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Authorization And Voucher For Payment Of Transcript Form. This is a Official Federal Forms form and can be use in Criminal Justice Act (CJA).
Tags: Authorization And Voucher For Payment Of Transcript, CJA 24, Official Federal Forms Criminal Justice Act (CJA),
CJA 24 AUTHORIZATION AND VOUCHER FOR PAYMENT OF TRANSCRIPT (Rev. 03/18)1. CIR./DIST./ DIV. CODE2. PERSON REPRESENTEDVOUCHER NUMBER 3. MAG. DKT./DEF. NUMBER4. DIST. DKT./DEF. NUMBER5. APPEALS DKT./DEF. NUMBER6. OTHER DKT. NUMBER7. IN CASE/MATTER OF (Case Name)8. PAYMENT CATEGORY9. TYPE PERSON REPRESENTED10. REPRESENTATION TYPEGFelonyGPetty OffenseGAdult DefendantGAppellant(See Instructions)GMisdemeanorGOtherGJuvenile DefendantGAppelleeGAppealGOther11. OFFENSE(S) CHARGED (Cite U.S. Code, Title & Section) If more than one offense, list (up to five) major offenses charged, according to severity of offense.REQUEST AND AUTHORIZATION FOR TRANSCRIPT12.PROCEEDING IN WHICH TRANSCRIPT IS TO BE USED (Describe briefly)13.PROCEEDING TO BE TRANSCRIBED (Describe specifically). NOTE: The trial transcripts are not to include prosecution opening statement, defense opening statement, prosecutionargument, defense argument, prosecution rebuttal, voir dire or jury instructions, unless specifically authorized by the Court (see Item 14).14.SPECIAL AUTHORIZATIONSJUDGE222S INITIALSA.Apportioned Cost% of transcript with (Give case name and defendant) B.G14-DayGExpeditedG3-DayGDailyGHourlyGRealtime UneditedC.GProsecution Opening StatementGProsecution ArgumentGProsecution RebuttalGDefense Opening StatementGDefense ArgumentGVoir DireGJury InstructionsD.In this multi-defendant case, commercial duplication of transcripts will impede the delivery of accelerated transcript services to persons proceedingunder the Criminal Justice Act.15.ATTORNEY222S STATEMENT16. COURT ORDER As the attorney for the person represented who is managed above, I hereby affirm that thetranscript requested is necessary for adequate representation. I, therefore, requestauthorization to obtain the transcript services at the expense of the United States pursuantto the Criminal Justice Act.Financial eligibility of the person represented having been established to the Court222ssatisfaction the authorization requested in Item 15 is hereby granted.Signature of AttorneyDateSignature of Presiding Judge or By Order of the Court Printed NameDate of OrderNunc Pro Tunc DateTelephone Number:GPanel AttorneyGRetained AttorneyGPro-SeGLegal OrganizationCLAIM FOR SERVICES17.COURT REPORTER/TRANSCRIBER STATUS18.PAYEE222S NAME AND MAILING ADDRESSGOfficialGContractGTranscriberGOther19.SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER OR EMPLOYER ID NUMBER OF PAYEETelephone Number:20.TRANSCRIPTINCLUDEPAGE NUMBERSNO. OF PAGESRATE PER PAGESUB-TOTALLESS AMOUNTAPPORTIONEDTOTAL OriginalCopyExpense (Itemize)TOTAL AMOUNT CLAIMED: 21.CLAIMANT222S CERTIFICATION OF SERVICE PROVIDEDI hereby certify that the above claim is for services rendered and is correct, and that I have not sought or received payment (compensation or anything of value) from any other source forthese services.Signature of Claimant/PayeeDateATTORNEY CERTIFICATION22.CERTIFICATION OF ATTORNEY OR CLERK I hereby certify that the services were rendered and that the transcript was received.Signature of Attorney or ClerkDateAPPROVED FOR PAYMENT 227 COURT USE ONLY23.APPROVED FOR PAYMENT24. AMOUNT APPROVEDSignature of Judge or Clerk of CourtDate American LegalNet, Inc.