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FORM 13. Informal Brief (Court of Appeals for Veterans Claims Cases) Form 13 Rev. 03/16 UNITED STATES COURT OF APPEALS FOR THE FEDERAL CIRCUIT v. No. INFORMAL BRIEF OF APPELLANT Read the Guide for Pro Se Petitioners and Appellants before completing this form. Attach a copy of the final decision or order of the Court of Appeals for Veterans Claims. Answer the following questions as best you can. Your answers should refer to the decision or order you are appealing where possible. Use extra sheets if needed. 1. Have you ever had another case in this court? each case. Yes No If yes, state the name and number of 2. Did the Court of Appeals for Veterans Claims decision involve the validity or interpretation of a statute or regulation? Yes No If yes, what are your arguments concerning those issues? (Refer to paragraph 7 of the Guide.) 3. Did the Court of Appeals for Veterans Claims decide constitutional issues? what are your arguments concerning those issues? Yes No If yes, 4. Did the Court of Appeals for Veterans Claims fail to decide any other issue correctly? If yes, how? Yes No 5. Are there other arguments you wish to make? Yes No If yes, what are the arguments? American LegalNet, Inc. FORM 13. Informal Brief (Court of Appeals for Veterans Claims Cases) Form 13 Rev. 03/16 6. What action do you want the court to take in this case? 7. Do you believe argument will aid the court? If yes, submit a separate notice to the court requesting oral argument and include the reasons why argument will aid the court. (Refer to paragraph 15 of the Guide.) Yes No 8. Do you intend to represent yourself? Yes No If you have not filed an Entry of Appearance, indicate your full name, address, telephone number and e-mail address. 9. I certify that a copy of this brief and any attachments were sent to: , the attorney for the Secretary of Veterans Affairs, at the following address: . (Address is found on the Entry of Appearance served on you by the attorney for the Secretary of Veterans Affairs. If you do not send a copy of this brief to the attorney for the Secretary, the court will not file the brief.) Date Appellant's signature In addition to mailing a copy to the attorney for the Secretary, mail three copies of this informal brief and attachments to: Clerk of Court United States Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit 717 Madison Place, NW Washington, DC 20439 American LegalNet, Inc.