Investigative Services Summary Budget Worksheet
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Investigative Services Summary Budget Worksheet Form. This is a Official Federal Forms form and can be use in Criminal Justice Act (CJA).
Tags: Investigative Services Summary Budget Worksheet, CJA 28D, Official Federal Forms Criminal Justice Act (CJA),
CJA 28D (Rev. 10/12) Investigative Services Summary Budget Worksheet for Non-capital Representations with the Potential for Extraordinary Cost This summary budget worksheet summarizes anticipated investigative services. The document should be submitted to the court in representations that "appear likely to become or have become extraordinary in terms of potential cost" as set forth in section 230.26.10 of the Guidelines for Administering the CJA and Related Statutes, Volume 7A, Guide to Judiciary Policy. The accompanying detailed budget worksheet may be of assistance to counsel in preparing the summary. The document automatically totals hours and dollar amounts. Date: Case Name: Case Number: Name of Investigator: Hourly Rate: Investigator Hours I. Discovery/Document Review (including documents and information generated by defense investigation) Hours: II. Investigation and Witness Interviews (including travel and interview time) Hours: III. Meetings with Defense Attorneys, Client, and Expert Witnesses (including travel and meeting time) Hours: American LegalNet, Inc. CJA 28D (Rev. 10/12) Investigative Services Summary/Page 2 IV. Other Meetings (including travel and meeting time with prosecutors and case agents) Hours: V. Court Time (including travel, testifying, and assisting counsel at trial and hearings) Hours: Grand Total Hours: 0.0 VI. Travel Costs (Note to Court: If extensive out-of-district investigator travel is anticipated, the Court may wish to require a more detailed travel budget. In addition, the court should determine whether it will issue "blanket" travel authorization for all specified and budgeted trips, or whether it will approve the investigator travel "seriatim.") Travel Costs: VII. Other Miscellaneous Costs and Expenses Costs and Miscellaneous Expenses: American LegalNet, Inc. CJA 28D (Rev. 10/12) Investigative Services Summary/Page 3 Approved Case Budget for Investigative Services: Investigator Time Hourly Rate: Hours: $0.00 0.0 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Fees Approved (hours multiplied by hourly rate): Travel Costs: Other Miscellaneous Costs and Expenses: Grand Total Budget for Investigator: $0.00 American LegalNet, Inc.