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Form U-10 Uniform Examination Request For Non-NASD Candidates Form. This is a Official Federal Forms form and can be use in NASAA.
Tags: Form U-10 Uniform Examination Request For Non-NASD Candidates, U-10, Official Federal Forms NASAA,
Form U10
Instructions For Completion and Submission by Check or Money Order
We now offer on line submissions of the Form U10. This new option provides a more convenient credit
card payment option. Click here to utilize on-line processing for Form U10. Please note, new users will
need to click the “Register Now” hyperlink located in the upper right hand side of the login screen to
receive a User Name and Password. For U10 applications submitted with check or money order
payments; please follow the directions below.
1. Complete Items 1-4 in full. Identify the examination(s) being requested under Item 4. Failure to
complete all items will cause the application to be returned unprocessed.
2. Attach a single check or money order made payable to NASD for the total amount of examination
fees due. Print the candidate’s and firm’s name on the face of the check. NOTE: Examination
3. Send the fully completed Form U10 together with your check or money order for the total
examination fees due to:
NASD - Field Support
P.O. Box 5054
Philadelphia, PA 19175-5054.
For overnight deliveries, please send to:
NASD - Field Support
701 Market Street 199-3490
Philadelphia, PA 19106-1532
4. Form U10 will not be processed until the necessary authorization is provided directly to NASD
by the appropriate regulatory authority. If the required authorization is not received from the
appropriate regulatory authority within thirty (30) days of the date of receipt, Form U10 will be
returned unprocessed.
5. Once the U10 registration has been approved and processed, a Notice of Enrollment will be
emailed to both the firm contact named in Item 1 and the candidate listed in Item 2.
6. Candidates must make the necessary appointment and take the examination before the expiration
date as shown on the Notice of Enrollment or the enrollment expires and the fee is forfeited.
Enrollments are valid for 120 calendar days only. Fees and enrollments are not refundable and
cannot be transferred to either another individual or an examination for the same individual. If
the candidate late cancels (see below) or does not appear for their scheduled appointment, the
examination fee is forfeited and a new Form U10 must be submitted.
7. Persons without valid enrollments will not be permitted to schedule or take an examination. To
re-enroll for a failed examination, forfeited enrollment, or an expired enrollment, re-submit the
Form U10 with the appropriate examination fee(s).
American LegalNet, Inc.
8. NASD assumes no responsibility for providing copies of official results to regulatory authorities
other than the sponsoring SRO.
Scheduling/Examination Administration Information
Examination and training sessions are provided at authorized NASD testing centers throughout the United
States. Complete information concerning examination administration, test center locations and admittance
requirements are located at
Appointments can be scheduled through either Pearson VUE or Prometric:
Pearson Professional Centers: contact Pearson VUE’s National Registration Center at
1-866-396-6273 (toll free), or 1-952-681-3873 (toll number) or go to
for Web-based scheduling.
Prometric Testing Centers: contact Prometric’s National Call Center at 1-800-578-6273 (toll
free) or go to for Web-based scheduling.
If, for any reason, a candidate cannot make a scheduled appointment, the appointment must be cancelled.
Responsibility rests with the candidate or firm to make and/or cancel appointments in a timely manner.
The examination enrollment and fee will be forfeited if an appointment is not cancelled in accordance
with the required notification criteria, the candidate fails to appear for an appointment or arrives at the test
center so late that his/her session cannot begin without disrupting the center schedule for that date. If a
holiday occurs during the normal cancellation period, this schedule adjusts to define “timely cancellation”
as one day earlier than stated below. Cancellation will be considered timely if effected according to the
following schedule:
If appointment is scheduled for:
Cancellation must be effected no later than noon (local time)
Thursday of the preceding week
Friday of the preceding week
Monday of the same week
Tuesday of the same week
Wednesday of the same week
Thursday of the same week
Eligibility of Candidates
Form U10, the Uniform Examination Request for non-NASD candidates, is designed for use by
individuals not employed or associated with NASD member firms who, as part of a registration process,
have been specifically required by another regulatory authority to qualify by examination. (Persons
seeking NASD registration must be employed by or associated with an NASD member firm. All
examination scheduling for persons associated with NASD member firms or firms applying for NASD
membership must be made by the firm on a Form U4.)
