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Model Form F Proposed Joint Scheduling Order Form. This is a Official Federal Forms form and can be use in Provider Reimbursement Review Board (PRRB) Department Of Health And Human Services (HHS).
Tags: Model Form F Proposed Joint Scheduling Order, F, Official Federal Forms Department Of Health And Human Services (HHS), Provider Reimbursement Review Board (PRRB)
2520 Lord Baltimore Drive, Suite L
Baltimore, MD 21244-2670
Phone: 410-786-2671
FAX: 410-786-5298
Date of Request: _________________
PRRB Case No.: _________________
Provider/Group Name: _______________________________________________________________
Provider/Group FYE(s): ______________________________________________________________
Provider No(s). ______________________________________________________________________
A. Resolved Issues – Under a TAB LABELED 1, identify appealed issues resolved by the parties.
B. Conditionally Resolved Issues – Under a TAB LABELED 2, identify issues on which
conditional resolution has been reached. Include for each conditionally resolved claim:
1. A brief statement of the issue.
2. A description of the conditions on which resolution is based, including dates, actions, and
audit methodologies required by the parties. [Example: Issue 1 is whether the Provider’s travel
expenses were adequately documented--The issue is conditionally resolved based on the
Provider’s representation that it will furnish the September 2004 travel logs by June 1, 2008.]
C. Unresolved Issues – Under a TAB LABELED 3, identify issues that have not been resolved.
Include for each unresolved issue:
1. A brief statement of the issue.
2. A brief statement of the material facts and indicate whether they are disputed.
3. For claims that cannot be resolved because of a question of law, briefly state
each party’s legal position and the authorities relied upon.
4. Listing of documentation exchanged to date.
American LegalNet, Inc.
5. If the parties expect the case to require discovery, or a voluntary exchange and analysis of
data, create a detailed timetable/schedule for that exchange. This schedule will supersede the
timelines in the regulations as permitted by 42 CFR 405.1853(e)(3)).
[Example: Unresolved Issue 1 is Medicaid Eligible Days –
January 1, 20xx – Provider will submit to Intermediary an updated Medicaid eligible days listing.
February 1, 20xx – Intermediary will have sampled listing and given sampled items to Provider
with request for supporting documentation.
March 1, 20xx – Provider will supply all documentation requested by the Intermediary in support
of the sample.
March 15, 20xx - Intermediary will have reviewed documentation submitted by Provider in
support of sample and will inform Provider of audit findings. Additional documentation requests
will be provided by this date.
April 1, 20xx – Provider will respond to audit findings with any additional documentation.
April 15, 20xx – Intermediary will submit finalized adjustments to Provider.
May 1, 20xx – Final Administrative Resolution will be drafted or parties will inform PRRB that
an Administrative Resolution can not be reached.
Also include a timetable for the following actions for any unresolved matters. You may state the
date (month/day/year) or express the date as the number of days from an event (e.g., prior to
Provider’s preliminary position paper
Intermediary’s preliminary position paper
Exhibit exchange deadline
Witness list deadline
Subpoena requests]
Once the JSO is approved by the Board, the parties may modify JSO deadlines only by their
signed, written agreement. An email confirmation or faxed signature is sufficient to signify
agreement. A modification of the hearing date requires Board approval. The Board will
consider the agreed upon dates as deadlines and failure to meet the deadlines, upon objection,
may result in Board action subject to 42 CFR §405.1868, including, but not limited to, excluding
evidence or dismissal.
American LegalNet, Inc.
D. Identify a mutually agreed upon month and year for hearing. ___________. This date should
not be less than 180 days from the last documentation deadline set in C.5 above. (The Board
typically will not schedule a case less than a year after the filing of the appeal unless a special
circumstance exists; however, the Board will consider accelerated hearing requests (See Rule 31) at any
E. Signatures – The undersigned have agreed that this document accurately identifies all issues in
Case No. _____________, and the parties have agreed upon the deadlines set forth in this
document. The parties understand that the Board’s issuance of a hearing date on or after the
requested hearing date in D. above will constitute the Board's acceptance of all other proposed
JSO deadlines. All other deadlines and evidence cut offs will be controlled by the parties’ JSO
unless the Board advises otherwise. The parties must meet all deadlines within the JSO, including
agreed upon written modifications, even if the hearing is scheduled later than requested.
Provider Representative:
Intermediary Representative:
Print Name and Title
Print Name and Title
American LegalNet, Inc.