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Form 601 Schedule G - Technical Data Schedule For The Maritime And Aviation Services (Parts 80 and 87) Form. This is a Official Federal Forms form and can be use in Federal Communications Commission (FCC).
Tags: Form 601 Schedule G - Technical Data Schedule For The Maritime And Aviation Services (Parts 80 and 87), 601-G, Official Federal Forms Federal Communications Commission (FCC),
FCC 601 Schedule G - Instructions March 2018 - Page 1 FCC 601 FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION Approved by OMB Schedule G 3060 - 0798 See 601 Main Form Instructions Information and Instructions for public burden estimate Technical Data Schedule for the Maritime and Aviation Services (Parts 80 and 87) Form FCC 601, Schedule G, is a supplementary schedule for use with the FCC Application for Radio Service Authorization: Wireless Telecommunications Bureau and/or Public Safety and Homeland Security Bureau, FCC 601 Main Form. This schedule is used to apply for an authorization to operate a land station in the Maritime Service or a ground station in the Aviation Service, as defined in 47 CFR, Part 80 or Part 87, respectively. It is also used to amend a pending application or modify an existing license in these services. Additionally, this schedule is used by auction winners that must file site-specific technical data for international coordination or for an environmental assessment of a particular site. The FCC 601 Main Form must be filed in conjunction with this schedule. You must file technical information for each fixed location, including the antenna structures and/or each hand held/mobile transmit location, temporary fixed station location, or itinerant station, using FCC 601, Schedule D, Schedule for Station Locations and Antenna Structures. It is recommended that you complete Schedule D prior to completing Schedule G. The following instructions apply when filing Schedule D in tandem with this schedule: Maritime coast and aviation ground stations may not submit an application that includes both fixed and mobile locations in the same application package (one application package being an FCC 601 Main Form and any associated schedules). Separate application packages must be submitted for fixed and mobile operations. Schedule D Item 17 This item does not apply to Maritime Coast and Aviation Ground stations. Schedule D Item 25 Each mobile location can contain only one occurrence of a unit type. For example, if a number of units are entered for 221Hand Held222, then all other unit types should be blank. 221Hand Held222, 221Mobile222, and 221Temporary Fixed222 unit types are applicable to any Maritime and Aviation service. 221Aircraft222 and 221Itinerant222 choices are only applicable to flight test stations. IMPORTANT INFORMATION REGARDING LOCATION, ANTENNA, AND CONTROL POINT NUMBERS: To identify existing locations, antennas, or control points, you must use the location, antenna, and control point numbers assigned by the Universal Licensing System (ULS). These numbers may not be identical to the location, antenna, and control point numbers on your current authorization if that authorization was not issued by the Universal Licensing System. If you are unsure of the location, antenna, or control point number that corresponds to a particular location, antenna, or control point, you can query the ULS for the most up-to-date information regarding your authorization. To query the ULS license database for your call sign, point your web browser to and click on Search - Licenses. Alternatively, you may call (877) 480-3201 (TTY 717-338-2824) for assistance. American LegalNet, Inc. FCC 601 Schedule G - Instructions March 2018 - Page 2 Schedule G Instructions Station Class Item 1 Enter the appropriate station class code from one of the following tables. There are separate tables for Maritime Service and Aviation Service Stations. For Maritime Service, select the station class code from the following table: MC Service Marine Utility205205205205205205205205205205205205205205205205205205205205205205.FCU Maritime Receiver Test205205205205205205205205205205205205205205205205205...MRT Maritime Support-Testing and Training205205205205205205205205205205205FCA Private Coast205205205205205205205205205205205205205205205205205205205205205205FCL Public Coast205205205205205205205205205205205205205205205205205205205205205205..FC Shore Radar Test 205205205205205205205205205205205205205205205205205205205205.MSC Shore Radiolocation Test205205205205205205205205205205205205205205205205205RLC MK Service Alaska Private ............................................................................ APX Alaska Public.............................................................................. APC MR Service Shore Radionavigation............................................................... MSR Shore Radionavigation/RACON ................................................. RLR MA Service Marine Operational Fixed ........................................................... MFX Note: Where appropriate, follow each code with 1 for Hand Held/Mobile operations or 2 for Temporary operations. For Aviation Service, select the station class code from the following tables: AF Service Aeronautical Advisory ............................................................... (Unicom) FAA Aeronautical Enroute.................................................................. FA Aeronautical Fixed ..................................................................... AX Aeronautical Multicom................................................................ MFL Aircraft (Flight Test Stations only) .............................................. FMA1 Aircraft Data Link Land Test205205205205205205205205205205205205205205205...DLT Airport Control Tower ................................................................. FAC Automatic Weather Observation ................................................ FAB Aviation Support Instructional .................................................... FAS Aviation Support Service............................................................ FLU Flight Information Services......................................................... FIS Flight Information Services with Hand Held/Mobile Operations . FIS1 Flight Information Services for Temporary Operations............... FIS2 Flight Test .................................................................................. FAT Remote Communications Outlet ................................................ RCO Ground Communications Outlet ................................................. GCO Ramp Control ............................................................................. RPC AA Service Aeronautical Search and Rescue............................................... SAR Aeronautical Utility Mobile.......................................................... MOU1 Operational Fixed....................................................................... AOX AR Service Aeronautical Marker Beacon ...................................................... RLA Aeronautical Radio Beacon........................................................ RLB Audio Visual Warning System205205205205205205205205205205205205205205...AVW Differential Global Positioning System (GPS) ............................ DGP ELT Test .................................................................................... ELT Glide Path (Slope)...................................................................... RLG Localizer..................................................................................... RLL Omnidirectional Radio Range .................................................... RLO American LegalNet, Inc. FCC 601 Schedule G - Instructions March 2018 - Page 3 Radar/Radar Test....................................................................... RLD Radionavigation Land ................................................................ RNV Radionavigation Land Test ........................................................ RLT Note: Where appropriate, follow each code with 1 for Mobile operations, 2 for Temporary operations, or (for flight test stations only) 3 for Itinerant operations. Item 2 This item must be answered 221Y222 for the following station classes: Aeronautical Advisory Aeronautical Enroute/Fixed Airport Control Tower Stations, Remote Communications Outlet, and Ground Communications Outlets For all other station classes, leave this item blank. Item 3 This item must be answered by all Appl