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FORM: 31. Certificate of Compliance With Rules 27m, 28d Form 31 9/16 UNITED STATES COURT OF APPEALS FOR THE FEDERAL CIRCUIT CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE MOTIONS OR BRIEFS CONTAINING MATERIAL SUBJECT TO A PROTECTIVE ORDER Motion / Response / Reply Containing Material Subject to a Protective Order [] This motion, response, reply complies with the limitations set forth in Fed. Cir. R. 27(m) and contains [state the number of] __________ words (including numbers) marked as confidential, or This motion, response, reply does not comply with the word count limitations set forth in Fed. Cir. R. 27(m) and a motion requesting permission to exceed the maximum word count limitation is being filed contemporaneously with the filing of this motion, response, or reply. [] Briefs Containing Material Subject to a Protective Order [] This brief complies with the limitations set forth in Fed. Cir. R. 28(d) and contains [state the number of] __________ words (including numbers) marked as confidential, or This brief does not comply with the word count limitations set forth in Fed. Cir. R. 27(m) and a motion is requesting permission to exceed the maximum word count limitation is being filed contemporaneously with the filing of this brief. [] ________________________________________________ (Signature of Attorney) ____________________________________ (Name of Attorney) ___________________________________________________________________ (State whether representing appellant, appellee, etc.) ______________________ (Date) American LegalNet, Inc.