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Form 601 Schedule H - Technical Data Schedule For Private Land Mobile - Land Mobile Broadcast Auxiliary Radio Form. This is a Official Federal Forms form and can be use in Federal Communications Commission (FCC).
Tags: Form 601 Schedule H - Technical Data Schedule For Private Land Mobile - Land Mobile Broadcast Auxiliary Radio, 601-H, Official Federal Forms Federal Communications Commission (FCC),
FCC 601 Schedule H - Instructions March 2018 - Page 1 FCC 601 FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION Approved by OMB Schedule H Information and Instructions 3060 - 0798 See 601 Main Form Instructions for public burden estimate Technical Data Schedule for the Private Land Mobile and Land Mobile Broadcast Auxiliary Radio Services (Parts 90 and 74) Form FCC 601, Schedule H, is a supplementary schedule for use with the FCC Application for Radio Service Authorization: Wireless Telecommunications Bureau and/or Public Safety and Homeland Security Bureau, FCC 601 Main Form. This schedule is used to apply for an authorization to operate a radio station in the Private Land Mobile and Land Mobile Broadcast Auxiliary Radio Services, as defined in 47 CFR, Parts 90 and 74. It is also used to amend a pending application or modify an existing license in these services. Additionally, this schedule is used by auction winners that must file site-specific technical data for international coordination or for an environmental assessment of a particular site. The FCC 601 Main Form must be filed in conjunction with this schedule. You must file technical information for each fixed location, including the antenna structures and/or each hand held/mobile transmit location, temporary fixed station location, itinerant station, or 6.1 meter control station location using FCC 601, Schedule D, Schedule for Station Locations and Antenna Structures. It is recommended that you complete Schedule D prior to completing Schedule H. IMPORTANT INFORMATION REGARDING LOCATION, ANTENNA, AND CONTROL POINT NUMBERS: To identify existing locations, antennas, or control points, you must use the location, antenna, and control point numbers assigned by the Universal Licensing System (ULS). These numbers may not be identical to the location, antenna, and control point numbers on your current authorization if that authorization was not issued by the Universal Licensing System. If you are unsure of the location, antenna, or control point number that corresponds to a particular location, antenna, or control point, you can query the ULS for the most up-to-date information regarding your authorization. To query the ULS license database for your call sign, point your web browser to and click on Search - Licenses. Alternatively, you may call (877) 480-3201 (TTY 717-338-2824) for assistance. Schedule H Instructions Eligibility Item 1 Enter the number and paragraph of the FCC Rule Section that describes the eligibility for the radio service you specified in Item 1 of the FCC 601 Main Form. Item 2 Provide a statement that clearly indicates your qualifications for the chosen service. This statement should include: (1) A general description of your business or activity; (2) A description of how the radio will be employed in this activity; (3) Any other information you believe will aid in a determination of your eligibility for the service requested. Frequency Coordinator Information Items 3-6 These items will be completed by the appropriate certified frequency coordinators for those Applicants who are required to comply with the frequency coordination requirements. Broadcast Auxiliary Applicants who have notified their local frequency coordination committee should enter the name of the frequency coordinator, telephone number, including area code, of the person contacted, and date coordinated (Item 3 may be left blank). Item 7 Enter 221Y222 if this application has been successfully coordinated. Otherwise enter 221No222. American LegalNet, Inc. FCC 601 Schedule H - Instructions March 2018 - Page 2 Extended Implementation (Slow Growth) Item 8 If you are applying for an extended implementation period in which to construct and place a system in operation or requesting a modification to an existing extended implementation schedule, enter 221Y222. Otherwise enter 221N222. If you answer 221Y222 to this question, you must submit an exhibit containing a justification for the extended implementation and a detailed implementation plan. Check applicable FCC rules for eligibility for extended implementation plans (e.g., 47 CFR 247247 90.155(b) and 90.629). Note: To modify an authorization with a regular construction period to one with an extended implementation period, you should file FCC 601 Main Form with the purpose of MD - Modification and, enter 221Y222 for Item 8 of FCC 601 Schedule H, and attach supporting documentation. Do not file FCC 601 Schedule L - Waiver Request for Extension of Time for Wireless Services to request an extended implementation period. Associated Call Signs Item 9 List any call signs that are part of the system and licensed separately. Broadcast Auxiliary Only Items 10-14 apply only to the Land Mobile Broadcast Auxiliary Radio Services, LP, LV and RP. If there is an associated Broadcast Parent station, Items 10 through 12 must be completed. If there is more than one Parent station, select one for the purpose of filing this application. Actions taken on the Broadcast Parent station identified in Item 10 will similarly affect the Broadcast Auxiliary Station (i.e., renewal, assignment of authorization, cancellation, etc.). Item 10 If there is an associated Broadcast Parent station, enter the Facility Identification Number. This identification number is typically a 5 digit number assigned by the FCC222s Media Bureau. This is not the Call Sign of the Parent station. Item 11 Enter the Radio Service Code of the Broadcast Parent station. The Parent Station Radio Service Code must be AM, FM or TV. Item 12 Enter the City and State of the Parent Station222s principal community. Items 13-14 If there is no associated Broadcast parent station, enter the appropriate code for the Applicant and the State of primary operation. A 226 Cable Network Entity B - Broadcast Network Entity C - Television Cable Operator L - Large Venue Owner or Operator M - Motion Picture Producer P - Professional Sound Company T - Television Producer Note: If you enter L or P as the appropriate code, include on an attachment to your application the following certification and sign and date the certification: 223The applicant hereby certifies that it routinely uses 50 or more low power auxiliary station devices, where the use of such devices is an integral part of major events or productions.224 See 47 CFR 247 74.832(e). Control Points This section must be completed for a primary control point. If you are adding a new control point, complete all items in this section for each control point to be added. If you are modifying a control point, in addition to Items 15 and 16, complete only the items that have changed for each control point. If you are deleting a control point, only Items 15 and 16 are required. Control points that are currently licensed under this call sign by the FCC will continue to be shown on the authorization as is, unless a specific action is requested in this section. Item 15 This item indicates the action the filer wants the FCC to take on the specified control point. Enter 221A222 for Add, 221M222 for Modify, or 221D222 for Delete. Item 16 Enter the FCC-assigned control point number (see Important Information Regarding Location, Antenna, and Control Point Numbers on page 1 of these instructions). For a new control point, assign a temporary code to represent the control point. The assigned code should begin with C to indicate it as a control point and end with a number to uniquely identify it (e.g., C1, C2, C3, etc.). The FCC will assign an official number to the new control point, which will appear on the Authorization and in the ULS database. Item 17 Enter the street address, city or town, county/borough/parish or equivalent entity, and state of the control point. Refer to FCC Main Form Instructions, Appendix II, for a list of valid state, jurisdiction, and area codes. Item 18 Enter the telephone number (including area code) where a person responsible for operation of the control point could be reached. American LegalNet, Inc. FCC 601 Schedule H - Instructions March 2018 - Page 3 Antenna Information This section is for fixed stations (Schedul