee Amicus Curiae Intervenor (state party name) and will argue for minutes (needed in the event parties are permitted to divide time). Case Name: I am a member of the Bar of this Court in good standing I am not a member of the Bar of this Court, but an Application for Admission is presently pending I am not a member of this Court, but have been granted leave to argue pro hac vice I will present argument as an attorney pro se Name: Firm: Office Phone: ( ) Home Phone: ( ) Date: Fax: ( Cell Phone: ( ) ) (Personal phone numbers are needed in the event of late calendar changes) Please submit this form no later than 7 days prior to the date of argument through the court's CM/ECF system using the Arguing Attorney Form event in the Forms category. USCA Form 72 Rev. Oct. 2014 American LegalNet, Inc.