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Investigative Services Detailed Budget Worksheet Form. This is a Official Federal Forms form and can be use in Criminal Justice Act (CJA).
Tags: Investigative Services Detailed Budget Worksheet, CJA 28C, Official Federal Forms Criminal Justice Act (CJA),
CJA 28C (Rev. 10/12) Investigative Services Detailed Budget Worksheet for Non-capital Representations with the Potential for Extraordinary Cost This detailed budget worksheet is for use by counsel in preparing the summary of anticipated investigative services for representations that "appear likely to become or have become extraordinary in terms of potential cost" as set forth in section 230.26.10 of the Guidelines for Administering the CJA and Related Statutes, Volume 7A, Guide to Judiciary Policy. The figure at the end of each section should be transferred to the summary budget worksheet for submission to the court. (In some instances, the court may request the detailed worksheet as well as the summary.) The document automatically totals hours and dollar amounts. Date: Case Name: Case Number: Name of Investigator: Hourly Rate: I. Discovery/Document Review (including documents and information generated by defense investigation) A. Estimated Quantity of Discovery 1. Pages of Discovery/Documents: 2. Number of Audiotapes: Hours of Tape: 3. Number of Videotapes: Hours of Tape: 4. Number of Court Files 5. Other (specify): B. Discovery Review 1. Documents: 2. Audiotapes: 3. Videotapes: 4. Court-Files: Hours American LegalNet, Inc. CJA 28C (Rev. 10./12) Investigative Services Detail/Page 2 5. Other: Subtotal Hours: 0.0 II. Investigation and Witness Interviews (including travel time) A. Local Investigation 1. Collecting records: 2. Locating and interviewing witnesses a. Number of potential witnesses: b. Will witnesses be difficult to locate (Y or N) ? c. Estimated hours of investigation/interview: 3. Inspecting crime scene and other evidence: B. Non-Local Investigation 1. Collecting records: 2. Locating and interviewing witnesses a. Number of Potential Witnesses: b. Will witnesses be difficult to locate (Y or N) ? c. Estimated hours of investigation/interview: 3. Crime Scene and Evidence Inspection: Hours Subtotal Hours: 0.0 III. Meetings with Defense Attorneys, Client, and Expert Witnesses A. Meetings with Client 1. Time for meetings: 2. Travel time to meetings with client Hours American LegalNet, Inc. CJA 28C (Rev. 10./12) Investigative Services Detail/Page 3 a. Is defendant in a remote jail facility (Y or N)? b. Distance to defendant's location in miles: c. Total travel time for meetings with client: B. Meetings with Attorneys 1. Time for meetings: 2. Travel time for meetings with attorneys a. Distance to attorney in miles: b. Total travel time for meetings with attorney: C. Meetings with Expert Witnesses 1. Time for meetings: 2. Travel time for meetings with expert witnesses a. Is expert out-of-district (Y or N)? b. Distance to expert in miles: c. Total travel time for meetings with expert: Subtotal Hours: 0.0 IV. Other Meetings A. Meetings with Prosecutors/Case Agents 1. Time for meetings: 2. Travel time for meetings with prosecutors/case agents a. Distance to prosecutors/case agents in miles: b. Total travel time for meetings with prosecutors/case agents: B. Other Meeting (specify): 1. Time for meeting: 2. Travel time for other meeting: C. Other Meeting (specify): Hours American LegalNet, Inc. CJA 28C (Rev. 10./12) Investigative Services Detail/Page 4 1. Time for meeting: 2. Travel time for other meeting: Subtotal Hours: 0.0 V. Court Time A. Estimated Length of Trial in Days: 1. Hours investigator will be in court for trial a. Testifying: b. Assisting counsel and coordinating exhibits and witnesses: 2. Travel time to/from court for trial: B. Estimated Days of Hearings: 1. Hours investigator will be in court for hearings a. Testifying: b. Assisting counsel and coordinating exhibits and witnesses: 2. Travel time to/from court for hearings: Hours Subtotal Hours: 0.0 Grand Total Hours: 0.0 VI. Travel Costs A. Local Travel POV mileage rate: 1. Trips to meet with defendant a. Number of trips: b. Miles per round-trip: Dollars American LegalNet, Inc. CJA 28C (Rev. 10./12) Investigative Services Detail/Page 5 c. Estimated cost of travel: 2. Trips to meet with defense counsel (note: do not double count meetings that include both defense counsel and defendant) a. Number of trips: b. Estimated cost of travel: 3. Trips to view evidence, to crime scene(s), and to meet with prosecutors and case agents a. Number of trips: b. Estimated cost of travel: 4. Trips to confer with experts: a. Number of trips: b. Estimated cost of travel: 5. Trips to obtain records and locate/interview lay witnesses a. Number of trips: b. Estimated cost of travel: B. Travel Requiring Air/Train Transportation, Rental Vehicle and/or Overnight Stay (using government travel rates and per diems for purpose of estimate) 1. Meet with defendant a. Location: b. Number of trips: c. Estimated cost of travel: 2. Trips to meet with defense counsel (note: do not double count meetings that include both defense counsel and defendant) a. Location: b. Number of trips: c. Estimated cost of travel: 3. Trips to view evidence, to crime scene(s), and to meet with prosecutors and case agents $0.00 American LegalNet, Inc. CJA 28C (Rev. 10./12) Investigative Services Detail/Page 6 a. Location(s): b. Number of trips: c. Estimated cost of travel: 4. Trips to confer with other expert witnesses a. Name and Type of Expert: Location: Number of trips: Estimated cost of travel: b. Name and Type of Expert: Location: Number of trips: Estimated cost of travel: c. Name and Type of Expert: Location: Number of trips: Estimated cost of travel: d. Name and Type of Expert: Location: Number of trips: Estimated cost of travel: e. Name and Type of Expert: Location: Number of trips: Estimated cost of travel: f. Name and Type of Expert: Location: Number of trips: American LegalNet, Inc. CJA 28C (Rev. 10./12) Investigative Services Detail/Page 7 Estimated cost of travel: 5. Trips to obtain records and locate/interview lay witnesses a. Location: Estimated cost of travel: b. Location: Estimated cost of travel: c. Location: Estimated cost of travel: d. Location: Estimated cost of travel: e. Location: Estimated cost of travel: f. Location: Estimated cost of travel: 6. Other travel: a. Purpose: Location: b. Purpose: Location: c. Purpose: Location: d. Estimated cost of other travel: Total Travel Costs: $0.00 American LegalNet, Inc. CJA 28C (Rev. 10./12) Investigative Services Detail/Page 8 Note to Court: If extensi