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REVIEW THE FOLLOWING IMPORTANT INFORMATION BEFORE FILLING OUT A STATEMENT OF POSITION FORM Completing and Filing this Form: The Notice of Hearing indicates which parties are responsible for completing the form. If you are required to complete the form, you must have it signed by an authorized representative and file a completed copy (including all attachments) with the RD and serve copies on all parties named in the petition by the date and time established for its submission. If more space is needed for your answers, additional pages may be attached. If you have questions about this form or would like assistance in filling out this form, please contact the Board agent assigned to handle this case. You may EFile your , but unlike other e-Filed documents, it will not be Statement of Position at timely if filed on the due date but after noon in the time zone of the Region where the petition was filed. Note: Non-employer parties who complete this Statement of Position are NOT required to complete items 8f and 8g of the form, or to provide a commerce questionnaire or the lists described in item 7. In RM cases, the employer is NOT required to complete items 3, 5, 6, and 8a-8e of the form. Required Lists: The employer's Statement of Position must include a list of the full names, work locations, shifts, and job classifications of all individuals in the proposed unit as of the payroll period preceding the filing of the petition who remain employed at the time of filing. If the employer contends that the proposed unit is inappropriate, the employer must separately list the full names, work locations, shifts and job classifications of all individuals that it contends must be added to the proposed unit to make it an appropriate unit. The employer must also indicate those individuals, if any, whom it believes must be excluded from the proposed unit to make it an appropriate unit. These lists must be alphabetized (overall or by department). Unless the employer certifies that it does not possess the capacity to produce the lists in the required form, the lists must be in a table in a Microsoft Word file (.doc or .docx) or a file that is compatible with Microsoft Word, the first column of the table must begin with each employee's last name, and the font size of the list must be the equivalent of Times New Roman 10 or larger. That font does not need to be used but the font must be that size or larger. A sample, optional form for the list is provided on the NLRB website at Consequences of Failure to Supply Information: Failure to supply the information requested by this form may preclude you from litigating issues under 102.66(d) of the Board's Rules and Regulations. Section 102.66(d) provides as follows: A party shall be precluded from raising any issue, presenting any evidence relating to any issue, crossexamining any witness concerning any issue, and presenting argument concerning any issue that the party failed to raise in its timely Statement of Position or to place in dispute in response to another party's Statement of Position or response, except that no party shall be precluded from contesting or presenting evidence relevant to the Board's statutory jurisdiction to process the petition. Nor shall any party be precluded, on the grounds that a voter's eligibility or inclusion was not contested at the pre-election hearing, from challenging the eligibility of any voter during the election. If a party contends that the proposed unit is not appropriate in its Statement of Position but fails to specify the classifications, locations, or other employee groupings that must be added to or excluded from the proposed unit to make it an appropriate unit, the party shall also be precluded from raising any issue as to the appropriateness of the unit, presenting any evidence relating to the appropriateness of the unit, cross-examining any witness concerning the appropriateness of the unit, and presenting argument concerning the appropriateness of the unit. If the employer fails to timely furnish the lists of employees described in ��102.63(b)(1)(iii), (b)(2)(iii), or (b)(3 (iii), the employer shall be precluded from contesting the appropriateness of the proposed unit at any time and from contesting the eligibility or inclusion of any individuals at the preelection hearing, including by presenting evidence or argument, or by cross-examination of witnesses. American LegalNet, Inc. FORM NLRB-505 (4-15) UNITED STATES OF AMERICA NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD DO NOT WRITE IN THIS SPACE Case No. Date Filed STATEMENT OF POSITION INSTRUCTIONS: Submit this Statement of Position to an NLRB Office in the Region in which the petition was filed and serve it and all attachments on each party named in the petition in this case such that it is received by them by the date and time specified in the notice of hearing. Note: Non-employer parties who complete this form are NOT required to complete items 8f or 8g below or to provide a commerce questionnaire or the lists described in item 7. In RM cases, the employer is NOT required to respond to items 3, 5, 6, and 8a-8e below. 1a. Full name of party filing Statement of Position: 1c. Business Phone: 1e. Fax No.: 1b. Address (Street and number, city, state, and ZIP code): 1d. Cell No.: 1f. e-Mail Address: Yes No 2. Do you agree that the NLRB has jurisdiction over the Employer in this case? (A completed commerce questionnaire (Attachment A) must be submitted by the Employer, regardless of whether jurisdiction is admitted) Yes No (If not, answer 3a and 3b.) 3. Do you agree that the proposed unit is appropriate? a. State the basis for your contention that the proposed unit is not appropriate. (If you contend a classification should be excluded or included briefly explain why, such as shares a community of interest or are supervisors or guards.) b. State any classifications, locations, or other employee groupings that must be added to or excluded from the proposed unit to make it an appropriate unit. Added: Excluded: 4. Other than the individuals in classifications listed in 3b, list any individual(s) whose eligibility to vote you intend to contest at the pre-election hearing in this case and the basis for contesting their eligibility. 5. Is there a bar to conducting an election in this case? Yes No If yes, state the basis for your posit