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Form 8609 Low-Income Housing Credit Allocation And Certification Form. This is a Official Federal Forms form and can be use in Department Of Treasury.
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Form 8609(Rev. May 2018) Department of the Treasury Internal Revenue Service Low-Income Housing Credit Allocation and CertificationGo to for instructions and the latest information. OMB No. 1545-0988 Part I Allocation of Credit Check if: Addition to Qualified Basis Amended Form A Address of building (do not use P.O. box) (see instructions) B Name and address of housing credit agency C Name, address, and TIN of building owner receiving allocation TIN D Employer identification number of agency E Building identification number (BIN) 1 a Date of allocation b Maximum housing credit dollar amount allowable . 1b 2Maximum applicable credit percentage allowable (see instructions) .......... 2 % 3aMaximum qualified basis ........................ 3a b Check here if the eligible basis used in the computation of line 3a was increased under the high-cost area provisions of section 42(d)(5)(B). Enter the percentage to which the eligiblebasis was increased (see instructions)................... 3b 1 % 4Percentage of the aggregate basis financed by tax-exempt bonds. (If zero, enter -0-.) ... 4 % 5 Date building placed in service ................ 6Check the boxes that describe the allocation for the building (check those that apply): a Newly constructed and federally subsidized b Newly constructed and not federally subsidized c Existing building d Sec. 42(e) rehabilitation expenditures federally subsidized e Sec. 42(e) rehabilitation expenditures not federally subsidized f Allocation subject to nonprofit set-aside under sec. 42(h)(5) Signature of Authorized Housing Credit Agency Official227Completed by Housing Credit Agency Only Under penalties of perjury, I declare that the allocation made is in compliance with the requirements of section 42 of the Internal Revenue Code, and that I have examined this form and to the best of my knowledge and belief, the information is true, correct, and complete. Signature of authorized official Name (please type or print) Date Part II First-Year Certification227Completed by Building Owners with respect to the First Year of the Credit Period 7Eligible basis of building (see instructions) .................. 7 8aOriginal qualified basis of the building at close of first year of credit period ....... 8a bAre you treating this building as part of a multiple building project for purposes of section 42 (see instructions)? .......................... Yes No 9aIf box 6a or box 6d is checked, do you elect to reduce eligible basis under section 42(i)(2)(B)? Yes No bFor market-rate units above the average quality standards of low-income units in the building, do you elect to reduce eligible basis by disproportionate costs of non-low-income units under section 42(d)(3)(B)? . Yes No 10Check the appropriate box for each election.Caution: Once made, the following elections are irrevocable. aElect to begin credit period the first year after the building is placed in service (section 42(f)(1)) Yes No bElect not to treat large partnership as taxpayer (section 42(j)(5)) .......... Yes cElect minimum set-aside requirement (section 42(g)) (see instructions): 20-50 40-60 Average income 25-60 (N.Y.C. only) dElect deep rent skewed project (section 142(d)(4)(B)) (see instructions) ......... 15-40 Under penalties of perjury, I declare that I have examined this form and accompanying attachments, and to the best of my knowledge and belief, they are true, correct, and complete. Signature Taxpayer identification number Date Name (please type or print) First year of the credit period For Privacy Act and Paperwork Reduction Act Notice, see separate instructions. Cat. No. 63981U Form 8609 (Rev. 05-2018) American LegalNet, Inc.