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Form 601 Schedule D - Wireless Telecommunications Bureau Schedule For Station Locations And Antenna Structures Form. This is a Official Federal Forms form and can be use in Federal Communications Commission (FCC).
Tags: Form 601 Schedule D - Wireless Telecommunications Bureau Schedule For Station Locations And Antenna Structures, 601-D, Official Federal Forms Federal Communications Commission (FCC),
FCC 601 Schedule D - Instructions March 2018 - Page 1 FCC 601 FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION Approved by OMB Schedule D Information and Instructions 3060 - 0798 See 601 Main Form Instructions for public burden estimate Wireless Telecommunications Bureau and/or Public Safety and Homeland Security Bureau Schedule for Station Locations and Antenna Structures Form FCC 601, Schedule D, is a supplementary schedule for use with the FCC Application for Radio Service Authorization: Wireless Telecommunications Bureau and/or Public Safety and Homeland Security Bureau, FCC 601 Main Form. This schedule is used to supply technical information for fixed transmit station locations, including antenna structures and Mobile, Temporary Fixed, Itinerant, and 6.1 Meter Control Station Locations. It is also used by geographic Licensees (all radio services, except microwave) to apply for a site-specific authorization to fulfill international coordination requirements, environmental assessment requirements or for reporting of cell transmitter stations (CTS) in the 218-219 MHz Service (when required by Part 95) or for reporting of base or fixed stations operating in excess of 1 kW ERP in the 700 MHz WCS channels (when required by Part 27). File as many schedules as necessary to describe all station locations, including antenna structures, in your application. The FCC 601 Main Form must be filed in conjunction with this schedule. This schedule is used in conjunction with the following technical data schedules: Note: When required, antenna structures must be registered using FCC 854. The use of this form to supply antenna structure information does not replace the requirement to register antenna structures on the FCC 854. For more information, see our web site at, call (877) 480-3201 (TTY 717-338-2824), or visit the web at FCC 601, Schedule E - Technical Data Schedule for the Broadband Radio Service and Educational Broadband Service (Part 27) Note: BRS and EBS may only apply for fixed, temporary fixed or mobile station locations. FCC 601, Schedule F - Technical Data Schedule for the Cellular and Air-ground (Commercial Aviation) Radiotelephone Services (Part 22) Note: Services that use Schedule F may only apply for fixed station locations. FCC 601, Schedule G - Technical Data Schedule for the Maritime and Aviation Services (Parts 80 and 87) FCC 601, Schedule H - Technical Data Schedule for the Private Land Mobile and Broadcast Auxiliary Land Mobile Radio Services (Parts 90 and 74) Note: Part 90 Services that use Schedule H may only have a maximum of six fixed sites per call sign. FCC 601, Schedule J - Technical Data Schedule for the Paging, Rural, Air-ground (General Aviation), and Offshore Radiotelephone Services (Part 22) It is recommended that Schedule D be completed prior to completing any required technical data schedules. Note: Some services have specific requirements and/or restrictions for some of the items on this schedule. Please refer to the instructions of the appropriate technical data schedule for service specific response requirements and restrictions. Schedule D Instructions This schedule must be completed when any station location is to be added, modified, or deleted. Use as many copies of Schedule D as necessary to provide information for all stations. Adding a Fixed Station Location If you are adding a new fixed station location, complete all required items for each fixed station location being added. Note: If you are adding a 6.1 Meter (20 foot) Control Station in the 470-512 MHz band, 72-76 MHz band or adding a 6.1 Meter (20 foot) Control Station that requires greater than 5 watts output power/ERP for operations in regions North of Line 221A222 or in Alaska East of Line 221C222, complete all required items for the control station as if adding a fixed station location. Enter location description code as 223FX224 in Item 3. Modifying a Fixed Station Location If you are modifying a fixed station location, in addition to Items 1, 2, and 6 (provide the seven digit FCC Antenna Structure Registration Number or FCC 854 File Number), complete only the items that have changed for each fixed station location. If the modification is to delete existing data, enter CLR (clear) in the appropriate field (manual filed forms only). If the modification involves technical data filed on one of accompanying FCC Technical Data Service Schedules E, F, G, H, or J, or involves the relocation of a fixed station, then Items 26 American LegalNet, Inc. FCC 601 Schedule D - Instructions March 2018 - Page 2 and 27 (if applicable) must also be completed. If modifying a fixed station location in the Broadband Radio Services or the Educational Broadband Services, also complete items 23 & 28. Adding a Mobile, Temporary Fixed, Itinerant, or 6.1 Meter Control Station Location If you are adding a new mobile station, temporary fixed station, itinerant station, or 6.1 meter control station, complete all required items for each station to be added. Note: If you are adding a 6.1 Meter (20 foot) Control Station in the 470-512 MHz band, 72-76 MHz band or adding a 6.1 Meter (20 foot) Control station that requires greater than 5 watts output power/ERP for operations in regions North of Line 222A222 or in Alaska East of Line 221C222, complete all required items for the control station as if adding a fixed station location. Enter location description code as 223FX224 in Item 3. Modifying a Mobile, Temporary Fixed, Itinerant, or 6.1 Meter Control Station Location If you are modifying a station, in addition to Items 1, and 2, complete only the items that have changed for each station. If the modification is to delete existing data, enter CLR (clear) in the appropriate field (manual filed forms only). If the modification involves technical data filed on one of accompanying FCC Technical Data Service Schedules E, G, H, or J, or involves the relocation of a control station, then Items 26 and 27 (if applicable) must also be completed. If modifying a station in the Broadband Radio Services or the Educational Broadband Services, complete items 23 & 28 also. Deleting a Station Location If you are deleting a station location, only Items 1, 2, 7 and 8 are required, if applicable. If a station location is deleted, the frequency, emission, and all related technical data that is linked to that station location will automatically be deleted and will no longer be part of your authorization. Therefore, it is not necessary to complete the complementary technical data service schedule to delete frequency and emissions when a station location is deleted using this schedule. Station locations that are currently licensed under the call sign by the FCC will continue to be shown on the Authorization as is, unless a specific action is requested. IMPORTANT ANTENNA STRUCTURE REGISTRATION INFORMATION: The Commission will evaluate your application for a fixed location based on the FCC Antenna Structure Registration Number or FCC 854 File Number you provide (if required). If you mistype your FCC Antenna Structure Registration Number or FCC 854 File Number, or provide location data (latitude, longitude, elevation, and structure heights) that is inconsistent with the data found in the Commission222s Antenna Structure Registration database, your application will be dismissed. Inconsistent data is defined as follows: 1. Latitude and Longitude data provided on Schedule D differs from the data in the Antenna Structure Registration database by more than 1 second; or 2. The height or elevation reported on Schedule D is more than 0.5 meters (1.5. feet) greater than the data in the Antenna Structure Registration Database; or elevation is more than 3 meters (9.8 feet) less than the elevation listed in the Antenna Structure Registration Database. IMPORTANT INFORMATION REGARDING LOCATION, ANTENNA, AND CONTROL POINT NUMBERS: To identify existing locations, antennas, or control points, you must use the location, antenna, and control point numbers assigned by the Universal Licensing System (ULS). These numbers may not be identical to the location, antenna,