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Form 601 Schedule F - Technical Data Schedule For The Cellular And Air-Ground (Commercial Aviation) Radiotelephone Form. This is a Official Federal Forms form and can be use in Federal Communications Commission (FCC).
Tags: Form 601 Schedule F - Technical Data Schedule For The Cellular And Air-Ground (Commercial Aviation) Radiotelephone, 601-F, Official Federal Forms Federal Communications Commission (FCC),
FCC 601 Schedule F 226 Instructions March 2018 - Page 1 FCC 601 FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION Approved by OMB Schedule F Information and Instructions 3060 - 0798 See 601 Main Form Instructions for public burden estimate Technical Data Schedule for the Cellular and Air-ground (Commercial Aviation) Radiotelephone Services (Part 22) Form FCC 601, Schedule F, is a supplementary schedule for use with the FCC Application for Radio Service Authorization: Wireless Telecommunications Bureau and/or Public Safety and Homeland Security Bureau, FCC 601 Main Form. This schedule is used to apply for an authorization to operate a radio station, amend a pending application, or modify an existing license in the Cellular Radiotelephone and Commercial Air-ground Radiotelephone Services. Additionally, this schedule is used by auction winners that must file site-specific technical data for international coordination or for an environmental assessment of a particular site. The FCC 601 Main Form must be filed in conjunction with this schedule. You must file technical information for each location and antenna structure using FCC 601, Schedule D, Schedule for Station Locations and Antenna Structures. It is recommended that you complete Schedule D prior to completing Schedule F. IMPORTANT INFORMATION REGARDING LOCATION, ANTENNA, SECTOR, AND CONTROL POINT NUMBERS: To identify existing locations, antennas, sectors, or control points, you must use the location, antenna, sector, and control point numbers assigned by the Universal Licensing System (ULS). These numbers might not be identical to the location, antenna, sector, and control point numbers on your current authorization if that authorization was not issued by the ULS. If you are unsure of the location, antenna, sector, or control point number that corresponds to a particular location, antenna, sector, or control point, you can query the ULS for the most up-to-date information regarding your authorization. To query the ULS license database for your call sign, point your web browser to and click on Search - Licenses. Alternatively, you may call (877) 480-3201 (TTY 717-338-2824) for assistance. Schedule F Instructions Cellular Unserved Area Information Item 1 Indicate if this is a New or Modification application for the Cellular Radiotelephone Service. If the application is claiming Unserved Area, complete Items 2 through 5 as applicable. If this application is for a new license won in an FCC auction, do not file FCC 601 Schedule F. Instead, file Form FCC 601 Schedule B along with the FCC 601 Main Form. Item 2 Enter the market(s) in which the Unserved Area is located and list the markets contained within the proposed Service Area Boundaries. Market designators are listed in the FCC Public Notices. Only one Cellular Geographic Service Area (CGSA) may be included on an application (but a CGSA may cover more than one Cellular Market Area (CMA). Item 3 Enter the market name of the market designator listed in Item 2. Item 4 Enter the sub-market designator only if the market has been subdivided. Sub-market designators are listed in the FCC Public Notices. Item 5 Enter the applicable channel block, either 'A' or 'B'. Control Points This section must be completed only when a control point is to be added, modified, or deleted. If you are adding a new control point, complete all items in this section for each control point to be added. If you are modifying an existing control point, in addition to Items 6 and 7, complete only the items that have changed for each control point. If you are deleting a control point, only Items 6 and 7 are required. Control Points that are currently licensed under this call sign by the FCC will continue to be shown on the Authorization as is, unless a specific action is requested in this section. American LegalNet, Inc. FCC 601 Schedule F - Instructions March 2018 - Page 2 Item 6 This item indicates the action the filer wants the FCC to take on the specified control point. Enter 221A222 for Add, 221M222 for Modify, or 221D222 for Delete. Item 7 If the control point has been previously licensed under this call sign by the FCC, enter its FCC-assigned control point number (see Important Information Regarding Location, Antenna, and Control Point Numbers on page 1 of these instructions). For a new control point, assign a temporary code to represent the control point. The assigned code should begin with C to indicate it is a control point and end with a number to uniquely identify it (e.g., C1, C2, C3, etc.). The FCC will assign an official number to the new control point, which will appear on the Authorization. Item 8 Enter the street address, city or town, county/borough/parish or equivalent entity, and state of the control point. Refer to FCC 601 Main Form Instructions, Appendix II, for a list of valid state, jurisdiction, and area abbreviations. Item 9 Enter the telephone number, including area code, where a person responsible for operation of the station or system could be reached. Commercial Aviation Air-ground Technical Parameters (Antenna Data) This section must be completed by Commercial Air-ground Applicants when antennas are to be added, modified, or deleted. If you are adding new antennas, complete all items in this section for each antenna to be added. If you are modifying an existing antenna, in addition to Items 10, 12, and 13, complete only the items that have changed for each antenna. If you are deleting antennas, only Items 10, 12, and 13 are required. Technical parameters currently licensed under this call sign by the FCC will continue to be shown on the Authorization as is, unless a specific action is requested in this section. Item 10 This item indicates the action the filer wants the FCC to take on the specified antenna. Enter 221A222 for Add, 221M222 for Modify, or 221D222 for Delete. Item 11 Enter the channel block of the requested ground station (1-10). Refer to the Commission222s rules for Commercial Aviation Air- ground Radiotelephone Services for more information on channel blocks and their assigned frequencies. Item 12 For each antenna structure, enter its corresponding location number, as entered on Schedule D Item 2. If the location has been previously licensed under this call sign by the FCC, enter the FCC-assigned location number (see Important Information Regarding Location, Antenna, and Control Point Numbers on page 1 of these instructions). Otherwise, enter the code assigned on Schedule D to represent the location. Refer to the instructions for Schedule D for more information on assigning location numbers. Item 13 If the antenna has been previously licensed with the Commission, enter the antenna222s FCC-assigned number (see Important Information Regarding Location, Antenna, and Control Point Numbers on page 1 of these instructions). Otherwise, enter a temporary code to represent each antenna. The assigned code should begin with an A to indicate it is an antenna and end with a number to uniquely identify it (e.g., A1, A2, A3, etc.). A single location can have multiple antennas. Antenna numbers need only be unique within each location. The FCC will assign an official number to the new antenna, which will appear on the Authorization. Item 14 This item reports the actual height at which the antenna is mounted. Enter this item in meters, rounded to the nearest tenth. Item 15 This item reports the maximum effective radiated power (ERP) of the facility in any direction on the specified channel. The value must be stated in watts. Cellular Radial Data This section must be completed by Cellular Service applicants when adding a new location, modifying the radial data for an existing location, or amending the radial data proposed in a pending application. For PSD operations: If you are adding a new location, complete items 1622621. If you are modifying data or amending a pending application, complete Items 16, 17, 19 and only those items that you are proposing to change. Applicants must attach a required exhibit in accordance with 47 CFR 247 22.911(c). For Non-PSD operations: If you are adding a new location, complete ite