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Application For Class A Television Broadcast Station Construction Permit Or License Form. This is a Official Federal Forms form and can be use in Federal Communications Commission (FCC).
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Tags: Application For Class A Television Broadcast Station Construction Permit Or License, 302-CA, Official Federal Forms Federal Communications Commission (FCC),
Federal Communications CommissionApproved by OMBWashington, D.C. 205543060-0928APPLICATION FOR CLASS A TELEVISION BROADCAST STATIONCONSTRUCTION PERMIT OR LICENSEpaper format. Electronic filing will become mandatory, on a form-by-form basis, six months after each application form or report becomes available for filing electronically.GENERAL INSTRUCTIONSA. This FCC Form is to be used in all cases by: (a) lowpower television (LPTV) licensees seeking to convert their licensed or authorized construction permit facilities toClassAstatus;(b)LPTVlicenseesfilingD. Applicants that prepare this application in paper formsimultaneously a displacement construction permit application; and (c) Class A licensees seeking a license to cover their authorized Class A construction permit facilities. The form consists of the following sections:should file an original and two copies of this application and all exhibits. Applicants should follow the procedures set forth in Part 0 and Part 73 of the Commission's Rules. Amendments to previously filed applications should be prepared, signed and filed in the same manner as the original application, and should contain the following information to identify the associated application:I.General Information II. Legal Qualifications III. Engineering Data and Preparer's Certification (forpreparer of engineering sections of the application)(1)Applicant's name.(2)Service.B. This application form makes references to FCC rules.(3)Call letters.Applicants should have on hand and be familiar with current broadcast rules in Title 47 of the Code of Federal Regulations (C.F.R.):(4)Channel number.(5)Community of license.(6)File number of application being amended (if known).(1) Part 0"Commission Organization"(7)Date of filing of application being amended (if file number is not known).(2) Part 1"Practice and Procedure"(3) Part 73 "Radio Broadcast Services" (4) Part 74 Experimental, Auxiliary, and SpecialE. A copy of the completed application and all relatedBroadcast and Other Program Distributional Services documents shall be made available for inspection by the public in the applicant's public inspection file pursuant to 47 C.F.R. Section 73.3526 for commercial stations.FCC Rules may be purchased from the Government Printing Office. Current prices may be obtained from the GPO Customer Service Desk at (202) 512-1803. For payment by credit card, call (202) 512-1800, M-F, 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. e.s.t; facsimile orders may be placed by dialing (202) 518-2233, 24 hours a day. Payment by check may be made to the Superintendent of Documents, Attn: New Orders, P.O. Box 371954, Pittsburgh, PA 15250-7954.F. Applicants should provide all information requested bythis application. No section may be omitted. If any portions of the application are not applicable, the applicant should so state. Defective or incomplete applications will be returned without consideration. Inadvertently accepted applications are also subject to dismissal.C.G. In accordance with 47 C.F.R. Section 1.65, applicantsElectronic Filing of Application Forms. The Commission is currently developing electronic versions of various broadcast station application and reporting forms, such as this application form. As each application form and report goes online, the Commission will by Publichave a continuing obligation to advise the Commission, through amendments, of any substantial and material changes in the information furnished in this application. This requirement continues until the FCC action on this application is no longer subject to reconsideration by the Commission or review by any court.Noticeannouncetheandavailabilityitsprocedures to be followed for accessing and filing the application form or report electronically via the Internet.H. This application requires applicants to certify complianceFor a six-month period following the issuance of the Public Notice, the subject application form or report can be filed with the Commission either electronically or in awith certain statutory and regulatory requirements. Detailed instructions provide additional informationApril 2000 edition still useable.FCC 302-CA InstructionsJune 2002American LegalNet, Inc. www.USCourtForms.comregarding Commission rules and policies. These materials are designed to track the standards and criteria which the Commission applies to determine compliance and to increase the reliability of applicant certifications. They are not intended to be a substitute for familiarity with the Communications Act and the Commission's regulations, policies, and precedent. While applicants are required to review all application instructions, they are not required to complete or retain any documentation created or collected to complete the application.FCC Registration Number (FRN). To comply with the Debt Collection Improvement Act of 1996, the applicant must enter its FRN number, a ten-digit unique entity identifierforanyonedoingbusinesswiththeCommission. The FRN can be obtained through the FCC webpageathttp://www.fcc.govorbymanuallysubmitting FCC Form 160. FCC Form 160 is available for downloading from html or by calling 1-800-418-3676. Questions concerning the FCC Registration Number can be directed to the Commission's Registration System help desk at or by callingI.This application is presented primarily in a "Yes/No" certification format. However, it contains appropriate places for submitting explanations and exhibits where necessary or appropriate. Each certification constitutes a material representation. Applicants may only mark the "Yes" certification when they are certain that the response is correct. A "No" response is required if the applicant is requesting a waiver of a pertinent rule and/or policy, or where the applicant is uncertain that the application fully satisfies the pertinent rule and/or policy.1-877-480-3201.Facility ID Number. Radio and TV Facility ID Numbers can be obtained at the FCC's Internet Website at or by calling: Radio (202) 418-2730; TV (202) 418-1600. Further, the Facility ID Number is now included on all Radio and TV authorizations and postcards.B. Item 2: Contact Representative. If the applicant isThus, a "No" response to any of the certification items will not cause the immediate dismissal of the application provided that an appropriate exhibit is submitted.represented by a third party (for example, legal counsel), thatperson'sname,fir