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Launch Notification Form. This is a Official Federal Forms form and can be use in Federal Aviation Administration (FAA).
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Tags: Launch Notification, FAA 8800-1, Official Federal Forms Federal Aviation Administration (FAA),
Form Approved OMB No. 2120-0608
U.S. Department of Transportation
Federal Aviation Administration
FAA/USSPACECOM Launch Notification
1) Launch site & launch date:
2) Earliest and latest possible launch time (GMT):
3) List of objects to achieve orbit - to include payload description, rocket bodies, and all other
4) Launch booster, sustainer, and strap-on descriptions:
5) Launch operator POC - to include name, address, & phone numbers:
6) Orbital parameters for all objects achieving orbit
a) inertial launch azimuth at liftoff:
b) inertial flight azimuth after liftoff:
c) epoch time:
d) nominal period (min):
e) inclination (deg):
f) eccentricity:
g) semi major axis (km):
h) argument of perigee (deg):
i) right ascension of ascending node (deg):
j) mean anomaly (deg):
k) start time of orbit (hh:mm:ss after launch):
l) end time of orbit (hh:mm:ss after launch):
7) Injection data
a) injection point latitude (deg n or s) & longitude (deg e):
b) inertial azimuth at injection point:
c) height above earth (km):
FAA Form 8800-1 (7-98)
American LegalNet, Inc.
FAA/USSPACECOM Launch Notification
d) injection time (hh:mm:ss after liftoff):
8) Sequence of events from liftoff to final injection. Give the times (hh:mm:ss after liftoff)
a) separation of each motor:
b) ignition of each motor:
c) cutoff of each motor:
d) jettison of pieces:
e) maneuvers:
f) reorientations:
g) deorbit:
h) ejection of special packages or other experiments:
9) Optional - Schedule for events (not Included in no. 8), such as ejection of experiments,
maneuvering (unclassified missions), jettison of parts, extension of antenna and solar arrays,
venting, spinning or despinning attitude changes, reorientation, or anything which may affect
the orbital characteristics:
10) A brief narrative description of the mission:
11) Transmitting frequencies and power (required only if space surveillance is required), including
device, band, power (watts), frequency (mhz), and emission scheduled by fixed program,
command, or transponder tracking:
12) Orbital objects cataloging Instructions (include all orbital objects listed in no. 3, including
common name, international designation, and country):
FAA Form 8800-1 (7-98)
Paperwork Reduction Act Statement: The FAA is required to submit this information to US Space Command. This form is sent to US Space Command 15 days prior to
the planned launch date. The FAA estimates it will take a licensee 4 hours to complete this form. This information is mandatory for the FAA and US Space Command.
The FAA will treat this information as confidential if requested by the applicant in accordance with 14 CFR §413.9. An agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person
is not required to respond to, a collection of information unless it displays a currently valid OMB control number. The OMB control number associated with this collection
is 2120-0608. Comments concerning the accuracy of this burden and suggestions for reducing the burden should be directed to the FAA at: 800 Independence Ave SW,
Washington, DC 20591, Attn: Information Collection Clearance Officer, ABA-20
American LegalNet, Inc.