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Form 601 Schedule I - Technical Data Schedule For The Fixed Microwave And Microwave Broadcast Auxiliary Form. This is a Official Federal Forms form and can be use in Federal Communications Commission (FCC).
Tags: Form 601 Schedule I - Technical Data Schedule For The Fixed Microwave And Microwave Broadcast Auxiliary, 601-I, Official Federal Forms Federal Communications Commission (FCC),
FCC 601 Schedule I Instructions March 2018 - Page 1 FCC 601 FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION Approved by OMB Schedule I 3060 - 0798 See 601 Main Form Instructions Information and Instructions for public burden estimate Instructions for Technical Data Schedule for the Fixed Microwave and Microwave Broadcast Auxiliary Services (Parts 101 and 74) Form FCC 601, Schedule I, is a supplementary schedule for use with the FCC Application for Radio Service Authorization: Wireless Telecommunications Bureau and/or Public Safety and Homeland Security Bureau, FCC 601 Main Form. This schedule is used to apply for an authorization to operate a radio station in the Fixed Microwave and Microwave Broadcast Auxiliary Services, as defined in 47 CFR, Parts 101 and 74. It is also used to amend a pending application or modify an existing license in these services. Additionally, this schedule is used by auction winners that must file site-specific technical data for international coordination, for an environmental assessment of a particular site or for operation that would affect a radio quiet zone. The FCC 601 Main Form must be filed in conjunction with this schedule. All site and technical information, whether pertaining to a fixed location or an area location, is filed on Schedule I. Do not file FCC 601, Schedule D - Schedule for Station Locations and Antenna Structures in conjunction with Schedule I. IMPORTANT INFORMATION REGARDING LOCATIONS, PATHS, or PASSIVE REPEATER NUMBERS: To identify existing locations, paths, or passive repeater numbers, you must use the location, path, or passive repeater numbers assigned by the Universal Licensing System (ULS). These numbers may not be identical to the numbers on your current authorization if that authorization was not issued by the Universal Licensing System. If you are unsure of the location, path, or passive repeater number that corresponds to a particular location, path, or passive repeater, you can query the ULS for the most up-to-date information regarding your authorization. To query the ULS license database for your call sign, point your web browser to and click on Search - Licenses. Alternatively, you may call (877) 480-3201 (TTY 717-338-2824) for assistance. Note: The transmit location will always be assigned Location Number 1. IMPORTANT ANTENNA STRUCTURE REGISTRATION INFORMATION: The Commission will evaluate your application for a fixed location based on the FCC Antenna Structure Registration Number or FCC 854 File Number you provide (if required). If you mistype your FCC Antenna Structure Registration Number or FCC 854 File Number, or provide location data (latitude, longitude, elevation, structure heights) that is inconsistent with the data found in the Commission222s Antenna Structure Registration database, your application will be dismissed. Inconsistent data is defined as follows: 1. Latitude and Longitude data provided on Schedule I, Supplement 1, differs from the data in the Antenna Structure Registration database by more than 1 second; or 2. The height or elevation reported on Schedule I is more than 0.5 meters (1.5 feet) greater than the data in the Antenna Structure Registration Database; or elevation is more than 3 meters (9.8 feet) less than the elevation listed in the Antenna Structure Registration Database. American LegalNet, Inc. FCC 601 Schedule I Instructions March 2018 - Page 2 Schedule I Instructions Schedule I must be submitted for every Fixed Microwave and Microwave Broadcast Auxiliary application (Parts 101 and 74) filed for a purpose of New (NE), Modification (MD), Renew/Modification (RM) and Amendment (AM). Administrative Information Item 1 If this application is being filed as part of a pack, either simultaneously with the pack or as a late addition to the pack, enter 'Y'. Otherwise enter 221N222. Note: A pack is a set of applications requesting a system or subsystem of microwave links which are related to the extent that they cannot or must not operate independently and so must all have the same grant date and construction deadline. All applications intended to be part of a pack should be filed together with the other applications in the pack, on the same day (the initial filing date of the pack). Applications that are part of a pack may also be filed singly, as a late addition to the pack. In order to incorporate new paper-filed applications into a new pack, all the paper-filed applications for the new pack must be filed together on the same day; it is recommended that they also be filed in the same envelope. Item 2 Complete this item only if the answer to Item 1 is 221Y222. If this application is being filed on the initial filing date of the pack and the Pack Registration Number has already been obtained on-line, or this application is being filed as a late addition to the pack, the Pack Registration Number must be entered in Item 2a. Otherwise, (i.e., if this application is being filed on the initial filing date of the pack and the Pack Registration Number has not been obtained on-line), enter in Item 2b a descriptive and unique pack name, not exceeding 50 characters, which the FCC will use to relate this application to other applications filed for the pack on the same day. The FCC will assign a new Pack Registration Number to the pack. Note: It is recommended that a Pack Registration Number be obtained on-line prior to the initial filing of the pack, and entered in Item 2a, to facilitate pack identification and aggregation, and to avoid confusion. Item 3 Enter the type of operation code. Select only one code per application. A separate license is needed for each type of operation. Valid types of operation codes are: F - Permanent Fixed Point to Point M - Multiple Address System (MAS) T - Temporary Fixed/Mobile D - Digital Electronic Message Service (DEMS) 18 - 18 GHz Low Power (See 47 CFR 247 101.147(r)(10) for definition of Low Power (EIRP less than 1watt)) 31 - 31 GHz Systems 38 - 38 GHz Systems Item 4 Enter the station class code that identifies the transmitter class. Refer to Table 1, located on page 16 of these instructions. The station class codes are as follows: Fixed ......................................................................................... FXO Temporary Fixed ........................................................................ FX5 Mobile ........................................................................................ MO Mobile & Temporary Fixed ......................................................... MO5 Item 5 For Digital Electronic Message Services (DEMS) only: Enter the Standard Metropolitan Statistical Area (SMSA) for the license. Item 6 This question must be answered if filing an application for a NEW station, a Modification, a Renewal/Modification, or an Amendment to a pending application. Enter 221Y222 if you are filing: a. An application for a New Station authorization; b. An application for a Major Modification of an existing authorization; c. An application for a Renewal and Major Modification of an existing authorization; d. An application for Major Amendment of any of the above; e. An application for Minor Modification or Minor Amendment when this application, along with all other minor Modification or amendment requests filed since you applied for a new authorization, or since the last Major action was granted by the Commission, produces a cumulative effect that would equal or exceed the criteria for a Major filing. American LegalNet, Inc. FCC 601 Schedule I Instructions March 2018 - Page 3 Otherwise, enter 221N222 if the cumulative effect would be considered a Minor filing. See 47 CFR 247 1.929 for specific details on Classification of filings as Major or Minor. For your convenience, you will find 47 CFR 247 1.929 listed on Pages 12, 13 and 14 of the FCC 601 Main Form Instructions. Item 7 Enter 221Y222 if frequency coordination has been completed for this application. Otherwise enter 221N222. Frequency Coordinator Information This section must be completed if the station is not self-coordinated. Item 8 Enter the frequency coordination number issued by t