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Form 605 Schedule B - Schedule For Additional Data For The Ship Radio Service (Part 80) Form. This is a Official Federal Forms form and can be use in Federal Communications Commission (FCC).
Tags: Form 605 Schedule B - Schedule For Additional Data For The Ship Radio Service (Part 80), 605-B, Official Federal Forms Federal Communications Commission (FCC),
FCC 605 Schedule B FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION Information and Instructions Instructions for Schedule for Additional Data for the Ship Radio Service (Part 80) Approved by OMB 3060 - 0850 See 605 Main Form Instructions for public burden estimate Form FCC 605, Schedule B, is a supplementary schedule for use with the FCC Quick-Form Application for Authorization in the Ship, Aircraft, Amateur, Restricted and Commercial Operator, and the General Mobile Radio Services, FCC 605 Main Form. This schedule is used to supply information for Ship Radio Service (Part 80). The FCC 605 Main Form must be filed in conjunction with this schedule. Schedule B Instructions You must obtain an FCC Ship Radio Station License if you answer `Y' to any of the following questions. You must answer `Y' or `N' to each item. Item 1 Enter `Y' if you are required by law or treaty to carry a radio on your vessel. Otherwise, enter `N'. Item 2 Enter `Y' if your vessel travels to foreign ports. Otherwise, enter `N'. Item 3 Enter `Y' if you have marine radio equipment on board your vessel other than marine VHF radios, EPIRBs (Emergency Position Indicating Radio Beacon), and radar. Otherwise, enter `N'. NOTE: If you answered `N' to Item 1, Item 2, and Item 3, you are not required to obtain a license - you do not need to file this form with the FCC. ADDITIONAL NOTE: If a ship license is not required, and you choose not to renew, the emergency information used to identify a ship in distress will become inactive and not maintained by the FCC. Correct ship station information is vital for emergency purposes, making it easier to identify and find boats in distress. If you were previously issued a Maritime Mobile Ship Identity (MMSI) by the FCC for a DSC radio, you may update your ship station information with Boat U.S. free of charge using the FCC-issued MMSI unless the FCC-issued MMSI ends in 3 zeros. ( ). Type of License Item 4 Enter the appropriate letter for the type of authorization desired. Enter 'R' if the type of license is regular (transmitter(s) to be used on 1 vessel only). Enter `P' if the type of license is portable (a single transmitter will be used on various U.S. registered vessels). Enter `F' if the type of license is fleet (several vessels will each have transmitters that operate in similar frequency bands and are to be licensed under one authorization). If the type of license is a fleet, also enter the number of ships in the fleet. Class of Ship Item 5 General Class of Ship - Enter the appropriate two letter code from the following list that describes the general class of ship: MM.......................................Merchant PL.........................................Pleasure SV..........................................Rescue FV...........................................Fishing GV.........................Official Service Ship FCC 605 Schedule B - Instructions April 2014 - Page 1 American LegalNet, Inc. Specific Class of Ship - Enter the appropriate two or three letter code from the following list that describes the specific class of ship: ACV.............................Air-cushion vehicle AUX....................................Auxiliary Ship CHA..............................................Barge BLK.......................................Bulk Carrier CBL.........................................Cable Ship PMX.........................Cargo and Passenger CA..........................................Cargo Ship CAB............................................Coaster CON...................................Container Ship BTA.......................................Factory Ship FBT.................................................Ferry PH.....................................Fishing Vessel VDT...........................................Hydrofoil MTB..........................................Motorboat OIL..........................................Oil Tanker TPO........................................Ore Carrier PA....................................Passenger Ship PLT.......................................Pilot Tender FRG.............................................Reefer EXP.....................Research or Survey Ship VLR.......................................Sailing Ship RAM....................................Salvage Ship SLO...............................................Sloop RAV...................................Supply Vessel CIT..............................................Tanker ECO....................................Training Ship TRA..............................................Tramp CHR............................................Trawler TUG.................................................Tug BLN.............................................Whaler YAT...............................................Yacht Other Required Information Item 6 If applying for a new ship station authorization and the ship already has been assigned a four (4) letter call sign (e.g., WXYZ) by the FCC, enter it here. Item 7 Enter the name of the ship, if it has one. If it does not, it is suggested that you name your ship for identification purposes and your own safety. If your ship is not named, and you have not provided a State Registration number in item 5, your application will be returned. Item 8 Enter the official Coast Guard Documentation Number (as it appears on the document, e.g., 250012) or the State Registration Number (as it appears on the registration, e.g., FL2011GG) of the ship. Do not provide a foreign registration number since the FCC does not license foreign registered vessels. Item 9 Enter 'Y' if the ship will make international voyages. Otherwise, enter 'N'. NOTE: Applications for a fleet station license, the vessels do not engage in voyages to any foreign country. See 47 CFR � 80.55. Item 10 Enter 'Y' if the ship will communicate with foreign coast stations. Otherwise, enter 'N'. Radiotelegraph, Narrow-band Direct-printing (NB-DP)/SITOR, and Digital Selective Calling Equipment Information Items 11-13 Complete only if you have Radiotelegraph, Narrow-band Direct-printing (NB-DP)/SITOR, or Digital Selective Calling Equipment on board the vessel. Check each box that applies and provide the additional information as needed. If you have been issued an MMSI number by COMSAT/Lockheed Martin or Stratos, enter in Item 13. Note: If you have been issued an MMSI number by BoatUS, Maritel or SeaTow, these MMSI numbers are for vessels that do not require an FCC license. DO NOT enter t