Request To Block Petition
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Request To Block Petition Form. This is a Official Federal Forms form and can be use in National Labor Relations Board.
Tags: Request To Block Petition, NLRB-5546, Official Federal Forms National Labor Relations Board,
Form NLRB-5546 (4-2015) REQUEST TO BLOCK _____________________________ is a party to the representation (name of requesting party) proceeding in Case ____________. It ______________ an unfair labor (Case number) practice charge in Case ___________ and hereby requests that the petition (Case number) be blocked by this charge. (Signature) (Date) (Name and Title) As required by Section 103.20 of the Board's Rules, the party seeking to block the petition must simultaneously file an offer of proof with the request to block that provides the names of the witnesses who will testify in support of the charge and a summary of each witness's anticipated testimony. The party seeking to block must also promptly make available to the Region the witnesses identified in its offer of proof. The offer of proof is not served on the other parties. OFFER OF PROOF 1. Witness Name: ______________________________________ Summary of Testimony 2. Witness Name: ______________________________________ Summary of Testimony American LegalNet, Inc. Form NLRB-5546 (4-2015) 3. Witness Name: ______________________________________ Summary of Testimony 4. Witness Name: ______________________________________ Summary of Testimony 5. Witness Name: ______________________________________ Summary of Testimony 6. Witness Name: ______________________________________ Summary of Testimony 7. Witness Name: ______________________________________ Summary of Testimony 8. Witness Name: ______________________________________ Summary of Testimony (Continue on additional pages as necessary) American LegalNet, Inc.