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Form 14568-E Appendix C Part II Schedule 5 Plan Loan Failures Form. This is a Official Federal Forms form and can be use in Department Of Treasury.
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Form 14568-E (Rev. 6-2018)www.irs.govCatalog Number 66149QFor Paperwork Reduction Act information see current EPCRS Revenue Procedure. Form 14568-E(June 2018)Department of the Treasury - Internal Revenue Service Model VCP Compliance Statement - Schedule 5: Plan Loan Failures (Qualified Plans and 403(b) Plans) OMB Number 1545-1673 Include the plan name, Applicant222s EIN and plan number on each page of the compliance statement, including attachments Plan name EIN Plan number Section I - Identification of FailureThe plan identified above did not comply with the requirements of Section 72(p)(2) of the Internal Revenue Code (IRC). (Note: The conditions of IRC Section 72(p)(2) must be satisfied for a participant loan to be exempt from being treated as a distribution to the participant under IRC Section 72(p)(1).) The failure occurred for the following reason(s) (check applicable boxes and provide the information requested) A. The loan(s) exceeded the limit under IRC Section 72(p)(2)(A) Plan Year Number of Participants Affected Total Number of Loans Issued That Violated IRC Section 72(p)(2)(A) B. Loan terms did not satisfy the limits on the duration of the loan under IRC Section 72(p)(2)(B) Plan Year Number of Participants Affected Total Number of Loans Issued That Violated IRC Section 72(p)(2)(B) C. Loan terms did not satisfy IRC Section 72(p)(2)(C) relating to the frequency and amortization of payments Plan Year Number of Participants Affected Total Number of Loans Issued That Violated IRC Section 72(p)(2)(C) Page 2 Form 14568-E (Rev. 6-2018)www.irs.govCatalog Number 66149Q Plan number EIN Plan name D. Defaulted loan(s) (where the loan terms satisfied the requirements of IRC Section 72(p)(2), but default(s) occurred because loan payments were not made in accordance with the terms of the loan) Plan Year Number of Participants Affected Total Number of Loans in Default Section II - Eligibility for Use of Form 14568-EYesNoA. Is any affected participant either a key employee (as defined in IRC Section 416(i)(1)) or an owner-employee (as defined in IRC Section 401(c)(3))? If 223Yes,224 proceed to Section II B. If 223No,224 skip Section II B and proceed to Section II C.YesNoB. Is the purpose of this request limited to permitting the plan sponsor to report the loan as a deemed distribution in the year of correction instead of the year of the failure? If 223Yes,224 complete Section III and then proceed directly to Section IV D. (Sections IV A, B and C do not apply.) If 223No,224 STOP-do NOT use this Form 14568-E. Any request for relief should be made by filing a detailed written attachment to Form 14568, Model VCP Compliance Statement, describing the relief requested and the reasons why such relief should be granted.YesNoC. Will correction be completed before the maximum period for repayment of the loan (pursuant to IRC Section 72(p)(2)(B)) has expired? (Note: The maximum period is determined from the original date of the loan. Generally, this period is five years from the original date of the loan, except for home loans as described in IRC Section 72(p)(2)(B)(ii).) The original date of the loan is considered to be the date the participant received the proceeds from the loan. If 224Yes,224 and the plan sponsor wants relief from reporting the loan as a deemed distribution, complete Section III and then answer applicable questions in Sections IV A through IV C. If 223No,224 complete Section III and then proceed to Section IV D. Section III - Explanation of How and Why the Plan Loan Failures Occurred Page 3 Form 14568-E (Rev. 6-2018)www.irs.govCatalog Number 66149Q Plan number EIN Plan name Section IV - Description of Proposed Method of CorrectionIf the plan sponsor is requesting relief from reporting loans as deemed distributions,then complete Sections IV A, B or C, as applicable. If the plan sponsor is only requesting postponement of reporting loans as deemed distributions on Form 1099-R, then proceed directly to Section IV D.A. Correction for loans in excess of IRC Section 72(p)(2)(A) Any participant affected by this failure will make a corrective repayment to the plan. After repaying the excess of the loan amount over the maximum loan amount under IRC Section 72(p)(2)(A) (the 223excess loan amount224), the remaining balance of the loan will be repaid over the remaining period of the original loan (not beyond the period permitted under IRC Section 72(p)(2)(B), determined from the original date of the loan) in a manner that complies with the frequency and level payment requirements of IRC Section 72(p)(2)(C). The excess loan amount that will be repaid by the participant is determined based on how previously made payments have been applied to the loan. The previous loan payments were applied as follows: (check applicable box, and complete necessary information) Prior loan payments were made in accordance with an amortization schedule that complied with the requirements of IRC Section 72(p)(2)(B) relating to the terms of the loan and IRC Section 72(p)(2)(C) relating to frequency, and level loan payments. For the purpose of determining the excess loan amount and the remaining outstanding amount of the loan to be repaid over the remaining period of the loan, the previously made loan payments will be applied as follows: (check box that applies) 1.Solely to reduce the portion of the loan that did not exceed the maximum loan amount under IRC Section72(p)(2)(A). Result: The corrective repayment would equal the excess loan amount plus interest thereon. 2.To reduce the excess loan amount to the extent of the interest thereon, with the remainder of therepayments applied to reduce the portion of the loan that did not exceed the maximum loan amount underIRC Section 72(p)(2)(A). Result: The corrective repayment would equal the excess loan amount. 3.Pro rata against the excess loan amount and the maximum loan amount under IRC Section 72(p)(2)(A).Result: The corrective repayment would equal the outstanding balance remaining on the excess loanamount on the date that corrective repayment is made. Prior loan payments were not made in accordance with an amortization schedule that complied with the requirements of IRC Section 72(p)(2)(B) or (C).Methodology for determining the excess loan amount that will be repaid and the remaining outstanding balance of the loan that will be amortized over the remaining period of the loanAfter the corrective repayment is made (Check one of the two options listed below) Option 1: The remaining loan balance will be repaid according to the original amortization schedule. (This option is available only if the original amortization schedule would result in the loan being repaid within the maximum period permitted under IRC Section 72(p)(2)(B) determined from the original date of the loan.) Option 2: The loan will be reformed to amortize the remaining principal balance as of the date of repayment over the remaining period of the original loan, provided that the recalculated payments over the remaining period comply with the requirements of IRC Section 72(p)(2)(B) determined from the original date of the loan. Page 4 Form 14568-E (Rev. 6-2018)www.irs.govCatalog Number 66149Q Plan number EIN Plan nameB. Correction for loans with terms that: (i) provided for a repayment period that exceeded the period permitted under IRC Section 72(p)(2)(B) and/or (ii) provided for payments that did not provide for substantially level amortization with payments not less frequently than quarterly, as provided under IRC Section 72(p)(2)(C): (check the box that applies) 1.The loan balance will be reamortized with payments made on a substantially level basis (per IRC Section72(p)(2)(C)), made at least quarterly. 2.The reamortized loan balance will be paid over a remaining period that does not extend beyond five yearsfrom the date of the original loan. If original loan was a home loan described in IRC Section 72(p)(2)(B)(ii)the reamortized loan balance will be paid over the remaining period of the original loan (per IRC Section72(p)(2)(B)).C. Correction for defaulted loans with terms that complied with the requirements of IRC Sections 72(p)(2)(A), (B) and (C): (check