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Application For Authority To Construct Or Make Changes In An International Or Experimental Broadcast Station Form. This is a Official Federal Forms form and can be use in Federal Communications Commission (FCC).
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Tags: Application For Authority To Construct Or Make Changes In An International Or Experimental Broadcast Station, 309, Official Federal Forms Federal Communications Commission (FCC),
'Federal Communications Commission Washington, D.C. #)654Instructions For FCC 309Appllcatlm for Authorlty to Constructor Mako Changm In an lntomutlmlorExpmlmontal hadcart S W t hA.This form is to be used in applying for authority to construct a new International, Experimental Television, Experimental Facsimile, or a Developmental Broadcast, or to make changes in an existing International, Experimental Television, Experimental Facsimile, or a Developmental, Broadcast Station. This form consists of this part, Section I, and the following sections:Section II, Legal Qualifications Section 111, Financial Qualifications Section IV, Statement of Program ServiceSection V, Engineering Data Section V-G, Antenna and Site Information Section VI, Equal Employment Opportunity ProgramB.C.Prepare three copies of this form and all exhibits. Prepare twoadditional copies (a total of five) of Section V-G and associated exhibits. File dl the above with Federal Communications Commission, Washington, D.C. 20554. Number exhibits serially in the space provided in the body of the form and list each exhibit inthe space providedon page 2 of this section. Dateeach exhibit.D.The name of the applicant stated herein shall be the exact corporate name, if a corporation; if a partnership, the names of all partners and the name under which the partnership does business; if an unincorporated association, the name of an executive officer, his office, and the name of the association.E.information called for by this application which is already on file with the Commission (except that called for in Section V-G) need not be refiled in thm application provided (1I the information is now on file inanother applicationor FCC form filed by oron behalf of this applicant, (21the information is identified fully by reference to the file number (if any), the FCC form number, and the filing date of the application or other form containing the information and the page or paragraph referred to, and 13) after making the reference, the applicant states: "No change since date of filing." Any such reference will be considered to incorporate into this application all information, confidentialor otherwise, contained intheapplication or other form referred to. The incorporated application or other form will thereafter, in its entirety, be open to the public.F.If the applicant is now licensee of an existing AM, FM, TV, or International broadcast station, Section II need not be completed.G.This application shall be personally signed by the applicant, if the applicant is an individual; by one of the partners, if the applicant is a partnership; by an officer, if the applicant k a corporation, by a member who is an officer, if the applicant is an unincorporatedassociation; by such duly elected or appointed officials as may be competent to do sounder the laws of the applicable jurisdiction, if the applicant is an eligible government entity; orby theapplicanf's attorney in case of the applicant's physical disability or of hidher absence from the United States. [The attornqy shall, in the event he or she signs for the applicant, separately set forth the reason why the application is not signed by the applicant. In addition, if any matter is stated onthe basim of the attorney's belief only (rather than knowledge), he or she shall separately set forth reasons for beliving that such statements are true.] Before filling out this application, the applicant should familiarize himself/herself with the CommunicationsAct of 1934, asamended, Parts 1, 2, 17, 73, and 74 of the Commission's Rules and Regulations, and the International and Telecommunication Union's Radio Regulations, as appropriate. BE SUREALL NECESSARY INFORMATIONISFURNISHEDAND ALL PARAGRAPHSARE FULLY ANSWERED. IFANY PORTIONSOF THE APPLICATION ARE NOT APPLICABLE, SPECIFICALLY SOSTATE. DEFECTIVEOR INCOMPLETEAPPLICATIONS MAY BE RETURNEDWITHOUT CONSIDERATION.H.I.FCC Notice to Individuals Required by the Privacy Act and the Paperwork Reduction ActThe solicitation of personal information requested in this application is authorized by the Communications Act of 1934, as amended.The principal purpose(s)for which the information wiU be used to determine if the benefit requested is consistent with the puMk interest. The staff, COWW variously of attorneys, accountants, engineers, and application examiners, will use theinformation to determine whether the application should be granted. denied, dismissed, or designated for hearing. If all the informationrequested is not provided, theapplication may be returned without action hSMg been taken upon it or its processing may bedelayed whL a request is mada to provide themissing information. Accordingly, every effort should be made to provide all necessary information. THE FOREGOING NOTICE ISREQUIRED BY THE PRIVACY ACT OF 1974, P.L. 93-579 DECEMBER 31, 1974, 5 U.S.C. 55h(e)(3).THIS REQUEST IS NOT SUBJECT TO THE REQUIREMENT OF THE PAPERWORK REDUCTION ACT OF 1980, P.L. 96511, DECEMBER 11, 198D, 44 U.S.C. m.American LegalNet, Inc. www.USCourtForms.comUnttd Staten of America Federal Communications Commission Washington, D.C. 20664File No.Applk.llon for Adwdty toCawuct orMdm C h a m InUI I m t e m ~l Orlrpwlnrmtrlaodcrrtgbtkn (Carefully read instructions before filling out Form-RETURN ONLY FORM TO FCC)Section I1. Name of Applicant (See Instruction 0 )Street Address (24 characters)Telephone No.City (20 characters)stateZIP Code(IndudeA m Codel2. Name of person to whom communicationshould be sent if dffferent from Item 1 above.Street AddressNameTelephone No. ZIP CodeCityState(Include A m CodelW)3. Purpose of Application (Check appropriate boxes)(a)Application is for: 0NewStation0Change in existing authorization 0Major0Minor(b) If this applicationisfor a change in existingfacilities, complete SectionIplusany other Sections necessaryto show allsubstantialc h a w in information previously filed with the Commission. Indime below the Sections completed and filed with this application.E l s e c t i o n 110Section 1110Section Iv0Section v0Section VGU s e C h V l(c) In the space below refer to informationalready on file with the Commissionwhich, inaccordancewith InstructionE, may kincorporatedinthimSppricstionby proper reference.Paragraph No.Section No.File or Form No.and Date4. RequestedFacilitiesFrequencyAntenna input PowerHour8 of Operation (not app/icable to i n t m t i o d stationalType of Statim: Clintematioml 0Expsrimentaltelevision UExperimental fscsimiie 0O