Responsibility rests with the candidates and their firms to: 1) ascertain directly from the appropriate
regulatory authority specific advice as to which qualifying examination is required; 2) provide the
necessary registration application to that agency in accordance with their requirements; and 3) determine
what that regulator requires of them before the agency will provide NASD with the necessary
authorization to proceed with Form U10 processing and test scheduling.
NASD assumes no responsibility for contacting another regulatory agency with respect to provision of the
required authorization or the candidate’s choice of examination.
American LegalNet, Inc.
Form U10
Uniform Examination Request for Non-NASD Candidates
1. Candidate Information
Legal Name
Social Security Number ____________________
Street Address___________________________________________
City _______________________State ______________Zip________________
Email Address ___________________________________
2. Firm Information
Firm Name
Firm Address __________________________________________
City _______________________State ______________Zip________________
Contact Name ______________________________Telephone Number ____________________
Email Address _____________________________________
3. Regulator
Identify the state, self-regulatory, or bank regulatory agency with which the firm is registered and is
requiring the qualification/registration of the candidate:
American Stock Exchange
Chicago Board Options Exchange
Comptroller of the Currency
Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation
Federal Reserve Board
Midwest Stock Exchange
National Futures Association
New York Stock Exchange
Pacific Stock Exchange
Philadelphia Stock Exchange
State of (identify the State and the regulatory agency)
OTHER (indicate the full name of the regulatory authority)
4. Examinations
Check the appropriate box(es) for each examination to request registration. The applicable
examination fee follows each test.
A. The following examination requests will be approved and administered by NASD only when
the required authorization is received directly from the respective State Administrator or selfregulatory organization identified under Item 3. These examinations are available only to
individuals who have made application for registration with a state regulator or SRO and are
specifically required by the regulator to qualify by one of these examinations.
Series 4 Registered Options Principal
Series 5 Interest Rate Options
Series 6 Investment Company and Variable Contracts Products Representative
Series 7 General Securities Representative
Series 9 General Securities Sales Supervisor-Options Module
Series 10 General Securities Sales Supervisor-General Module
Series 11 Assistant Representative-Order Processing
Series 12 Branch Manager
$ 80
$ 60
$ 75
$ 60
$ 100
$ 60
$ 80
American LegalNet, Inc.
Series 15 Foreign Currency Options
$ 60
Series 22 Direct Participation Programs Representative
$ 75
Series 23 General Securities Principal Qualification Examination Sales Supervisor Module
$ 75
Series 24 General Securities Principal
$ 95
Series 26 Investment Company and Variable Contracts Products Principal
$ 75
Series 27 Financial and Operations Principal
$ 95
Series 28 Introducing Broker/Dealer Financial and Operations Principal
$ 75
Series 39 Direct Participation Programs Principal
$ 75
Series 42 Registered Options Representative
$ 60
Series 55 Limited Representative Equity Trader
$ 85
Series 62 Corporate Securities Representative
$ 75
Series 72 Government Securities Representative
$ 85
Series 86 Research Analyst Part I – Analysis Module
Series 87 Research Analyst Part II – Regulatory Module
B. The following examination requests will be approved only for individuals associated with
municipal securities dealers registered with the bank regulatory agency identified under Item
Series 51 Municipal Fund Securities Principal
Series 52 Municipal Securities Representative
Series 53 Municipal Securities Principal
$ 75
$ 80
$ 80
C. The following examinations do not require authorization from a State Administrator or selfregulatory organization.
Series 3 National Commodities Futures
Series 30 Branch Managers Examination-Futures
Series 31 Futures Managed Funds Examination
Series 32 Limited Futures Examination-Regulation
Series 63 Uniform Securities Agent State Law Examination
Series 65 Uniform Investment Advisor Law Examination
Series 66 Uniform Combined State Law Examination
$ 95
$ 60
$ 60
$ 60
$ 82
D. The following Continuing Education computer based training programs will be approved and
administered by NASD only when the required authorization is received directly from the
respective State Administrator or self-regulatory organization identified under Item 3.
Continuing Education Regulatory Element General Program (S101)
Continuing Education Regulatory Element Series 6 Program (S106)
Continuing Education Regulatory Element Supervisor Program (S201)
$ 75
$ 75
$ 75
E. The following examination requests will be approved only for individuals associated with the
appropriate SRO identified under item 3.
Series 91
Series 92
$ 115
$ 115
American LegalNet, Inc.